Chapter 111 Counted!
outside the city.

"Ahem...Help, help me...Quick, help me! Ahem..."

In the charity hall, Liu County Cheng was lying on the straw mat, holding his big belly and coughing.

"Liu County Cheng, please stop yelling! Just lie down quietly!" Xu Yan glanced at him casually, with a hint of gloating in his tone, "If you yell again, the child in your belly will be afraid I can’t bear it anymore! Let me tell you, I can’t deliver babies!”


Liu County Cheng was so angry that he felt that he would die soon!

How could he be so unlucky? He could still be infected if he took the antidote in advance.Others took an injection and took the medicine and became active and energetic after a short while. But when it came to him, why was it of no use at all?

Is it really God's will to destroy him?

"Xu Yan, your teacher told me, what kind of medicine did you give me? Cough cough cough..."

"What do you think?" Xu Yan said with a smile.

He wouldn't tell him that what he was given was mud balls!
By the way, he also secretly had some renminliang in his mouth!

"Ahem...I want to go back! Go back to the city! Help me tell the adults!" Liu County Cheng's tone was slightly pleading.

"Back to the city?"

Xu Yan shook his head and persuaded: "Liu Xiancheng, I advise you to save your life. Why would we let you into the city when you are like this? You have received the injection and taken the pills, but it has no effect at all! I think the disease in your body is much more serious than others!"

"If you enter the city and infect other people, wouldn't you be guilty? I think you, Liu County Cheng, have worked hard for the people all these years. We can't ruin the reputation we have accumulated for half a lifetime just because of an illness! "

Xu Yan looked like I was doing this for your sake!

What a joke, this kind of person would like to die immediately!
As a parent official, apart from trying to please those people and seeking personal gain for myself, I haven’t done a single good thing in these years!

I still want to climb to the position of county magistrate!
I don't think about it!

If this incident really had anything to do with him, he promised that he would personally send him to hell.

Liu County Cheng gritted his teeth and looked at the sky outside, holding back the discomfort in his heart and waiting slowly.

He can't wait any longer. If he waits any longer, he may have to spend his life here.


When the moon was dark and the wind was high, Liu County Cheng took advantage of the city gate to change its defenses and sneaked into the city secretly, heading all the way to an abandoned house somewhere.

"Dong dong dong... dong dong dong..."

The door knocker rang three times, and Liu Xiancheng's eyes moved around.


The wooden door was opened from the inside, and a black figure wearing a cloak appeared in front of Liu Xiancheng.

"Cough cough cough..."

Liu County Chengqiang covered his mouth, coughed twice, and then looked at the man in the cloak angrily, "Qi Ming, didn't you say that if you take the antidote, you won't get the disease? Why am I still getting the disease? ?”

"Are you sick?"

Qi Ming's voice was rough and hoarse, which was very harsh in the ears. As soon as he heard Liu Xian Cheng's words, he quickly clasped his wrist.

After a while, he quickly let go, and his tone was as cold as that ghost beast, extremely cold, "Damn it, I fell into a trap!"

"Ahem... fell into a trap?"

Before Liu Xian Cheng could fully react, he saw Inland Qing and Qin Shi leading a group of people in the alley hurriedly coming here with torches!


Suddenly, Liu Xian Cheng was slapped by Qi Ming and hit the door, with stars rising from his head!
Qi Ming quickly jumped onto the roof and fired several hidden weapons from top to bottom.

By the time Qin Shi and Lu Qing dodged the hidden weapons, Qi Ming had already escaped!
"You guys, take Liu County Cheng back, and the others will chase him with me!" Lu Qing ordered in a loud voice.

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison, and everyone followed Lu Qing and Qin Shi.

The next day, the county government.

"Please forgive me, sir, we have lost the man named Qi Ming!" Lu Qing knelt on the ground and apologized: "At this time, Qin Shi and Wu Tong were leading people to search from house to house! But Qi Ming After being stabbed by Wu Tong, I should be able to find him soon!"

"I got it!" Xiao Zhengxuan waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "You have worked hard too, go down and rest first!"


Lu Qing responded and retreated.

At this time, a prison guard in the cell hurried over and reported: "Sir, it seems that Liu County Cheng is not well..."

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Jingxuan immediately stood up and asked in a deep voice.

"He was holding his stomach and screaming that it hurt. His face was pale, and his forehead was covered with fine sweat! It was like... just like my wife would look like when she gave birth!"

"Are you going to give birth?"

Xiao Jingxuan blurted out subconsciously. After saying it, he felt that it was very inappropriate. He pursed his lower lip slightly and said: "Go to Huichun Hall to see if Ranran is resting. If she has time, let her come back and show him. If If you don’t have time, let him suffer first!”


The yamen officer responded and retreated.

Xiao Jingzhe pushed in the wheelchair and was unusually interested in Liu Xian Cheng's belly.

"This man is pregnant, which is rare in the ages! Do you think that if the child is born, will it be a boy or a girl? Should he call Mr. Liu County Cheng father or mother?"

Xiao Jingxuan: "..."

"Why are you still interested in this matter?" Xiao Jingxuan looked at him and asked.

Xiao Jingzhe asked, "Aren't you curious?"

"Ran Ran said before that what Liu County Cheng is carrying in his belly is his twin brother!"


The interest in Xiao Jingzhe's eyes became more intense, and he smiled: "Then it's time to call Liu County Cheng brother!"

Xiao Jingxuan pursed his lips, "I don't know whether I can give birth to a child, but now Liu County Cheng can't die so quickly!"

"Then you look so unhurried? Are you afraid of disturbing your daughter's rest?"

Xiao Jingxuan snorted and said: "Is it important for my daughter to have a baby named Liu? Besides, who can give birth to a baby so fast? Let him hold it in for me!"


This big brother!After having a daughter, some of my principles have changed!
"President Liu Xiancheng has been arrested in advance. Next, the Wu Zhifu will come online. Our plan may have to change!" Xiao Jingzhe said solemnly.

They originally thought that Liu Xian Cheng could hold on for two more days, but they then planned to let the Wu Zhifu also have a taste of the disease, and then catch them all in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, Liu County Cheng arrived early.

"Follow the original plan!" Xiao Jingxuan said.

"Original plan?"

"Yes!" Xiao Jingxuan nodded, with a hint of deep meaning in the corner of his mouth, "If you come all the way for me, you have to give me some gift in return, right?"

"Maybe... there may be some unexpected gains!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingzhe thought about it for a moment, and instantly understood what Xiao Jingxuan meant.

"Okay, just follow what brother says!"

(End of this chapter)

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