Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 105 The little breast dumpling starts to make progress

Chapter 105 The little breast dumpling starts to make progress
At this time, the Yu family.

"Madam, this is a letter from the head of the family." The little girl delivered the letter to Mrs. Yu and said respectfully.

Mrs. Yu took the letter calmly and opened it slowly.

When he saw the content above clearly, he stood up excitedly.

"Bihe, hurry up, go get ready, we'll go back early tomorrow morning." Mrs. Yu said excitedly.

"Madam, something important happened to the Li family?" Bihe asked worriedly.

"It's not that something happened at home, but my brother told me that a high-quality pill appeared at the auction the next day. This pill may be able to help Chen'er's legs!"

Mrs. Yu handed the letter to Bihe and ordered: "You go pack your things first, and I will report it to my parents and master!"

"Madam, do you want to come with the eldest son?" Bi He hesitated, "This eldest son has not been out for a long time. The head of the family and the old man miss him too!"


Speaking of her son, Mrs. Yu's eyes flashed with pain and hesitation.

After biting his lip and thinking for a while, he ordered: "Hide it from the eldest son first, don't let anyone disturb him!"

"Let's go and take a look first! Although Chen'er doesn't say it on the face, I know in my heart that he actually cares about his legs."

"We can't let his happiness be in vain!"

"Yes!" Bihe responded and went down to pack his things.

In the yamen, Xiao Naituanzi went back to have dinner, washed up and fell asleep early.

Xiao Jingzhe told Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling the origins of Zhang Biao and others.

After listening, both Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling fell into silence.

After a long time, Xiao Jingxuan said: "Fourth, what do you think? To stay or not to stay?"

"Stay!" Xiao Jingzhe said.

"I have never seen the other people before, but Zhang Biao used to be the deputy general of Northern Xinjiang! This man has faced off against our Xiao family's army many times, with both wins and losses! He is brave and resourceful!"

"Back then, Third Brother regarded him as his opponent and admired him very much!"

"Even though our Xiao family army was framed and defeated later! He didn't rush to kill us all! And... he should have been the last person to see Third Brother back then!"

Speaking of the third child of the Xiao family, Xiao Jingzhe's eyes were full of guilt.

It was him who deserved to die!But in the end, the third brother gave him a chance to survive and broke out of the siege alone.

"Are they from Northern Xinjiang? No, since they are from Northern Xinjiang, they can't stay!" Jin Ling said seriously and firmly.

The Xiao family's army was defeated and Xiao Laosan disappeared on the battlefield. From then on, the Xiao family was charged with collaborating with the enemy and treason, and that battle was the battle with Northern Xinjiang.

If they take in people from Northern Xinjiang, it is tantamount to actively placing a few time bombs around them. If they are discovered, wouldn't they be seeking death?

"No, they are not from Northern Xinjiang!"

Xiao Jingzhe chuckled, "If my guess is correct, this Zhang Biao is a spy planted by Southern Xinjiang in Northern Xinjiang!"

"Southern Xinjiang? How is it possible?"

Xiao Jingxuan said in confusion: "Southern Xinjiang and Northern Xinjiang have always been on good terms, and compared with the Great Zhou Dynasty and Northern Xinjiang, Southern Xinjiang is not worth mentioning at all. If Zhang Biao is really as capable as you said, he will stay in Southern Xinjiang." Wouldn’t it be better to serve the country on Xinjiang’s land?”

"This is the cunning part of Southern Xinjiang." Xiao Jingzhe chuckled: "Southern Xinjiang has been on good terms with the other three countries since decades ago. Over the years, there have been more or less wars between the other three countries. Or maybe it's friction, but the southern border is calm. "

"This southern border is recharging its energy!"

"But it stands to reason that since Northern Xinjiang won that battle, Zhang Biao should have made great contributions and will remain in Northern Xinjiang as a minister. How could he end up like this?"

"In the end, they are just shadows. Some things are out of control. Naturally, it is more concealed to eliminate the roots!"

"As a shadow, I completed my mission too well. This is my fault!"

Jin Ling thought about it carefully and still felt something was wrong. "Whether they are from southern Xinjiang or northern Xinjiang, it is not good for us to stay with us!"

"This is easy to handle!" Xiao Jingzhe looked at Xiao Jingxuan, "My eldest brother is now the local county magistrate. It is very simple to get a household registration at will."

"Don't worry about the other sisters-in-law. Zhang Biao is good at disguise. No one will recognize them."

"Yes." Xiao Jingxuan nodded, "These people are really useful to us, and the advantages always outweigh the disadvantages!"

"OK then!"

Jin Ling was silent for a while and nodded in agreement.

Next, Xiao Jingzhe discussed with Jin Ling and Xiao Jingxuan about the writing issue of Xiaonai Dumpling, and then let Qin Shi push him back to the room.

The next day, Xiaonuituanzi got up very early for the first time.

Before dawn, the demons began to act.

He pinched Xiao Jingzhe's nose and forcefully woke him up!
"Uncle Fourth, get up and let your butt bask in the sun~"

Xiao Jingzhe: "..."

Are you sure the sun doesn't rise from the west today?
The little lazy pig is about to start working hard?

"If you don't get up, I'm going to tickle you~"

As soon as he finished speaking, the little devil's claw of the little breast dumpling reached towards Xiao Jingzhe.

But no matter how hard she scratched, Xiao Jingzhe didn't react at all.


The little girl puffed out her cheeks and felt very boring. She put her little hands on her waist and stared at Xiao Jingzhe angrily.

Xiao Jingzhe had no choice but reached out and pinched her little face.

"Why did you get up so early?"

"Master said that the early bird catches the worm! Ranran must be able to read and not be underestimated!" Xiao Naituanzi said righteously with his little head held high.


When Xiao Jingzhe heard this, he almost believed it.

But it was rare for the little guy to be so high-spirited and enthusiastic. He couldn't undermine her self-confidence, so he sat up with him, put on his clothes, and asked the little girl to push the wheelchair over.

But what Xiao Jingzhe never expected was that just after he had learned how to burn incense, a certain little dumpling suddenly made a "dong" sound and fell asleep on the table...

"Ran Ran? Ran Ran?"

Xiao Jingzhe shook her little body and called out twice.


The little breasted dumpling stretched out his hand and rubbed his little nose, then smacked his little mouth, as if he had dreamed of something sweet and delicious.

Xiao Jingzhe: "..."

As expected of that bastard Lao Wu, his tendency to fall asleep while reading is exactly the same as him.

After approving a piece of clothing for Little Nipples, Xiao Jingzhe began to hold on to the wheelchair and try to stand up, practicing walking.

After he finished practicing, Xiaonuituanzi yawned, stretched, and sat up in a daze.

Before he even opened his eyes, he was shouting, "It's delicious, it's delicious!"

Xiao Jingzhe turned his head and looked at her, then looked at the paper on the table that was half wet with saliva, and frowned fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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