Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 110 is not a robbery, at most it is a borrowing!

Chapter 110 is not a robbery, at most it is a borrowing!
More and more people came to Huichun Hall for medical treatment. Xu Lao and Xu Yan, a total of seventeen doctors, were divided into four groups, taking turns to administer acupuncture and medicine in Huichun Hall and the charity hall outside the city.

The waiters at Huichuntang prepared a lot of food and drinks for the little milk dumplings.

For two consecutive days, Xiao Naituanzi stayed in the Huichun Hall, eating and sleeping. After waking up, he continued to make elixirs.

But as more and more people are infected, these pills are only a drop in the bucket.

And the hearts of the people in Yonglin City are becoming more and more unstable. There is a feeling that everyone is in danger, and everyone is staying behind closed doors.


Second Master Wu leaned on his chair, holding tea and drinking it leisurely. Seeing his subordinate come in, he didn't even raise his eyelids, so he asked in a deep voice: "How is it outside?"

That look clearly showed that he was at ease and waiting for a good show.

"Master, we... our people have been deceived!" Wu Yuan lowered his head and replied carefully.

Mr. Wu squinted his eyes slightly, raised his eyes, and said coldly: "What do you mean we were deceived?"

"Master, the news released by Xiao Jingxuan is false!" Wu Yuan said, looking up at Master Wu's face, lowering his eyelids and continuing: "After the treatment at Huichun Hall, those patients Everyone is getting better! They are full of life!"


As soon as Wu Yuan finished speaking, the tea cup in Master Wu's hand was thrown directly at his feet and smashed to pieces!
Wu Yuan lowered his head even lower, not daring to take a breath.

Mr. Wu walked around the house several times with his hands behind his back, and then asked in a cold voice: "What about Liu Biao?"

"The person was found by his people. Didn't it mean that no one in Dazhou knows about this poison?"

"Now that there has been such a big mistake, where did the people die? Hurry up and find them for me!"

"Then Xiao Jingxuan deliberately let people release such false news. It is obviously to confuse our sight, so that he can seize the person who drugged him."

"Once this person is caught and what he confesses to is revealed, none of us will be able to get away with it!"

What Wu Erye is most afraid of now is that this person has been caught.

When the time comes...

"Replying to the master, Liu County Cheng was sent to the charity hall outside the city by the Xiao County Magistrate for the past two days, and he has not left for these two days!"

Wu Yuan lowered his head and said.

"Okay, that's really good! Xiao Jingxuan is clearly guarding against Liu Bip!"

"Dad, good news, good news!"

At this moment, Wu Gaolin opened the door excitedly and walked in, with a smile on his face that he couldn't hide!

"What's the good news?" Master Wu asked in a deep voice.

"I heard that Xiao Jingxuan and his wife are both infected with the disease! Also, someone is making trouble at the door of Huichun Hall. They say someone died after taking the pills from Huichun Hall!"


Mr. Wu's eyes widened and he almost lost his voice.

"Seriously! It's absolutely true!" Wu Gaolin nodded heavily.


After receiving Wu Gaolin's affirmative answer, Mr. Wu burst out laughing.

"Retribution! This is retribution!"

"If Xiao Jingxuan and his wife die here, it will be a huge retribution."

"Master..." Wu Yuan looked up at Master Wu, but hesitated to speak.

He always felt that it was not that simple.

He had inquired about Xiao Jingxuan's little daughter.

The third wife of the Xu family was almost dying at that time, and I heard that she was the one who cured her.

And that young master of the Min family!

It is said that she is also...

Didn't Liu County Cheng say that Mr. Xu was blind at first and wanted his grandson to worship that little girl as his teacher?
People like Mr. Xu wouldn't make fun of such things, right?
"What's the matter? Say it!"

Second Master Wu was very happy, and his questions to Wu Yuan were somewhat perfunctory.

Wu Yuan glanced at the eldest young master beside him and thought about it carefully, but he did not express his concerns.

This matter... I'd better investigate it first before talking about it.

"Master, what should we do next?" Wu Yuan asked.

"Wait." Mr. Wu spat out one word indifferently.

"By the way, you and Gao Lin go to pick up the uncle together!" Second Master Wu said.


Wu Gaolin and Wu Yuan responded at the same time.

At this time, someone was making trouble in Huichun Hall just as Wu Gaolin said.

But the person who caused the trouble was not the person who died because of taking pills.

It's the people who come to cause trouble because they can't get timely treatment.

After only a short while of commotion, the boy from Huichun Hall took him in and calmed him down.

As for the news about the pill killing people, it was naturally Xiao Jingxuan who deliberately spread it.

And that Liu County Cheng was sent to Shantang by Xiao Jingxuan. Within half a day, he had already contracted the disease.

County government.

"Sir, it has been found out that the person who poisoned the water was a gangster named Liu Er!" Lu Qing reported.

"Where is the person? Has he been caught?" Xiao Jingxuan asked in a deep voice.


Xiao Jingxuan was not surprised by this result.

After all, only the dead can shut their mouths forever!

"Bring the body back first and let Wei conduct an autopsy. After the results are known, let his family take him back."

"Yes!" Lu Qing responded.

"It is forbidden to set up stalls on the streets these days. Wu Tong is very strict. As long as every household is infected, they will be treated immediately."


After Xiao Jingxuan finished giving instructions, Jin Ling interjected, "How are you doing with the medicinal materials? I'm afraid Mr. Xu and Ran Ran won't last long!"

"Neither the Min family nor Mrs. Xu Sanniang have responded yet. I still need to ask someone about the specific situation," Lu Qing said.

"I have a way to get the medicinal materials quickly!" At this time, Xiao Jingzhe said in a deep voice.

"What way?"

Several people in the room looked over curiously.

Xiao Jingzhe curled his lips, with a cunning look in his black eyes.

I heard him spit out one word indifferently, "Grab!"


Xiao Jingxuan and his wife looked at each other and looked at Xiao Jingzhe in disbelief.

How could someone like Lao Si, who looks like a gentleman at first glance, come up with such an idea?
Xiao Jingzhe was puzzled by what they saw. He raised his eyebrows slightly and said calmly, "What? Is there a problem?"

"It's common to run out of food and fodder when marching and fighting! It's perfectly normal to seize the enemy's food and fodder! Don't make a fuss!"

"Just slap a random charge on those drug stores, have the government seal them up, and then try to steal them!"

"As for when to open it, it must be after our medicinal materials arrive!"

"Oh, that's right! This isn't considered robbery! At most, it's borrowing! After all, it has to be paid back!"

Xiao Jingxuan and his wife: "..."

The fourth child is probably the only one who can talk about Mingqiang in such a high-sounding way!
Even shameless, so shameless and decent!
"Sir, this is a great idea, Master Four! We in Yonglin County are not without medicine, so why bother looking far away from what is close!"

"My subordinates will send someone right now!"

Xiao Jingxuan waved his hand, "Go ahead and do it cleanly so that no one can catch you!"

"Wait a minute, let Qin Shi handle this matter! After all... he has experience!" Xiao Jingzhe said.

Qin Shi: "..."

Why does this sound a little harsh to my ears?

"Yes, Fourth Master! I will do it now!"

(End of this chapter)

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