Chapter 95
"Then if you were given a choice to leave here, what would you do?"

"What! Leave the Hou's Mansion!!!" Before Luo Jiuli could finish his words, he was interrupted by the sharp voice of the woman beside him, "Why should we leave the Hou's Mansion?! I don't want to leave the Hou's Mansion! I don't want to leave my husband!" "

"Even if I don't want it, I will stay in the Hou Mansion and not go anywhere!"

"I'm not going anywhere, I just want to stay with my husband for the rest of my life!"

"Me too!"

"So are we!"

"." The corner of Luo Jiuli's mouth twitched slightly, "Haha, it's just what if, don't get excited, don't get excited."

On the other side, Ye Yuwei angrily stood up from the crowd of women, "Okay!"

He pushed away the woman hanging on his body and pointed to a position, "You all stand over for me! Stand still! Don't be next to me!"

"Oh!" The woman staggered two steps after being pushed, biting her lip in frustration, "Husband~"

"Husband, what are you doing~ It hurts others~"

"Yes, husband, it hurts so much~"

Luo Jiuli: "."

Rumors are really harmful!
She thought that all the concubines in this guy's house were snatched away, and she was planning to do some heroic rescue!

But there is no need for her to save him!

Moreover, she felt that if she dared to say anything about sending them out of the house, she might be the one who needed to be rescued!

"It hurts no matter what! Stand still for me!" Ye Yuwei opened his fan and fanned hard, "I tell you that I am going to get a wife, so starting from today, you..."

"Young Master." A servant hurried from not far away, interrupting Ye Yuwei's words, "Prince Yi, Prince Yi is here."

"What! King Yi! Why did this evil star come?!" Ye Yuwei stopped fanning suddenly. He didn't remember any interactions with Jun Mohan when he grew up.

Is it because you didn’t beat him enough when you were a child?

Now I suddenly think of it and want to make it up? !

Ye Yuwei shook his head, feeling that this was unlikely.

He waved his hand to the slave impatiently, "Go, go, he's coming, you should go find the old man. If the old man isn't here, you should go find the eldest lady. She is very busy, how come she comes after me? Go away. Go away, don't bother me here."

"Yes, but King Yi wants to see you by name, young master." The servant is an old man from the Hou Mansion. He has been working in the Hou Mansion since Ye Yuwei was born.

He knew that Ye Yuwei was often beaten by Jun Mohan when he was a child, and he also knew that Ye Yuwei had always been unable to beat Jun Mohan, so he took a detour.

Therefore, when Jun Mohan came in and said he wanted to see Ye Yuwei, he asked him again and again to avoid mishearing, and only after confirmation did he come to Ye Yuwei to report.

"What!" Ye Yuwei lost his composure and put away his fan, "Why did he come to me? Did he say anything?"

"Tell me, I'm here to pick up someone." The servant glanced at Luo Jiuli beside him.

"Pick you up?!" Ye Yuwei followed the slave's gaze and asked, "What's your relationship with Jun Mohan?"

Luo Jiuli spread his hands and blinked innocently, "I don't know anything!"

Dog man, you came quite quickly!
"Wow! Brother Wang is coming! Brother Wang is coming!"

Wen Yi was undoubtedly the happiest about Jun Mohan's arrival.

"Sir, are you seeing this or not?" the servant asked.

"Nonsense! Of course I'll meet you!"

People are coming to our door, how can he not see him?

Ye Yuwei put the fan on his waist and said, "We'll talk about things here later when we come back."

He pointed at Luo Jiuli and said, "You, come with me."

"Am I going too?" Luo Jiuli pointed to himself in surprise, "Why?"

She hasn't achieved her goal yet, so she doesn't want to leave so soon!

"There are so many reasons, let's go." Ye Yuwei said and walked out first. "Master, please!" The servant looked at Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli pouted and followed.

"Master, master, senior brother is leaving!" Bai Yue stuffed a mouthful of cakes, pulled Bai Hua's sleeves, looked at the table full of delicious food, and asked reluctantly, "Are we leaving too?"

Bai Hua gnawed on the duck wings and took the time to glance at Luo Jiuli's shrinking back, "It's okay, don't worry about her."

"Okay!" Bai Yue responded cheerfully, picked up the sweet-scented osmanthus cake with her little hand and stuffed it into her mouth. Her mouth was filled with the fragrance of cinnamon, and she smiled so much that her eyes turned into crescents.

The women in the garden looked at each other.

"Did the husband just say that he wanted to get a wife!?"

"Yeah, yes, that's what I said."

"Which family's young lady? Why is it so sudden? I've never heard of her before?"

"Yes! This... this is too sudden!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuah, I don't want my husband to take a wife. What will we sisters do if our husband takes a wife?"

"Yes, if the other party is easy to get along with, that's fine. If he has a bad temper, ugh!"

Except for the eldest lady in the Hou Mansion who would come to them from time to time to ask about her husband, most of the time they would not be restrained.

There was no mistress in the room, so the concubines lived quite comfortably.

But now Ye Yuwei suddenly said that he wanted to get a wife, which forced the women to worry about their future lives.

I'm afraid that if I meet a mistress with a bad temper, I'll sell them off at will.

"How about we ask the eldest lady? She always loves us and will definitely tell us what kind of girl the other party is. If we ask clearly, we can make plans in advance!"

This proposal was unanimously agreed upon by the women almost as soon as it came out.

"Alright, alright."


Luo Jiuli slowly followed Ye Yuwei.

I watched him walk bravely and confidently with my own eyes.

I thought he would just go in and see Jun Mohan.

Unexpectedly, when he came to the door, he suddenly put on a well-behaved face, lost all his bad temper, and walked in with a smile, "Oh! King Yi, long time no see! Long time no see! The common people send their regards to His Highness King Yi!"

Although Ye Yuwei is the only son of the Hou family, he has no official position and has not been named the crown prince. Therefore, he can only call himself a commoner.

Seeing such two extreme faces, Luo Jiuli was speechless.

Do the children of this noble family in Beijing learn to change their faces since they were young?

Jun Mohan sat high up and glanced at Ye Yuwei lightly, without saying a word, which made Ye Yuwei feel frightened.

There was nothing I could do. When I was a child, I was afraid of being beaten by this devil who was even more messed up than him.

The point is that he really can't beat Jun Mohan, otherwise, hey, he wouldn't be afraid.

A long silence.

Ye Yuwei tentatively said, "Prince Yi"

"It's not over yet." Jun Mohan raised his thin lips and interrupted Ye Yuwei's words, but the words were not addressed to Ye Yuwei, but to Luo Jiuli who came in from behind.

Luo Jiuli rolled her eyes at him and didn't move.

Jun Mohan curled his lips, and his eyes were deep, "Doesn't my beloved concubine still want me to come over and invite you?"


Jun Mohan's words were like a thunderbolt from the blue, making Ye Yuwei crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

My beloved concubine! ! ! !
 Woohoo~ I'm stuck today, I only updated one chapter!Let’s find another chapter and make up for it some other time!Crying TT
(End of this chapter)

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