Chapter 94 One or two!

"That's fine." Luo Jiuli had no objection. She took out a piece of talisman paper from her waist and muttered something.

The talisman turned into a beam of golden light, surrounding the ghosts.

"Master, this, this is?"

"At three quarters of noon, the yang energy is strong. If you go to Caishikou to watch them behead someone, you will be scared to death. By then, it can protect you." Luo Jiuli said.

"Thank you, master! Thank you, master!" Yinhun fell to his knees and kowtowed to Luo Jiuli.

"Okay, get up! It's just a piece of cake! If you don't leave with the people in the underworld in three days, you can also go to the Ruyi Restaurant on West Street to find me. If I'm not here, you have to wait for two more days."

Anpinghou Mansion, back garden.

Luo Jiuli had someone move a deck chair and lie down in the shade. There was a maid fanning her beside her and feeding her various delicacies. She felt very comfortable.

Ye Yuwei stood next to her, looking at the old and young children who were eating happily behind them, "Madam, here, they"

"What's wrong with them?" Luo Jiuli took a bite of the grapes handed over by the maid, "Master raised me since I was a child. Now that I want to get married, I naturally have to take Master with me. Junior brother, he is so young and cute. Since he can’t take care of himself, Mr. Ye must not have the heart to throw him out!”

Luo Jiuli took another bite of the orange fed by the maid, "Besides, isn't this what Mr. Ye personally promised me!"

Ye Yuwei: "."

Most women's small requirements are gold and silver jewelry and beautiful clothes.

How did he know that she could be so weird!
I want to bring someone to marry me!

Moreover, there are still two in one area!

Luo Jiuli covered his eyes with a fan, "Okay, stop hanging here and call all your concubines over!"

"Ah? What are you asking them to do?" Ye Yuwei's head was full of questions.

"Of course it's the backyard!"

Luo Jiuli said it naturally, but it shocked everyone around him.

Especially the servant who followed Ye Yuwei to the government office and came back together.

They didn't know what was going on. The young master thought they were stupid and asked them to wait outside and not disturb his friends.

As a result, they waited for the young master to suddenly say that he wanted to marry a man into the family.

But they were frightened and immediately tried to persuade him, only to learn that the man the young master wanted to marry was actually a girl disguised as a man.

Knowing that the young master was marrying a woman, they were relieved. If the young master really married a man, it would be strange that the marquis would not break the legs of their followers.

After finally finding out that the young master was marrying a woman, he was relieved. Little did he know that this woman was going to marry into the Hou Mansion with her master and junior brother.

This, if the young master doesn't say anything, they have no objection.

But after finally digesting the fact that the woman was going to marry into the Hou Mansion with her master and junior brother, she actually wanted to send the young master to his backyard again! ! ! !
At this time, the servants were stunned again, including Ye Yuwei.

Only Bai Hua and Bai Yue sat in the back and ate their own delicacies as if nothing had happened.

"What? No?" Luo Jiuli took away the fan and sat up halfway, "Don't you promise me everything you said?"

Luo Jiuli used his own voice this time, which was delicate and sounded a little aggrieved.

She sighed, "Oh! I just know that men are all liars, and they don't know how to cherish it once they get it."

As she said this, she stood up to leave, but was grabbed by Ye Yuwei, as if she had made some important decision, "I promise you, Xiao Wu!"

"The servant is here." One of the servants stood up.

"Go and call all the concubines in my master's room." "Sir, here..." the servant hesitated.

"What is this, go!"

He was worried about how to get rid of the eyeliner, but now it's better, he doesn't have to worry anymore, if the eldest lady wants to put eyeliner in his room again, he will have his wife to protect him!
"Oh!! Yes, slave, go right now!" Xiao Wu turned around and ran out.

At the same time, a dark shadow on the eaves not far away saw the scene in the garden and flew away.

"Madam, it's time for you to believe that your husband is sincere to you!" Ye Yuwei took Luo Jiuli's hand and put it on his chest.

Luo Jiuli felt a chill, pulled his hand away with force, and lay back on the recliner, "Just give it a try!"

"Then my husband has shown her sincerity. When will the lady take off the man's makeup so that my husband can see his true face?"

"The time has not come yet, the moon must be on the branches." Luo Jiuli said nonsense seriously.

"." Ye Yuwei, "This? Does it still depend on the time?"

"Of course." Luo Jiuli nodded, "In our Xuanmen, the first meeting we met is very important. For example, the two of us met during the day. I was dressed as a man. If you want to be with me, If so, you have to watch my daughter pretend at night when the moon is in the middle."

"Why is this so? What's the point?" Ye Yuwei asked curiously.

"White is yang and night is yin, the same goes for men and women." Luo Jiuli made nonsense and said something that he didn't even understand.

But Ye Yuwei seemed to understand, nodding his head repeatedly, and even boasted: "My lady is so amazing! She knows so much!"

Luo Jiuli's mouth twitched slightly: "."

You are better!

"Sir, everyone is here." Xiao Wu came in from the side of the garden, followed by a group of orioles and swallows, women with different shapes and sizes.

Luo Jiuli turned his head and looked, "."

Damn it!These women are no less than the women in Jun Mohan's backyard!

She did a rough count and found that there were at least three to forty people.

Tsk tsk tsk, I don’t know how many of them were robbed.

"Husband, you have remembered us!" A woman rushed towards Ye Yuwei.

"Yes, husband! What's so good about women outside! You should come to the courtyard more often every day to see our sisters!" Another woman rushed over.

"Husband, Meier hasn't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much that my heart hurts!"

"Husband, Xiang'er misses you too! I can't sleep even thinking about it!"

Many women gathered around, squeezing Luo Jiuli, who was lying next to Ye Yuwei, so much that his chair moved several steps away.

Luo Jiu stood up from his chair and looked at the popular Ye Yuwei surrounded by a group of women, feeling speechless for a while.

Damn me!what's the situation!
Wasn't it snatched back?

Why doesn't she look like this?
"Hey! Master, are you my husband's friend?" A woman discovered Luo Jiuli.

"I guess so!" Luo Jiuli regained his masculine voice, "Weren't you kidnapped? Why are you still..." being so enthusiastic to him.

Luo Jiuli didn't say the next few words, but the woman had already understood what she wanted to express, and said proudly, "Who said we were snatched back? We were obviously given to our husband by the eldest lady."

"That's right, it's impossible for those women outside to stay with their husbands, how can they compare to us." A woman followed.

(End of this chapter)

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