Chapter 115 Wu Zhifu got sick!
"Second Master, go and get a doctor to take a good look at it. I caught a cold last night and can't stop coughing!"

The boy driving the carriage said anxiously when he saw Mr. Wu.

"Oh, Lord Magistrate, could it be that he is... infected with an illness?" Wu Tong said suddenly.

"Shut up!" After Wu finished speaking, he received a glare from Wu Tongpan, "What nonsense are you talking about? I didn't hear anyone say that I just caught a cold~"

"Second Master Wu has already said that Magistrate Wu is in very good health, how could he get sick?"

Wu Tong immediately lowered his head after being scolded by his father.

Wu Tongpan coughed lightly and bowed respectfully to the carriage, "Xiaguan Yonglin Tongpan Wu Wanwan has met the prefect! The county magistrate and the county magistrate are both sick and cannot come to greet the prefect in person. Sir, please forgive me!"

"Cough cough...cough cough..."

Wu Zhifu coughed heavily, covering his chest with one hand, and opened the curtain of the carriage with the other hand. He glanced at Wu Tongpan and said: "I am just going home to visit my relatives. Ahem... misfortunes on the road... ahem... ...I caught the wind and cold, so I’ll go back to Wu’s house today!”

"Uncle, are you okay?" Wu Haolin asked worriedly.

This uncle's symptoms seem to be exactly the same as those of people who have contracted the disease!

"Cough cough, it's okay!"

With that said, Magistrate Wu lowered the car curtain.

Wu Erye frowned and said in a low voice to Wu Haolin next to him: "Let someone invite Dr. Li from Renhe Hall to see your uncle. In addition, you can personally investigate the whereabouts of Liu County Cheng! Look at that Is Liu County Cheng really infected with the disease?"

Wu Haolin's heart trembled, "Dad, do you doubt..."


"Yes!" Wu Haolin nodded and left quickly with a few people!
As soon as Wu Zhifu arrived at Wu's house, his illness became more serious. Not only did he not stop coughing, he also had vomiting and diarrhea, which made Wu Erye worried.

Please ask the elder brother to come back to help, but don't bend him in when the time comes.

"Doctor Li, what kind of disease does my eldest brother have? Is he really infected?"

As soon as Dr. Li checked Wu Zhifu's pulse, Wu Erye grabbed his hand tightly and asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, Second Master Wu. Magistrate Wu just caught a cold last night. Just take some medicine and he'll be fine! However, the disease is most likely to infect those who are weak. Don't let the magistrate come into contact with those who are infected." people!"

"Okay, okay, okay! That's good!"

Master Wu was relieved when he heard this.

After all, these people had taken the antidote in advance, so how could they really get sick?It’s okay if you catch a cold, it’s okay if you catch a cold!
"Doctor Li, just prescribe the medicine!"

"Yes!" Dr. Li nodded, prescribed the medicine and said, "Take this prescription and go get the medicine, but the villain's pharmacy has been closed down, so you have to go to the Huichun Hall to get the medicine!"

"Blocked?" Mr. Wu was surprised, "When did it happen? Why was it banned?"

"As for what happened yesterday, hey... someone reported it to the government that we medical clinics were selling fake medicines!" Doctor Li sighed as he spoke.

Whether it was selling counterfeit medicine, he knew very well.

These medical clinics are just serving as sandwich biscuits in the middle!
However, as a doctor, he flinched when faced with such a serious illness. This was a dereliction of duty on his part!
If the government wants to take away those medicinal materials, just take it away!

Just think of it as trying your best!

After writing the prescription, Dr. Li left!
But the anger on Mr. Wu’s face has not dissipated at all!
I never expected that Xiao Jingxuan, who has always been known as a gentleman, would do such a shameless thing!

"Come here, go to the Huichun Hall to get the medicine!"


The servant hurriedly left with the prescription, and Wu Haolin came back in a hurry after a while.

"Dad, it's not good! It's not good!"

"What's wrong?" When Mr. Wu heard this, his eyelids jumped, "What happened?" "Liu County Cheng is missing!" Wu Haolin said.

"Gone? What do you mean missing?" Mr. Wu was a little uneasy, "Have you been to his house?"

"My subordinate went to the shantang to inquire. It is true that Liu Xiancheng was infected with the disease. He has been staying in the shantang these days. But last night, he suddenly lost news. I also went to see him at his home. After that, Mrs. Liu said she didn’t go back!”

"What about the Yamen?"

"Mrs. Liu went to the Yamen in person to look for her, but there was no one there!" Wu Haolin said.

"No one? How could there be no one? And is it true or false that Liu County Cheng is infected?"

"Dad, it's true!" Wu Haolin pursed his lips and continued: "Moreover, the victims of the disaster in Shantang and the sick people in the city have started to get better after taking the medicine of Huichuntang!"

"Getting better? How can it get better?"

Mr. Wu's eyes were scarlet, "Didn't you say someone died two days ago and someone was causing trouble in Huichun Hall?"


Wu Haolin choked.

At this moment, he seriously suspected that they had fallen into a trap!

Master Wu Er slapped Wu Haolin in the face, "Send someone to find Xu Er for me, and also look for Liu Xian Cheng!"


Wu Haolin responded in a deep voice, then turned and left.

Mr. Wu walked around anxiously in the house, but within half a day, several blisters appeared on the corners of his mouth.

County government.

When Xiao Jingzhe came back from his new residence, he saw Wu Tongpan just coming out of Xiao Jingxuan's study.

The two nodded to each other and then passed each other.

When Xiao Jingxuan heard the sound of Xiao Jingzhe's car, he walked out with a smile and said: "The fish is hooked!"

"It's the little fish that takes the bait, but the big fish behind you may not take the bait so quickly!" Xiao Jingzhe said with a serious face.

Xiao Jingxuan's heart skipped a beat, "But what did you ask?"

"Zhang Biao said that Southern Xinjiang has indeed cultivated a lot of craftsmen! These craftsmen are placed in various places, and it cannot be ruled out that they are some local officials!"

"Nanjiang Sesaku has been trained since he was a child. It is difficult to investigate!"

Xiao Jingxuan pushed him into the study and asked: "Those people are also meticulous in their work. Do you know if there is a way to connect these meticulous works with each other?"

Xiao Jingzhe shook his head.

"They each act alone. Everyone who contacts them has different methods, and they all don't know each other!"

"But that silver needle is known to the man named Zhao Hu! It is the hidden weapon of the number one guard of the Third Prince of Southern Xinjiang! This man is good at martial arts and Gu!"


"No, maybe this Qi Ming is just a little bait they put out!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan fell into deep thought, and tapped his fingers on the table, making a rhythmic sound.

After a long time, he said slowly, "I'm just afraid that if this person's plan fails, he will try another one!"

"That's right! This is what I'm worried about too!"

(End of this chapter)

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