Chapter 107
"You can't blame me. There are medicinal herbs growing there. Who told you to only know weeds!? Do you blame me?" The little breasted dumpling puffed out his cheeks and looked like it was none of my business.

Xu Yan: "..."

Well, it's all his fault!

Blame myself for not being good at learning!
Let him shut up for a second!
Mr. Xu glared at Xu Yan, his beard standing up in anger.

"a shame!"

"Why don't you hurry up and follow the little girl's instructions to find all the medicinal materials? In addition, those who took the medicinal materials also told them not to eat them, so as not to aggravate the condition!" Mr. Xu urged.

"oh oh!"

Xu Yan nodded and ran out of the door.

Xiao Jingxuan stood up and said politely to Mr. Xu, "Then you should worry more about these patients, Mr. Xu! I will have people in the city investigated as soon as possible!"

"Yeah." Mr. Xu nodded.

Xiao Nai Tuanzi reminded, "Dad, check more places with water~ This kind of poison itself is not poisonous, but it needs to live in weak people!"


Xiao Jingxuan rubbed her little head, nodded slightly, looked at Jin Ling and said, "Madam, why don't you stay in the hospital first?"

"No, there are too many mobs outside the city. Lu Qing alone may not be able to protect you!" Jin Ling said.

Although Xiao Jingxuan has some boxing and kicking skills, he only uses them to strengthen his body. If there is any riot, he is no match for others.

"If there really is a mob, just the two of you, no one can protect it!" Mr. Xu raised his chin and pointed at Min Shenxing, who was picking his fingers out of boredom outside the wing and said, "Let's use this waste at least!"

Min.waste.Shenxing: "..."

"Old man, you should say it louder!" Min Shenxing stared in dissatisfaction and snorted.

Why did he waste him?
He is also very useful, okay?

Mr. Xu said in a loud voice: "I didn't name him by name. It was you who insisted on admitting it yourself!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

Seeing the two of them bickering, Jin Ling couldn't help shaking her head and laughing.

Mr. Xu is really an old kid!
But what he reminded was correct. The Min family had many city guards in charge.

When Mr. Min put Min Shenxing by their side in the name of saving his life, didn't he just give them the right to call on some members of the Min family in a fair and just way?
Not only did he help them, but he didn't have to bear the reputation of being on their side and was framed and attacked by the Ye Party.

It just so happened that I put it to use today.

Jin Ling ordered Min Shenxing, and Min Shenxing turned around and went home to find someone!

Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling also went back to the Yamen first and brought more than a dozen Yamen servants with them before heading to the city gate.

At this time, many patients did appear in the charity hall outside the city. People were in confusion, and they gathered together and spread the news blindly.

"Look at those sick people who are suffering from vomiting and diarrhea. Could it be that there is something wrong with the food in this shantang?"

"I think so. I heard that the county magistrate was demoted to Yonglinlai. He must have made some mistake to be demoted! Now this charity hall is established. It is for us people on the surface, but privately it may be because of it. They treat us ordinary people like meat on a hob!"

"Oh, it's shameful! It's really shameful!"

"No, we must go to the city and let this bullshit county magistrate give us people an explanation!"

"Yes, we fled all the way here, not to die! Go find the county magistrate!"

"A person with a black heart is not worthy of being the parent and official of our people!"

"Let's go together!"

As these victims spoke, they led a group of brainless people around the city gate, wanting to enter the city to cause trouble.

There was an uproar outside the city, and many people in the city were sick.

Many people in the city also spread rumors one by one, and gradually started to panic. "ah!"

"Dead man, dead man!"

Suddenly, a soldier quickly raised a gun in his hand and killed a civilian who was making trouble. He also said very fiercely: "If you dare to make trouble again, this person will be punished!"

As soon as these words were spoken, those who made trouble took two or three steps back.

The timid people hugged each other with pale faces, looking at the city defenders in horror!
When Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling arrived with their people, this scene had already happened.

Looking at the civilian who fell in the blood, Xiao Jingxuan's brows were furrowed.

"what happened!?"

Xiao Jingxuan looked at the city defenders and said angrily.

"Excuse me, sir, but these people are causing trouble in public and slandering your innocence! I had no choice but to kill him with one shot as a warning!" The murderous city guard immediately knelt down and said in a deep voice.

The defender stood up straight, looking like he was daring to do anything for Xiao Jingxuan's good.


Xiao Jingxuan said coldly: "Those people who are making trouble don't understand anything. Just stop them. Why take his life?"

"grown ups!"

The soldier suddenly raised his head and looked at Xiao Jingxuan with red eyes, as if in disbelief, "Sir, my subordinates are just following your orders. Anyone who causes trouble will be killed! Now you want to blame all the blame on your subordinates." Come on?"

"Nonsense! When did I give such an order?"

After Xiao Jingxuan said this, Jin Ling next to him tugged on his sleeves and reminded him with a serious face: "I'm afraid this is someone's plan! Take the person back first and then interrogate him!"


Xiao Jingxuan nodded and said in a deep voice: "Come here, take this person back and have Warden Wu Tong try him quickly!"


Several government officials responded and stepped forward to restrain the city defender.

But who would have thought that before the government officials had even touched him, the city defender immediately stood up, pointed a long gun at the government officials, and said in a cold voice: "Xiao Jingxuan, we were following your orders, and now you are stepping down." Killing a donkey and burning a bridge across a river, right?"

"Those victims are right, you are just a shameless villain who stepped on the flesh and blood of ordinary people to gain a good reputation!"

"Today, I, Xue Ren, will die to prove my innocence, and I will never let a traitor like you succeed!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xue Ren turned the spear in his hand and was about to stab himself in the abdomen.

"Want to die? It's not that easy!"

Jin Ling gave a cold shout, jumped up with his strong body, grabbed the spear with lightning speed, and held it in his hand.

Xue Ren was shocked, rolled his eyes, and quickly hit the wall of the city gate!

Before he hit the wall, Lu Qing was aware of his motive in advance, quickly rushed forward and kicked him.

Xue Ren fell to the ground with a "bang", splashing a cloud of dust.

"Xue Ren, don't be in a hurry to die! What? Do you think you can unjustly accuse us adults by shouting a few empty words before you die?" Lu Qing stepped forward, restrained Xue Ren, and sneered.

Seeing that Xue Ren was not dead, both Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lu Qing, take him back to the Yamen and give him a good interrogation! In addition, I will invite the chief general of the city defense department to the Yamen. I would like to ask him carefully, when did I ever do such a thing? Order!"


Lu Qing responded, pressed Xue Ren and headed to the Yamen.

However, before taking a few steps, Xue Ren suddenly tilted his neck and fell down completely uncontrollably... dead!
(End of this chapter)

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