Chapter 106 Gu Poison
After breakfast, Xiao Naituanzi took Min Shenxing out happily. After going to the new house to see the Zhang Biao brothers, they happily went to the Huichun Hall.

As soon as he arrived at the door of Huichun Hall, Min Shenxing asked in confusion: "Why are there so many people in this medical center today?"

"These people are all lined up on the street!"


When the little girl heard what he said, she couldn't help but stop. She held her chin with her little hand and looked at the people lining up in confusion.

I saw that each of these people had a disheveled look on their faces, and they were holding their chests and coughing.

Some of them even looked like they were about to cough up their lungs.

The little girl frowned and inadvertently grabbed the hand of one of the patients. After touching it gently, her heart trembled and her facial features gathered together unconsciously.

"How's it going? What's the disease? Could it be consumption?"

Min Shenxing covered his mouth and nose and looked at Xiaotuanzi in confusion.

The little girl said nothing and walked through the crowd into the lobby.

At this time, the doctors and clerks in the lobby were all busy, taking pulses, writing prescriptions, and grabbing medicines. The whole place was like a vegetable market.

"Ran Ran, you came just in time, I was just going to look for you!"

At this time, Lu Qing's figure appeared next to Xiao Naituanzi and Min Shenxing. At this moment, his brows were furrowed and his eyes were full of anxiety.

"Uncle Lu, are my father and mother here too?"

The little girl grabbed Lu Qing's hand, raised her head and asked.

"That's right." Lu Qing nodded, bent down and held the little breast dumpling in his arms while walking upstairs, and said: "In the past two days, people in the shantang have been suffering from vomiting and diarrhea. , it’s getting more serious today.”

"Originally, we invited the doctor from Huichun Hall to have a look yesterday, but more and more people are getting sick today, so I want Mr. Xu to go over with you to have a look."

"But who would have thought that when I came to the medical clinic, I would realize that there were suddenly many more patients in the city! And the symptoms were very similar to those of the victims in Shantang!"

"Some people are already saying it's a plague!"

"What? Plague?"

As soon as he heard the word "plague", Min Shenxing became a little uneasy and shuddered suddenly!
Since ancient times, there has been no good solution to this plague.

Anyone who is sick will only die. What's more, after death, they can only be burned without leaving any bones.

"Don't worry, it's not a plague!" Xiao Naituanzi said.

Hearing this, Min Shenxing finally calmed down.Lu Qing also breathed a sigh of relief.

"But this disease can also be contagious, and it's more serious than the plague!" Xiao Naituanzi said again suddenly.

The big stone that had just fallen in Lu Qing and Min Shenxing's heart was quickly raised again!
This little girl, can you please stop breathing so heavily when you talk?

On the third floor, Min Shenxing and Lu Qing stood consciously outside the door of the wing, and Xiao Naituanzi walked in alone with his little feet.

In the room, Xiao Jingxuan, his wife, Mr. Xu and his grandson were all there, and the four of them had frowns on their faces.

"Father, mother!"

"Grandpa Xu, Brother Xu!"

The little breasted dumpling acted as if nothing had happened and smiled sweetly at them.

Upon seeing her bright smile, the worries and fatigue on everyone's faces dissipated a lot.

Jin Ling stepped forward, picked her up, sat in his arms, and asked softly: "Are the patients below treated?"


The little girl nodded her head, then looked at Mr. Xu and Xu Yan, "Grandpa Xu, Brother Xu, what do you think their disease is?"

"From the symptoms, it looks like tuberculosis, but from the pulse, it looks like a plague. In addition, there are so many more people infected with the disease this night, so it is more likely that it is a plague." Mr. Xu said seriously.

"Grandpa and I have the same idea!" Xu Yan also said in a deep voice.

The usual playful and smiling side has faded away, and now he is so serious and serious that he seems to be a different person.

"Little girl, what do you think?" Mr. Xu asked. "Poisoned!" Xiao Naituanzi said.


Both Mr. Xu and Xu Yan were in disbelief.

Even Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling frowned fiercely.

If it was really poisoning, then this would be a big deal!

Who is the poisoner?
His intentions are so cruel!
"Well, this is poison. The symptoms are very similar to plague and tuberculosis! This kind of poison can be transmitted to each other just by breathing! Master said that he saw it when he traveled to southern Xinjiang! If it is treated as pneumonia and plague If you come here for treatment, it will be more serious!"

"Poison? This is something from southern Xinjiang. How could it appear in Da Zhou?" Jin Ling asked in confusion.

At this time, she was even more worried that they had just accepted a few people from southern Xinjiang, and now the poisonous poison from southern Xinjiang had appeared, and she was afraid that someone would use it to make some fuss.

Xiao Jingxuan also felt deeply bad.

Just these merchants in Yonglin are enough to give him a headache. Why are people from southern Xinjiang also involved?
"Ran Ran, how should I detoxify?"

Compared with other conspiracies and other conspiracies, Master Xu and Sun Liang are more concerned about how to treat so many patients.

"Acupuncture and ordinary medicinal stones will do."

As he said that, Xiao Naituanzi winked at Xu Yan beside him and motioned for him to come over with a pen and write the prescription.

Xu Yan didn't say much and quickly took out a pen and paper.

"Gastrodia elata, Chuanqiong, ginkgo, astragalus,..."

Xiao Naituanzi named more than twenty kinds of medicinal materials in one breath, and then asked Xu Yan to write them down.

"These are medicines for reducing fire, dispelling dampness and treating malaria! But... what is the function of ginkgo...?"

Mr. Xu looked at the prescription and couldn't figure it out.

This prescription is unprecedented!
Moreover, there are several medicines that are mutually reinforcing and contradictory, which simply violates pharmacology.

Xiaotiaotuanzi smiled and did not answer. Then he took out a medicinal herb from his pocket and handed it to everyone, "Let's see what this is?"

"Snow toad?"

Mr. Xu was shocked, looked carefully at what Xiao Naituanzi was holding, and said excitedly: "This snow clam must be hundreds of years old, right?"


Xiao Naituanzi nodded and said with a smile: "With this snow clam, you can neutralize the properties of all the medicines just written. By refining these medicinal materials into small pills, you can detoxify them with just one pill! "

Xu Yan felt a little distressed when he looked at the snow clam.

This is a precious medicinal material comparable to the snow lotus in the sky!
"Ran Ran, how many precious medicinal materials do you still have in this bag?" Xu Yan couldn't help but ask.

The man's eyes were fixed on the Qiankun bag of the little breast dumpling, and he asked eagerly.

"Not many, there are only dozens of kinds! Most of them are said to have been collected in Shewu Mountain last time!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

"Snake Wushan?"

Xu Yan's eyes almost popped out of his head, and he stammered: "Why didn't I see any snow clams?"

The little breasted dumpling puffed up her little face and looked at Xu Yan with disgust, "Everyone has said that Purple Soul Grass is a weed. Why don't you listen to them~"


Xu Yan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

What does it mean to lose the watermelon and find the sesame seeds?

What does it mean to have eyes but not see Mount Tai?

"Little girl, you are so unkind, why didn't you remind me?" Xu Yan had a sad face, as if he had lost millions of taels of silver.

(End of this chapter)

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