Chapter 102: An old acquaintance?
Seeing the little breast dumpling running away, everyone burst into laughter again.

"Is it true? Ranran is so smart but can't read?" Xu Yan looked at Xiao Jingzhe and Qin Shi for verification.

Xiao Jingzhe nodded slightly, bowed his hands towards Mr. Xu and Xu Yan, and said in a deep voice: "Ranran, this little girl, has a strong desire to win. Sometimes she is not motivated and is not willing to read. In the future, she will have to Please help me more."

Mr. Xu touched his gray beard and nodded.

Min Shenxing snorted, he finally found a point where he could criticize the little girl.If you dare to bully him again, see if he doesn't laugh at him.

Xu Yan felt strange and wondered: "How did this little girl learn medical skills since she doesn't know how to read? How can she prescribe medicine for others?"

"I know this!" Min Shenxing said: "The little girl gave my mother a prescription, and she just dictated it!"

As she said that, Min Shenxing laughed, "After she said the names of the medicines, we were stunned for a long time and didn't react. Fortunately, our memory is pretty good, so we remembered them."

Mr. Xu said solemnly: "This is not okay! As doctors, we must be strict in prescribing medicines to patients! If the patient doesn't write it down, isn't the doctor's visit in vain? And this prescription is important! Prescribing medicines needs to be backed up! "

"Yeah!" Xu Yan nodded in agreement, "You have to talk to the little girl about this."

The corner of Xiao Jingzhe's mouth curled up slightly, "I have to worry about this matter for a long time."


Zhang Biao has three brothers, including himself, there are four in total.

Since yesterday, Zhang Biao and his brothers moved to the yard next door openly.

This yard is much better than the previous yard. Apart from being a little dustier, there are also many things that can be used at any time.

Because there was no need to hide oneself deliberately, Zhang Biao and the four of them almost cleaned the yard in one night.

After everyone entered the courtyard, Zhang Biao walked out with his hands on his back.

When he saw Xiao Jingzhe being pushed by Qin Shi, Zhang Biao was shocked!
Xiao Jingzhe!
It's not a rumor that he...

Xiao Jingzhe stared at Zhang Biao's face steadily, and his black pupils gradually became darker.

This face is very unfamiliar, but these eyes are extremely familiar.

With just one glance, he could tell that the aura exuding from Zhang Biao's body was that of people in the military camp.


They're the same kind of people!

Meeting Xiao Jingxuan's eyes, Zhang Biao looked a little guilty and lowered his head subconsciously.

"Qin De?"

Suddenly, Xiao Jingzhe uttered two words coldly. Although he was asking, his expression was extremely determined!

Zhang Biao raised his head in disbelief, his body straightened and his jaw tensed tightly. After a while, he nodded slightly and said, "Yes!"


Xiao Jingzhe's lips curled up with a hint of mockery, and his hands holding the wheelchair tightened subconsciously.

"Qin Shi, push me out!"

Qin Shi took a deep look at Zhang Biao opposite him, pushed Xiao Jingzhe out of the yard.

The remaining people looked at each other, a little confused!
So...these two people are from the past?
Zhang Biao had ever thought that if he met the Xiao family, he might meet Xiao Jingzhe, or he might be recognized by Xiao Jingzhe!I didn't expect it to be so fast!
Even if he changes his face, he can still tell it at a glance!

Time, fate!
What you owe to the Xiao family must be paid back sooner or later!
"I'll be out for a while!" At this time, Min Shenxing suddenly said.

After speaking, he ran out.

Xiao Naituanzi frowned and looked outside the door, then looked at Zhang Biao in confusion, raised his head and asked curiously: "Uncle Zhang, do you know my fourth uncle?"


Zhang Biao nodded slightly, "We have met several times!"

"That's great!" Xiaonuituanzi clapped her hands and laughed, "Since uncle and fourth uncle know each other, we can talk more in the future!"

"Uncle Fourth's mouth couldn't come out of a word for a long time! It would be better if someone talked to him!" Zhang Biao pursed his lips and didn't speak for a while.

Mr. Xu and Xu Yan looked at each other. They were not little girls. They couldn't tell that there was some grudge or entanglement between Xiao Jingzhe and the person in front of him!

"Miss Ranran, thank you and Madam for your kindness!" Zhang Biao suddenly spoke, and solemnly saluted Xiaonuituanzi, his tone and attitude were extremely sincere, "We will leave here today!"


The little girl raised her head and looked at Zhang Biao in confusion, blinking her big eyes with confusion.

How strange it is, my lord!

Could it be that his fourth uncle is the big bad wolf?Let Uncle Zhang Biao be scared after just one look?
"No reason, thank you!"

Zhang Biao said, turned around and went back to the house.

"and many more!"

At this time, Min Shenxing, who had just run out, turned back, looked at Zhang Biao and said, "My fourth uncle said, you can stay, but please remember the promise you made!"

"Also, he said that you owe him and the Xiao family, don't expect to pay it back so easily!"

Hearing this, Zhang Biao felt a chill in his heart and was shocked all over!

After Zhang Biao paused for a few seconds, he suddenly turned around, knelt down towards the door with a "dong" sound, and said solemnly: "I, Zhang Biao, will follow the Xiao family to the death in my life. There is no need to betray!"

"Remember your words!"

At this time, Xiao Jingzhe's figure appeared at the door of Xiao's house again.

His voice was cold, with a hint of vicissitudes and loneliness, and a bit of the coercion and calmness of a superior.


Zhang Biao responded, his tone firm and surrendering.

"Ran Ran, treat him and his brother!" Xiao Jingzhe said.

"oh oh!"

The little girl nodded her little head, then ran forward and helped Zhang Biao up from the ground, "Uncle, let me show you first!"

After saying that, Xiao Naituanzi took Zhang Biao's pulse seriously.

Mr. Xu and Xu Yan entered the house.

Three men were lying on the bed inside the house.

These three people, like Zhang Biao, all had an extraordinary aura. Even if they were lying on the bed unable to move, it was difficult to conceal the strong murderous aura on their bodies.

Mr. Xu also served in the military, and it was not difficult to tell at a glance that these people were all people who had gone through mountains of swords and seas of fire and crawled out from the pile of dead people.

When Mr. Xu and Xu Yan came in, the sharp eyes of the three of them were shot at them.

Xu Yan's heart trembled, and he subconsciously leaned closer to Mr. Xu.

For some reason, even though these three people were lying on the bed and unable to move, he felt that there were countless ways for these three people to kill people on the spot.

"My surname is Xu. This is my grandson. We are all doctors at Huichun Hall. Let's see you first!" Mr. Xu said.

Each of these people's bodies were somewhat disabled, and one of them even had a lot of necrotic carrion on his legs, but... from their expressions, we could see perseverance.

It's an awe-inspiring feeling.

This inevitably made Mr. Xu feel a lot more admiration and perseverance.

After hearing this, several people lost some of their murderous aura.

They actually heard what was said outside the door, but their murderous aura leaked out, this has become their instinct!

Be able to protect your own instinct!
(End of this chapter)

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