Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 104 Inducing Little Tits Dumpling to Practice Calligraphy

Chapter 104 Inducing Little Tits Dumpling to Practice Calligraphy
As early as when the leg began to fester, other brothers advised him to cut off both legs so as not to lose his life.

But he doesn't want to!

These legs are equivalent to his life!

What’s the point of losing your legs in the future?
Therefore, he had a sharp dagger hidden on his body, and the rotten flesh on his legs was cut open and swollen again!

Even though he suffered a lot, he never gave up.

"Well... your legs are ulcerated because of the poison. Once the poison is removed, it will be cured naturally! New flesh will grow back soon~"

The little girl raised her head and smiled sweetly at him. The voice was soft and cute, as if a beam of light shone into Zhao Hu's heart, warm and full of hope.


Zhao Hu grabbed Xiao Naituanzi's hand with some excitement.

He was obviously a strong-willed man, but at this moment his eyes became red.

"Of course~"

The little breasted dumpling patted his chest with a proud look on his face, "It's just a little bit of poison, it's so trivial~"

Zhao Hu looked at her confident expression, his throat squirmed with difficulty, and finally turned into the word "thank you".

After treating several people, the sky outside had completely darkened.

The little breasted dumpling was also so tired that he kept yawning.

"Come on, little girl, give me a prescription!"

At this time, Mr. Xu directly put a pen into her hand and said with a smile.

Mr. Xu stood on the side and looked at her expectantly, "Let's take a good look and see what kind of prescription this little girl can give that will make people cry!"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

"Brother Xu, your expression is so fake!"

The little girl frowned at Xu Yan and said.

"Cough cough~"

Xu Yan coughed twice, straightened his expression, raised his head arrogantly, and looked at her in surprise, "Ranran, you don't know how to prescribe medicine, right?"

"Who said that! The prescriptions are all recorded here!" Xiaotai Tuanzi pointed at his little head, full of arrogance, "I'm so smart~"

"That's right, our Ranran is smart. Isn't it just a prescription? You didn't write it just because you wanted to!" Mr. Xu turned his head and gave Xu Yan a slap in the face. After the lesson, he looked at the little breast dumpling with confidence. Said: "Ran Ran, write a prescription and slap it hard on his face! See if he dares to question you!"

"Open! I'm waiting!" Xu Yan put his hands behind his back, looking down at the small breast dumplings.

The little girl put the pen back into Mr. Xu's hand, raised her head and read out a list of medicine names, "Grandpa Xu, write!"

Old Xu: "..."

This little girl really knows how to take advantage of others!

"Ran Ran, how could you just let someone else write this prescription so casually? If something goes wrong, what's yours will still belong to others?" Xu Yan said.

"How could I make a mistake!" Xiao Naituanzi looked full of confidence and glared at Xu Yan fiercely.

"Of course we know you won't make a mistake, but what if the person who is going to write the prescription for you made a mistake?" Xu Yan continued to stimulate her.

When the little girl heard this, she stomped her little feet angrily, pouted and raised her little fist, "Grandpa Xu, Brother Xu is questioning you, beat him up!"

Mr. Xu put the pen back into Xiao Naituanzi's hand, widened his eyes and said, "Little girl, you can't be lazy when writing prescriptions! Of course Grandpa Xu will not lie to you, just in case you meet someone with ill intentions in the future. What? It’s a sin to eat someone bad!”

"Isn't it just to write a prescription? This person has been saved, so you don't care about one more prescription, right? Just write it!" Mr. Xu urged.

Xiaotai Tuanzi: "..." "I... Hehe... Grandpa Xu, my... my hands are shaking! Why don't you come and help me write today?"

The small-breasted dumpling smiled and her big eyes wandered around. It was obvious that she was having a dark agenda in her heart!

"Little girl, you can't write, can you?" Xu Yan said with a teasing smile.


Xiaotuanzi's face turned into a puffer fish with anger, "What's wrong with not being able to write? Huh! I'm so young, I don't know how to let others do it!"


At this moment, not only Mr. Xu and Xu Yan, but also everyone else in the room couldn't help laughing.

When the little girl heard the laughter, her face darkened.

"I'm still young, but I'm a genius. I can learn to write! Why are you so anxious~"

After saying that, Xiao Tuanzi squeezed the small nipples on his face, and a layer of water mist appeared in his clear eyes. He pouted his little mouth in grievance, and the next second the tears would fall. It seemed like it fell out.

Xu Laojian was so excited that he immediately glared at Xu Yan and scolded: "What qualifications do you have to laugh at Ran Ran? When you were as old as Ran Ran, you didn't talk about writing, and you still wet your pants!"

"Ran Ran, it doesn't matter if we can't write. Ran Ran is a genius. It's easy to learn such a simple thing as writing, isn't it?"

"When Grandpa Xu was little, he could only recognize a big character on this day! Recognizing characters is very difficult!"

Xu Yan: "..."

The old man can really say anything!For his biological grandson, he would throw it away after using it!

Thanks to his good nature!

If he had a temper like his father's, he would probably run away from home.

The old man doesn’t know how to cherish him!

Mr. Xu's words were very useful, and Xiao Naituanzi was obviously comforted by his words.

Grandpa Xu only knows one word a day, but she can know three!
After thinking about it, Xiaonuituanzi thought, isn’t it just about literacy?

no big deal!
After returning home, she asked her fourth uncle to learn how to read!

When she learns to read, she will write hundreds of prescriptions to blind Brother Xu's titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

Mr. Xu wrote down the prescriptions one by one according to the prescriptions given by Xiao Nai Tuanzi, and then asked the woman in the house to follow them out to Huichun Hall to get the medicine.

When they left, Xu Yan stopped Xiao Naituanzi and said, "The auction is the day after tomorrow. It will be held in Yongzhou next door. We have to go there tomorrow afternoon. You are ready!"


The little girl rubbed her little hands, her eyes were shining brightly, she was extremely excited, "Great, I will be rich again after selling the elixir!"

"Little money fan!" Mr. Xu looked at the little breast dumplings and snorted, but still reminded: "Don't let anyone know about the elixir that you refined it, otherwise it will cause unnecessary trouble, do you understand? "

Xiao Naituanzi was a little confused and looked at Xu Yan in confusion.

Xu Yan said: "Grandpa, don't worry, I have a sense of discretion in this matter! This auction house will not reveal anything casually!"

"Yes." Mr. Xu nodded, "Be careful!"

"Yes!" Xu Yan nodded.

Min Shenxing also likes to join in the fun. Hearing that they were going to the auction house, he was a little excited!
In all his life, he has never been to this auction house!

I heard it was quite lively!

(End of this chapter)

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