Chapter 10 Stop, don’t go there!
Xiao Jingxuan saw her innocent and slightly aggrieved look, and for some reason he actually believed what she said.

Lu Qing on the side said, "Then Mr. Liu County Cheng is not someone to be trifled with. I am worried that you will be bullied by him!"

When Xiao Jingxuan heard this explanation, he glanced at him indifferently, "Talk too much!"

Lu Qing immediately lowered his head again, like a wronged little wife.

Ran Ran opened her little mouth and showed a big smile to Xiao Jingxuan. She opened her hands and hugged one of Xiao Jingxuan's thighs, pressed her face against it, and rubbed it like a little puppy.

"Ran Ran feels all of daddy's love~"

After saying that, she let go of her legs again, clenched her fleshy little hands into a fist and waved it in the air. She raised her little head and said fiercely, "Don't worry, daddy, Ranran is full." , I will beat each bad guy!"

Xiao Jingxuan saw her clenching her little fist and waving it like a lucky cat, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"Let's go!"

"Okay!" Xiaonuituanzi immediately followed, jumping up and down beside Xiao Jingxuan.

When we got to the street, there were gradually more and more people.

The little girl with big breasts opened her curious eyes, looking here and there, thinking everything was strange.

Xiao Jingxuan was really afraid that she would suddenly get lost, so he subconsciously held her little hand.

Her hands were really small and soft, just like those marshmallows. Inexplicably, Xiao Jingxuan's heart seemed to have a hint of sweetness, and the pain of losing his sister seemed to be relieved at this moment.

He thought that maybe the little breasted dumpling in front of him that looked so much like his sister was sent to him by his sister in heaven.

Ran Ran looked at her little hand being held by her father with a smile.

Well, it feels so good to have a father!
Daddy’s hands are so warm!
Daddy holding her little hand, does it mean that daddy likes her very much?
The Chamber of Commerce controls the economic lifeline of various industries in Jiangnan. Some time ago, there were continuous heavy rains in the south of the Yangtze River. People fled in all directions, resulting in a lot of refugees in the Yonglin area.

Today, disaster victims need to be resettled, diseases need to be prevented, and dykes need to be repaired.
Xiao Jingxuan was demoted here because he offended a powerful person when he was an official in Beijing.

Ming was interested in his ability, but in fact he just deliberately threw this hot potato to him, so that he would be frustrated and completely depressed.

The money given to him by the court was limited, and when it fell into his hands, it had been exploited layer by layer. Less than one-third was left, and he could only think of ways to deal with the rest.

Therefore, Xiao Jingxuan could only use the power of the Chamber of Commerce to bring himself back to life.

But when he airborne to Yonglin, he blocked the way of Liu Xian Cheng, who was originally going to be promoted to county magistrate, and he made things difficult for him at every turn.

Liu County Cheng is a native of Yonglin and has a place in the Chamber of Commerce.

Under Liu Xian Cheng's intervention, Xiao Jingxuan's several visits to the Chamber of Commerce were either rejected or swayed by others.

The lady of the Xu family who will be displayed today is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce and has a certain say in the Chamber of Commerce.

But the greeting cards Xiao Jingxuan handed her were all in vain.

It was Lu Qing who found out that Madam Xu would go to Jinxiufang every five days to take stock of the accounts, so Xiao Jingxuan wanted to try his luck.

"Scatter, scatter, scatter!"

When the three of them arrived at the entrance of Jinxiufang, they saw a lot of people surrounding the entrance, and someone inside was shouting to disperse. It sounded like something had happened.

Lu Qing subconsciously moved closer to Xiao Jingxuan and said seriously: "Sir, be careful!"

Xiao Jingxuan looked at so many people and frowned slightly.

"Let's go and see what happened!"

"Yes." Lu Qing responded and stepped forward to clear the way.

"Make way, make way!" The people subconsciously moved out of the way, and Xiao Jingxuan then walked over holding the hand of Little Nipple.

As soon as he reached the front of the crowd, he heard Lu Qing exclaim, "Sir, it's Madam Xu!"

At this time, Madam Xu hugged her big belly tightly and huddled on the ground in pain.

Her face turned pale, and the skirt between her legs was visibly stained with blood. It was obvious that she was about to give birth!
Beside him, a young doctor was holding a silver needle and applying acupuncture on Madam Xu. A woman and two little girls beside him made a gesture to cover her body.

"grown ups."

Lu Qing glanced at Xiao Jingxuan's face and said, "It seems that our visit today was in vain!"

Xiao Jingxuan pursed his lips slightly and ordered: "Go find a stretcher. This Lady Xu will have to be carried to the hospital or Xu's house later!"


Lu Qing responded and reminded, "Sir, don't move here!"

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

"Stop! You can't stick it there!"

At this time, the voice of a little girl rang in everyone's eardrums.

Xiao Jingxuan turned around and saw that Ran Ran had jumped in front of the young doctor and was preventing him from treating her.

"Whose child, leave immediately! Don't cause trouble here!"

The doctor reprimanded in a low voice, holding the silver needle and holding his breath to prick it in.

"You can't stick it there, she'll...well..."

Before Ran Ran could finish her words, Xiao Jingxuan covered her mouth and hugged her tightly.

"Don't make trouble!"

Xiao Jingxuan stared at her seriously and seriously, feeling extremely regretful that he had listened to Lu Qing's words and brought her out.


The little breasted dumpling broke away from Xiao Jingxuan's hand covering her mouth, and explained with worry written all over her little face: "Daddy, I didn't make any trouble!"

After saying that, Xiaonuituanzi struggled to get off the ground.

But at this time, the doctor had already placed the silver needles in his hand on Madam Xu's four acupoints: Sanyin point, Hegu point, Quepen point and Kunlun point.

Ran Ran's little face suddenly wrinkled into a meat bun.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts so much!"

At this moment, Madam Xu began to shout loudly, and the sweat on her forehead flowed down like pearls.

And more and more blood was flowing out of her lower body.

"Doctor, what's going on? Why is it that instead of getting better, my wife seems to be getting worse!?"

The nanny next to her had a face full of anxiety. She knelt down and held Madam Xu's hand tightly, and wiped her sweat with a handkerchief.

"Mommy, my child, my child, must keep my child!"

Mrs. Xu bit her lip and spoke with difficulty.

(End of this chapter)

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