Chapter 96: Destroy my mother’s stage as soon as she comes

Luo Jiuli gritted his teeth and glared at Jun Mohan.

What a piece of shit, you're going to destroy me as soon as you come here!
"Brother Wang! Brother Wang!" Wen Yi floated to Jun Mohan and rubbed his hand affectionately, "If you don't come, Mrs. Wang will run away with someone else!"

Luo Jiuli: "."

Which of her eyes could see that what she was doing meant that she was going to cheat on someone?

Fortunately, Jun Mohan couldn't see her, otherwise Wen Yi would have been better at complaining.

She sat down angrily, "Why are you here?"

Aren't we busy looking for someone to take the blame for Isaiah's death these past two days?
There is still time to take care of her! ?
"My beloved concubine has run away with others, how could I not come?"

Jun Mohan handed the tea in his hand to Luo Jiuli and glanced at Ye Yuwei from the corner of his eye.

Ye Yuwei was left a little weak at his feet, but he pretended that nothing was wrong on his face.

They have all grown up and become sensible.

He won’t do anything for no reason like he did when he was a kid!

And, my beloved concubine?
Princess Yi is a sick woman, and the one in front of her is a favored concubine.

Jun Mohan probably wouldn't beat him up for a concubine, right?

Ye Yuwei comforted himself so much that he felt that it was nothing.

His feet were no longer soft, and he became bolder, "Wang Yi, old man, no, my father"

"My king asked you to speak?"

Jun Mohan looked past, and Ye Yuwei remained silent in grievance.

This place is obviously his Anpinghou residence, how come he, Jun Mohan, is the master.

Ye Yuwei snorted secretly, even though he thought so, he didn't dare to say it out loud. He was beaten by Jun Mohan again and again when he was a child, and the psychological shadow has been left to this day.

"Huh?" Jun Mohan looked at Luo Jiuli and moved the hand holding the tea, "Why don't you take it?"

Luo Jiuli let out a disgusted sound, "Are you serious? This is what you drank, I don't want it."

Ye Yuwei looked at Luo Jiuli, with surprise that could not be concealed on his face.

As expected of a concubine!
How dare you speak to Jun Mohan like this!
Feeling Ye Yuwei's gaze on Luo Jiuli, Jun Mohan glanced at him coldly again, this time with a hint of murderous intent.

Ye Yuwei was so frightened that he quickly looked away and looked down at his toes, not daring to look over again.

snort!She is obviously the woman he likes!
Why did he suddenly become the concubine of the evil star Jun Mohan!
Didn't I say that I should only be the wife of the wife and never a concubine?
Woman!It turns out they are all lies!
"You want me to feed you?" Jun Mohan said, opening the tea lid and pretending to feed Luo Jiuli tea.

"No, no, no!" Luo Jiuli took the tea like a rush, and the tea overflowed and wet their fingertips.

She seemed unaware, blowing away the tea leaves floating on the surface, taking a sip of tea, "I drank it."

Seeing Luo Jiuli drinking his tea, Jun Mohan's indifferent expression showed a hint of satisfaction since he came in. He glanced at Ye Yuwei not far away, with a hint of showing off in his eyes.

It's a pity that Ye Yuwei lowered his head and didn't see his gibberish at all.

However, everything was caught in Luo Jiuli's eyes. She put down her tea and twitched the corner of her mouth.

Doesn't this girl want to use this to prove his possessiveness and prove that she is his!
So childish?

"Ouch! His Royal Highness King Yi is here to visit us. I am late, so I may miss you from a distance, and sometimes I may miss you from a distance!"

No one arrived before they could say anything, and as soon as they finished speaking, a woman wearing a beige brocade skirt with a hexagonal interlocking pattern and a dark grass green silk embroidered plain soft satin appeared in front of several people.

The woman was about forty years old, and she was followed by many maids and servants. She was very grand, and she acted like a deputy head and mistress.

The woman stopped a few steps away from Jun Mohan and saluted, "My wife, please see His Highness King Yi."

"Mrs. Hou, no courtesy." Jun Mohan said quietly.

Almost as soon as the woman appeared, Ye Yuwei was pretending to be good one second, but his expression was so ugly the next second that he couldn't hold back. "The people His Highness King Yi wanted have been returned to His Highness by Cao Min. Cao Min will leave first."

After saying that, he walked out without waiting for Jun Mohan's consent.

Jun Mohan seemed to know something and didn't blame him, his face was as cold as ever.

However, after the woman got up, she looked at Ye Yuwei's leaving figure with a guilty look on her face, "After all these years, this child is still blaming me, and has never even looked at me. I hope His Highness Prince Yi will not blame Yuwei for his rudeness."

At first glance, these words sounded like he was pleading for Ye Yuwei, so there was no problem.

But this is not the case, let’s take a closer look.

What he said was clearly saying that Ye Yuwei had no dignity and didn't know how to respect her as a mother, but because he had feelings for her as a mother, even His Majesty King Yi didn't know how to respect her.

If Jun Mohan really cares, then Ye Yuwei's move is not just disrespectful to Jun Mohan, but contempt for the entire royal family, which is a serious crime.

Prominent cheekbones, humped nose, and black mole on the right lip.

What a eloquent person with a selfish face!
As Ye Yuwei's stepmother, instead of helping him, she was here to play with the art of speech.

Luo Jiuli didn't want to watch her act, "Let's go."

"Your Highness Prince Yi, my wife did not treat her well. How could this young master be so rude?"

The woman was about to speak but stopped, but Jun Mohan ignored her and said, "Okay."

But these words were not addressed to the woman, but to Luo Jiuli.

After saying that, he got up and left without even saying goodbye to the woman.

The woman turned around and looked at the two people leaving, her hands shaking with anger.

This King Yi actually didn't take her seriously.

She is now the dignified wife of the Marquis of Anping. She is no longer the concubine she was back then, and she cannot tolerate others misbehaving like this.

The woman stood there for a long time, her face extremely ugly.

"Madam." The maid behind her took a step forward and spoke timidly.

But before he finished speaking, it was 'Bah! With one slap, the maid was knocked to the ground.

"Madam calm down! Madam calm down!"

A group of maids and slaves followed and knelt down, their bodies trembling.

However, their gestures not only did not calm the woman's anger, but reminded her of her humble self before leaving the cabinet, making her even more angry.

"You cheap maids! You know every day whether you are reading my lady's jokes or not! Don't think that Ye Yuwei doesn't recognize me, and I am not the mistress of this family! If you want to see my lady's jokes, go to hell! Go to hell! !”

The woman picked up the hot tea on the side and poured it on the maid.

"Ah!!!!" the maid screamed, "Madam, please forgive me! Madam, please forgive me! I don't have any! No! Wuwuwuwu!!!"

"Madam, spare your life! Madam, spare your life!!"

The Anping Marquis Mansion burst into mourning, so miserable.

Luo Jiuli wasn't doing much better here either.

She found that Jun Mohan ignored her after coming out of the Hou Mansion.

Luo Jiuli followed Jun Mohan and winked at Wei Yan and Kang Xiang beside him, "What's wrong with Jun Mohan?"Is your uncle here? '

He was rude when talking to him.

Wei Yan didn't dare to say anything, but Kang Xiang moved his mouth and winked.

(End of this chapter)

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