Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 101 Xiaonuituanzi is "word-illiterate"

Chapter 101 Xiaonuituanzi is "word-illiterate"

After thinking about it for a while, the little breast dumpling suddenly jumped off Jin Ling's body and rushed out like a gust of wind.

She has decided!

She doesn't want to be lied to!
"Hey... run slowly..."

Jin Ling looked at the small appearance of the little breast dumplings and opened her mouth to shout, with a look of helplessness on her face.

Looking up, Jin Ling saw Xiao Jingxuan's deep eyes falling on her face for a moment.

Jin Ling touched her face inexplicably and asked doubtfully, "Is there something dirty?"

Xiao Jingxuan shook his head and said inexplicably, "I'm just watching, madam, are you wearing a mask today! Why don't you look like you at all?"

"Why doesn't it look like it?"

Jin Ling touched her smooth cheek and thought happily: Could it be that she has become beautiful again?
"Ahem!" Xiao Jingxuan coughed lightly, straightened his expression, and said in a deep voice: "In the past, if those brats like the boss cried, you would just beat them! No matter how bad it is, out of sight, out of mind! Why are you here with Ran Ran... …”

Upon hearing this, Jin Ling immediately rolled her eyes and said matter-of-factly: "How can it be the same?"

"The boys are so thick-skinned that they haven't had sex for three days! My daughter is like a marshmallow, the more she coaxes her, the sweeter she gets!"

"But I learned this trick from my third younger brother and sister!"

Jin Ling said with a smile: "Every time Xiao Qi is cheating or naughty! She is even more cheating and mischievous than him!"

"In the words of the third brother and sister, this is called walking the kid's path, leaving the kid with nowhere to go! Only with appropriate tenderness can the child understand the heart of a mother."

Xiao Jingxuan: "..."

"Not to mention, this trick is quite effective!"

"That's right!" Jin Ling nodded in agreement, "Telling a little kid some big truths is nothing more than fantasy. It's all in vain!"

Xiao Jingzhe's room.

Looking at the little breast dumpling running back, Xiao Jingzhe's face was full of doubts.

Just when he was thinking about how to coax Xiao Nai Tuanzi to study with him, he heard Xiao Nai Tuanzi say excitedly: "Fourth Uncle, Ranran wants to learn to read and write from you!"


Just for a moment, you just thought about it?
"Come on, teach me!"

Before Xiao Jingzhe could react, Xiaonuituanzi had already begun to urge him.

"Uh... OK!" Xiao Jingzhe nodded.

Sure enough, Xiao Nai Tuanzi is indeed a genius. She can recite the Three Character Sutra verbatim as long as he recites it once.

But what worries him is that this little thing seems to have "letter blindness". When these words are placed in front of her, she can't understand them, which gives Xiao Jingzhe a headache. He, who has always been good-tempered, almost About to collapse from torture.

Not to mention writing!

What was written was not a word at all!

He should have thought of it long ago!

Master Lokong, Taoist Master Xuanming...

Which of Ran Ran's masters is an ordinary person?Why can't it be taught?
The more Xiao Jingzhe teaches, the more his heart breaks down, and the dumpling with small breasts gets more and more excited!
In less than an hour, his body, face, and even his feet were stained with ink, as if he was the reincarnation of a squid!
Fortunately, he also learned two or three big characters, which made Xiao Jingzhe a little relieved.

Xiao Jingxuan and his wife learned from Qin Shi that Xiao Jingzhe was torturing Xiao Jingzhe to the point of going crazy, and the couple showed gloating expressions.

Among the Xiao brothers, Xiao Jingzhe has the least expression. He always has a clear and gentle look. He has never seen any unnecessary expressions when he was on the battlefield. It is not an exaggeration to say that his face is paralyzed.Now I can see some other expressions on his face, which is not a bad thing!
During breakfast, Xiaonuituanzi was still full of pride, chattering about how many words he knew, how many words he could write, etc.!
Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling listened and kept praising and encouraging.

This greatly encouraged Xiao Nai Tuanzi, and he vowed in his heart that he would learn from his fourth uncle.

After breakfast, the group began to go about their own business.

Xiao Jingxuan and his wife went out to the shantang together, with Lu Qing following behind.

Hongxing first went to Renyazizi's place yesterday, brought back the guards and maids she bought yesterday, and then took them to the street to buy some cleaning supplies.

Xiao Nai Tuanzi went to the Huichun Hall with Min Shenxing, and took Mr. Xu and Xu Yan to Xinzhaizi to treat the Zhang Biao brothers.

When Xiao Naituanzi and others first arrived in front of the house, they found Qin Shi pushing Xiao Jingzhe waiting at the door.

The little girl ran over on her calves and looked at him doubtfully, "Uncle Fourth, why are you here?"

"Let's take a look." Xiao Jingzhe replied calmly, reached out and touched her head and said: "The word "bad guy" is not written on the forehead of a bad guy. Fourth uncle knows that Ran Ran can pinch and count. Skill, but sometimes good and evil only last for a moment, and fourth uncle also wants to come and see."

"oh oh!"

Xiaotai Tuanzi nodded in understanding, and said with a smile: "Fourth uncle is just worried about Ran Ran, Ran Ran knows it!"

"Come on, let's go in!"

With a smile on his lips, Xiao Jingzhe nodded to Mr. Xu and Xu Yan who were walking over and said hello to each other. Then he gave a gesture to Qin Shi behind him and pushed him towards the courtyard.

After entering the courtyard, Xiao Jingzhe was quite satisfied with the layout and layout of the house.

Fresh, elegant and unique.

"Ran Ran, are you sure this is not a haunted house?" Xu Yan walked beside Xiao Naituanzi, always feeling a little weird, mainly because it was very desolate, making people feel very desolate.

"The feng shui is a bit bad, but just make some slight changes during repairs." Ran Ran looked around and said.

In fact, the feng shui here was originally very good, but I don’t know what happened, but some places were changed, making it a bit unlucky!

But just change it back!

"Little girl, you still know how to read Feng Shui?" Mr. Xu said in surprise, stroking his gray beard.

"Yeah! My master said that you don't have to overwhelm yourself with many skills. There will always be times when you need them!" As he said that, Xiaotai Tuanzi did not forget to praise himself narcissistically, "Ranran is very smart, and she can master it as soon as she learns it. !”


Hearing this, Qin Shi beside him couldn't help laughing.

This talented little girl just failed at recognizing words.

"Uncle Qin, are you laughing at Ran Ran?" Hearing Qin Shi's voice, Xiao Naituanzi immediately rolled his eyes.

"Don't dare, don't dare!" Qin Shi said hurriedly: "Miss Ranran is just a little slow in reading and a little ugly in writing. How dare Qin Shi laugh at you?"

The little breasted dumpling snorted, "I'm sorry you don't dare! Humph!"


At this moment, everyone couldn't help laughing.

It turns out that the little girl is a genius in every aspect, but she can’t read!
Hearing this laughter, Xiaonuituanzi finally reacted belatedly, stamped his little feet and pouted: "Ranran will never pay attention to you again! Humph!"

(End of this chapter)

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