Chapter 109 Is all shit in your head?
Rejuvenation Hall.

Xiao Nai Tuanzi and Xu Lao Xu Yan divided their work and cooperated.

Xiao Nai Dumpling was refining Xiao Huan Dan, while Mr. Xu and Xu Yan led the doctors from Huichun Hall to inject needles into the patients one by one.

Because there are so many people who are sick and the disease is highly contagious.

Before refining the elixir, Xiao Naituanzi prescribed a decoction and asked the boy from Huichun Hall to brew the decoction and put it at the door for those who were not infected to come and have a drink to prevent infection.

After arranging everything, Xiao Nai Tuanzi entered the side room where the elixir was refined and locked himself in it.

The three alchemy furnaces were opened at the same time, and the talismans and seals in Xiao Nai Tuanzi's hands were thrown into the alchemy furnace one by one, and the medicinal materials were also thrown into it.

For two full hours, the little breast dumpling was in a highly concentrated state.

When she finished the medicinal ingredients, she was so tired that she was about to collapse. She was tired and sleepy, her stomach was rumbling, her eyelids were trembling, and she was still trying hard not to fall asleep.

Mr. Xu and Xu Yan knew that Xiao Nai Tuanzi needed to eat and sleep to replenish his physical energy, so when it was almost time, they brought a lot of food and drink to Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

After a delicious meal, Xiaonuituanzi finally recovered some of his physical strength.

He threw two more talismans in, told Xu Yan, and went to lie down on the bed.

Xu Yan stayed by the alchemy furnace until an hour had passed and the fire of the talisman was completely extinguished, and then he opened the alchemy furnace one by one.

The moment he opened it, a medicinal fragrance hit his nostrils, shocking Xu Yan's whole body.

Looking at the round pills in the three pill furnaces, a smile almost appeared on his face.

Just by smelling it, you can tell that this is a middle-grade elixir.

Ran Ran is indeed Ran Ran!
He is really a wizard at practicing alchemy!

Even if the elixir condensation rate is high, the quality of each one is still so high.

Three pots of medicine, a total of more than 700 pills.

If a medicine of this quality were sold, one pill would cost thousands of taels of silver!

Sigh... Such a pill is really a waste of resources when used to treat this disease!
Xu Yan sighed and went downstairs with the elixir.

After giving the elixirs to the patients one by one, they were asked to wait in the hospital until they were much better before they were allowed to leave.

Seeing that the patients were almost fully recovered after just a stick of incense, the doctors in the Huichun Hall all showed happy smiles.

But despite this, many patients are still coming over one after another.

"Grandpa, there is no way to go on like this! There are many people in Yonglin among us. Let's not talk about the problem of this elixir. Even our medical center may not have enough of these medicinal materials!" Xu Yan looked at the patients. , said anxiously.

The doctors at Huichun Hall are all relatively old, and after working for most of the day, their hands are shaking.

"Ask the housekeeper to go to other medical clinics, tell us about the situation here, and ask them to come over and help!" Mr. Xu said.

"In addition, if those medicinal materials are not enough, buy them!"

Xu Yan nodded and hurriedly went to give instructions.

However, what Mr. Xu and Xu Yan didn't expect was that there were five or six Yonglin Medical Clinics with nearly 50 doctors, and probably no more than ten people came.

Xu Yan didn't buy many medicinal materials.

"what happened?"

Old Xu called the housekeeper over and asked in a deep voice.

"Master, I don't know what happened to those medical clinics. They are all closed!" Butler Xu also looked at the doctors who came with a melancholy look on his face and said: "These doctors are also small medical clinics. All the doctors here are here because of your reputation." "Some of these medicinal materials are scarce on the market, so they are difficult to buy!"

"This won't work!" Xu Yan said, "There's nothing you can do without medicinal materials!"

Mr. Xu thought for a while and said: "Steward, go to the Yamen and see if Mr. Xiao is there, report the matter to him, and then ask him to arrange some people to go to Ling County to buy medicinal materials!"


The housekeeper responded and left in a hurry!
"Grandpa, isn't it just to buy medicinal materials? We can just arrange for people to go there? There are many pharmacists who cooperate with our Xu family!" Xu Yan said.

"Hmph!" Mr. Xu snorted when he heard what he said, put one hand behind his back, poked Xu Yan's forehead with the other, and said coldly: "Is your mind filled with shit? "

Xu Yan touched his head, his face full of confusion!
Mr. Xu stared, too lazy to explain too much, and went to communicate with the new doctors.

Xu Yan: "..."

In the county government office, Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jingzhe had just finished discussing the countermeasures when Butler Xu came in a hurry.

After talking about the situation in Huichun Hall, Xiao Jingxuan said: "We can only ask the Min family and Madam Xu for help in this matter!"


Xiao Jingzhe nodded, "The people behind this are obviously trying to prevent us from finding a cure and want to cut off our path from the source! When buying medicinal materials, we need to be more concealed!"

"Steward Xu, please go back and tell Mr. Xu that we will arrange for someone to handle the medicinal materials in secret, so that he can feel at ease!" Xiao Jingxuan said in a deep voice.


Butler Xu nodded slightly, then respectfully said goodbye and left.

As soon as Butler Xu left, Jin Ling suggested: "Why don't we reveal the prescription for this treatment?"

Xiao Jingxuan was puzzled for a moment and looked at Jin Ling doubtfully.

Xiao Jingzhe smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, you mean to release fake prescriptions? To confuse people's eyes and make people relax their vigilance?"

"Not bad." Jin Ling nodded.

"Since the symptoms are very similar to consumption and plague, let's say this is consumption or plague! Then we will release the prescription."

"This disease is highly contagious, and Ranran said that if the disease is treated according to the prescription of tuberculosis or plague, it will become more and more serious!"

"In this way, those people will relax their vigilance, or they may deliberately restrict people from purchasing the medicinal materials on the prescription! Even if there are no restrictions on medicinal materials, then we can delay the time and find out some signs!"

"Yes, just follow Madam's instructions!" Xiao Jingxuan nodded in agreement.

Not long after, Wu Tong brought the autopsy records of the widower and the confessions of the troublemakers.

After Xiao Jingxuan checked, he ordered in a deep voice: "Wu Tong, go and lead people to investigate carefully. The origins of these people, especially Xue Ren!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Xiao Jingzhe took the autopsy record and took a look at it, his deep eyes narrowed slightly.


Lu Qing's martial arts is not too low, and in such an environment, he can also use a hidden weapon to poison Xue Ren. This person's martial arts is not low!

"Brother, please check the origin of this poison!" Xiao Jingzhe reminded.


(End of this chapter)

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