Chapter 90 Three Deadly Sins

"There is a lot of farm work in the countryside today. We have been working hard in the fields for a day, and the head of the household is tired. We thought we would rest and talk about it the next day. Who knew that when we went to Dagang's house early this morning, we found that no one was there. He Xingwang and his family were not there either. Not here."

Aunt Fang said as she picked up the medicine bag in her hand, "It just so happens that the old lady at home has a leg problem and the medicine can only be obtained in the city. Sister-in-law Yao also came to the city to buy some things, so we came together. This We decided to put the matter of the two of them hooking up into an affair aside for now, and when we go back later, we have to go to Dagang’s house to tell us anything, but we didn’t know that this happened!”

"Yes! What a sin!" Sister-in-law Yao sighed as she looked at the body that had been covered with white cloth. "All the women in the village envied Lu Tinglan for marrying a good husband. No matter how hard life was, Dagang never let her go out to wash and mend. She had earned a copper plate, and she was not even allowed to do small farm work such as fetching water and cooking. She was supported like a little ancestor. Her life was many times better than when she was beaten and scolded by her father, a gambler at home. Who would have thought that after so long of confession, such a poisonous woman would come out!"

"You! You two talkative women! Don't talk nonsense! When did Tinglan and I have an affair? We have always been innocent!" He Xingwang's face turned ugly.

You know, for adultery in Yuansheng, not only women will be dipped in pig cages, but even men will be fined a hundred bucks!
He clenched his fists and rushed forward to beat Aunt Fang and Sister-in-law Yao. His ferocious look frightened the two of them and they stepped back. Fortunately, the officers and soldiers nearby controlled them in time.

He Xingwang couldn't break free from the grasp of the officers and soldiers, his face turned red and he roared loudly, "You two talkative women! You two talkative women! We are unjust, sir! Sir! It's all these two talkative women who are talking nonsense. We have nothing, sir." !”

Compared to He Xing's excitement, Lu Tinglan calmed down. She didn't cry loudly, nor did she sob. It was a rare silence after coming to the government office.

Her eyes were blood red and there were dried tears in the corners of her eyes.

As far as the eye can see - is Zou Dagang's body.

But his whole body was still weak and he lay on the ground.

When the gavel sounded, Gongsun Yue asked, "Why is Lu Tinglan so prosperous? Can you two plead guilty?"

She said, "The civilian woman confessed."

Lu Tinglan was forced to kneel by the officers and soldiers with fire sticks. Her hair was messy and her tone was weak, "A civilian woman must confess three crimes."

"You stinky bitch, don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense."

He Xingwang wanted to stop Lu Tinglan, but the officers and soldiers blocked his mouth with a cloth. He kept snoring and struggling until his face was red and his ears were red, and his veins were clearly visible.

"Three deadly sins!" Everyone was surprised.

"Fornicating with others and poisoning your husband are two crimes, but she has to plead guilty to three!"

"What other outrageous things did this adulterer and adulteress do!?"

"Quiet!" Gongsun Yue took a picture of the gavel, and the voices of the people watching outside gradually decreased.

"The first crime was the adultery between a civilian woman and her cousin He Xingwang."

"The second crime was that the civilian woman conspired with He Xingwang to poison her husband, Zou Dagang."

"The third crime was that the civilian woman conspired with He Xingwang to poison her bedridden mother-in-law."

Lu Tinglan committed three crimes in a row, making everyone gasp.

"What! Mother Zou was killed by you too!" Sister-in-law Yao staggered and pointed at Lu Tinglan tremblingly, "Mother Zou is such a good person. Before she was bedridden, she would always help anyone who was in trouble. Hey, who in the village has not received her favor, especially you!" She pointed at He Xingwang, "When you couldn't eat, who left a mouthful of hot rice for you every night! It was Mother Zou!"

She turned to Lu Tinglan and expressed her heartache, "After you came in, everyone in the village said that Dagang pampered you too much, but Mother Zou never said a bad word, and never made things difficult for you. Instead, she said that women are You deserve to be pampered by men, you two wolf-hearted things, you inherited the great kindness of the Zou family, and in the end you actually killed the orphans and widows of this family!"

"That's right! Have you two consciences been eaten by dogs?" Aunt Fang supported Sister-in-law Yao, fearing that she would faint from anger, and carried it for her, "He Xingwang, if you hadn't been penniless and destitute back then, Mother Zou, you have already starved to death! How could you still be here today!"

"And you, Lu Tinglan, if it hadn't been for Dagang back then, you wouldn't have known which family your father sold you to as a concubine, and you didn't even know when you were beaten to death. How cruel must you be to do such harm? He killed someone else’s mother, and now he’s here to kill someone else’s son!”

"You stinky bitch!" He Xingwang broke free from the restraints of the officers and soldiers, rushed over and strangled Lu Tinglan's neck, "I will let you talk nonsense! I will let you talk nonsense!"

"Adulter and adulterer! How dare you kill my mother!" Yinhun roared angrily, and the Yinhun Qi around him suddenly grew stronger.

Seeing that something was wrong, Luo Jiuli hurriedly chanted a spell, urging the magic talisman to automatically move without wind, and pressed it directly against Yin Hun's forehead.

"The deceased is gone, don't be excited. If you start killing, you will most likely fall into the realm of animals in your next life!"

The sudden situation confused everyone.

"what happened?"

"Why did this talisman stop in mid-air!"

"Who is the owner of Ruyi Restaurant talking to?"

"Get out of the way! I'm not afraid of any beast! I just want these two adulterers and whores to die!" Yinhun wanted to break away from the magic talisman, but he couldn't. He could only vent his anger by roaring.

"You did so many good things during your lifetime, but after your death you fell into the beastly way for two people who are worse than pigs and dogs. It is not worth it. Moreover, the charges have been proven, and the two of them will die sooner or later." Luo Jiuli said, " Just calm down and I can help you vent your anger first."

"Yes! Don't do this. You have to pay for the rest of your life for these two people. It's not worth it!" Wen Yi advised.

Seeing the talisman hanging above his head, He Xingwang was so frightened that he fell to the ground. Lu Tinglan was able to catch her breath, raised her head, laughed crazily, and tears flowed down the corners of her eyes.

The master didn't know where he got the order. Without Gongsun Yue's consent, he ordered the officers and soldiers to stop the people and close the gate of the government office.

Sister-in-law Yao was also frightened, but she still asked cautiously, "Sir, is Dagang here?"

Luo Jiuli hummed, and saw Sister-in-law Yao pointing towards the position of the magic talisman and saying earnestly, "Dagang, sister-in-law knows that you are wronged. You have been a good boy since you were a child. Be obedient and don't dirty your hands. These two people have committed a crime." If you kill someone for sin, the government will punish them, but in the next life you have to keep your eyes open and don't find such a poisonous woman as your daughter-in-law to be pampered, do you understand?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Sister-in-law Yao, I understand." Yinhun cried so hard that he couldn't stop crying and returned to his original state. The magic talisman spontaneously ignited and turned into ashes and fell to the ground.

"What are you going to do?! What are you doing?! Don't come over! Don't come over!"

Seeing Luo Jiuli approaching step by step, He Xingwang panicked and backed away repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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