Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 9 Wherever it hurts, go wherever it hurts

Chapter 9 Wherever it hurts, go wherever it hurts

"Why so many?"

Seeing Lu Qing put the breakfast in the food box on the table one by one, Xiao Jingxuan frowned.

Lu Qing paused his hands and looked at Ran Ran subconsciously.

Ranran climbed onto the stool next to Xiao Jingxuan neatly, and felt a little aggrieved when she heard Xiao Jingxuan's words, "Does Daddy dislike Ranran for eating too much?"

Xiao Jingxuan looked indifferently at Ran Ran, who was drooping her little head because of his words, and said indifferently, "Refuse to waste!"


When Ran Ran heard this, the clouds turned clear in an instant. With a crooked look, she took a meat bun and handed it to Xiao Jingxuan, "Dad, if you eat this, it will become more and more delicious!"

As he said that, the little breast dumpling sipped his saliva.

Looking at his expectant eyes, Xiao Jingxuan subconsciously reached out and took the bun.

Seeing this, Ran Ran showed him a big smile, grabbed a big bun and started eating it.

The little girl ate quickly and devoured it, but for some reason Xiao Jingxuan didn't hate it, but found it a little cute.

"Eat slowly, don't choke!" Lu Qing reminded.

"Oh, it's delicious!" The little breast dumpling's mouth was bulging, like a little squirrel, especially cute. Hearing Lu Qing's words, he reached out and took a bun for Lu Qing, slurring He said, "Uncle Lu will eat too."

In less than a quarter of an hour, everything on the table was cleared.

Xiao Jingxuan thought it would be a waste at first, but seeing the small appearance of the dumplings with small breasts, it was clear that she could eat two more big dumplings.

After eating, Ran Ran licked her lips, touched her round belly, and smiled extra sweetly at Xiao Jingxuan, "Well, it feels so good to have a daddy!"

The little girl's eyes were bright and curved into a crescent moon, and her cheeks with small breasts were filled with satisfaction.

Xiao Jingxuan glanced at her and told Lu Qing, "You stay and watch her!"

Lu Qing frowned and said seriously: "Sir, Wang Yang is not here, my subordinates must stay with you!"

As soon as the little girl heard that Xiao Jingxuan wanted to leave her and go out, she immediately stopped. She immediately jumped off the stool and pulled the hem of his clothes with her little hands, shaking it gently. The little girl said in a coquettish tone, "Daddy is going to go." Where? Ran Ran is going too."

Xiao Jingxuan's face was stern, "No!"

Ran Ran continued to shake the hem of his clothes, "No, no~"

If she doesn't follow her father, what if the person who really wants to steal her father's luck appears again?
She must not leave her father's side until she finds that person.

"Sir, today we have an appointment with Madam Xu from the Xu family. Why don't we take her with us?" Lu Qing thought for a while and reminded: "I heard that Madam Xu's husband had an accident some time ago and has not been found yet. Man, the Xu family is making things difficult for her."

"If you meet her alone, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble."

When the little girl heard this, her eyes suddenly brightened, and she hurriedly said, "Daddy, don't worry, Ranran will be very well-behaved!"

Xiao Jingxuan thought about Lu Qing's words carefully and said three words indifferently, "Follow!"


Lu Qing immediately winked at the little breast dumpling.

The little girl also bared her teeth at him.

Soon, the three of them walked out of the county government office together.

"Master Xiao, where are you going?"

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the county government office, I saw a person walking over.

This man looks very rich, with a round belly, his face is shiny, and his small eyes are narrowed to a slit, but they are still shining.

"Dad, be careful of bad guys!"

As soon as Ran Ran saw this person, she pulled the corner of Xiao Jingxuan's clothes and reminded him.

When Xiao Jingxuan heard this, he took a deep look at Xiao Naituanzi and said nothing.Lu Qing next to him was very surprised!
How did the little girl know that Liu County Cheng in front of her was a bad guy?

Even when his elders first came here, they were tricked twice by this person overtly and covertly in the first two days!

"Liu County Cheng."

Xiao Jingxuan nodded slightly and nodded indifferently towards Liu Xian Cheng.

"Hey, since when did Mr. Xiao have a baby by his side? Is it your daughter?"

"Hello, uncle!" Ran Ran revealed her little head from behind Xiao Jingxuan and greeted him sweetly, "I am Ran Ran, and I am daddy's daughter!"

"Hehehe" Liu Xiancheng laughed, "I never thought Master Xiao could raise such a talkative little girl!"

"That's right! My dad is really awesome~" Ran Ran raised her little head with pride on her face.

Liu Xian Cheng agreed cheerfully on his face, but in his heart he was extremely disdainful.

"Uncle, is there a baby in your belly? Is it so big?"

Suddenly, Ran Ran opened her big watery eyes and asked innocently.

The expression on Liu Xian Cheng's face suddenly froze.

Seeing that he was silent, Ran Ran said to herself, "The baby seems to be born soon! Uncle, you have to be careful~"

"you you."

Liu Xian Cheng's usual smiling face could no longer hold back, and darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Lu Qing gave Xiao Naituanzi a thumbs up in his heart!

The little breast dumplings really hurt wherever they hurt.

It's also accurate.

What Liu County Cheng hates most is when someone makes fun of him.

Rumor has it that he was originally a tall, thin, and handsome man, but who knew that his belly had grown at a speed visible to the naked eye a few months ago.

It was as if the woman was pregnant. I heard that when he asked the doctor to take his pulse before, he had found his happy pulse!

He became the laughing stock of this eternal city overnight, and the doctor was severely punished by him.

From then on, no one in Yonglin dared to mention this matter.

Unexpectedly, the little breasted dumpling whom I met for the first time told him.

Look at the innocent and curious look on his little breast dumpling’s face, tsk tsk. So happy!

Lu Qing had a hard time holding back his laughter, but Xiao Jingxuan said seriously, "Tong Yan Wu Ji, Liu Xian Cheng shouldn't care about it, right?"

Liu Xiancheng gritted his teeth and smiled, "How could it be? I still have something to do, so I won't delay my lord's business! Let's go first!"

After saying that, Liu Xiancheng flicked his sleeves and entered the county government office.


Lu Qing laughed out loud, "Sir, have you seen how dark Mr. Liu's face is!"

Xiao Jingxuan glanced at Lu Qing with a pair of black eyes, "Is it funny?"


The smile on Lu Qing's face suddenly stopped and he lowered his head.

Xiao Jingxuan looked down at the innocent-looking little breast dumpling again, "Don't talk nonsense!"

The little breasted dumpling puffed up his cheeks, pouted and said, "But he didn't lie, he really has a baby in his belly!"

(End of this chapter)

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