Chapter 116 The Yu family helps
"Sir, there is a young lady named Yu outside the door asking to see you!"

At this time, Lu Qing said respectfully outside the door.


Xiao Jingzhe and Xiao Jingxuan looked at each other.

Xiao Jingxuan said: "Go and report to Madam, let Madam go and see you!"


Lu Qing responded and turned to report Jin Ling.

When Jin Ling heard that the surname was Yu, she immediately thought of the young lady of the Yu family whom she had rescued on the street not long ago.

Hongxing was asked to prepare tea, while she dressed up before going to the living room in the front yard.

"Madam Xiao!"

The visitor is indeed Miss Yu Pinting from the Yu family!

"Miss Yu!" Jin Ling greeted her with a smile and said politely: "Please sit down!"

"Madam, Binting came here today. Firstly, she wanted to thank Madam for saving her life last time. Secondly, she wanted to give this to Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao!"

With that said, Yu Binting took out an envelope and handed it to Jin Ling.

Jin Ling was stunned, reached out to take it, and opened it doubtfully.

When she saw the above content, Jin Ling looked at Yu Binting in surprise, "How did Miss Yu know that we need these medicinal materials? And we got so many of them?"

Yu Pinting smiled and said: "It's Ms. Xu Sanniang!"

"Our Yu family's power in Yonglin is weak. Mrs. Xu Sanniang is secretly taking care of us, but few outsiders know about it!"

"Our Yu family happens to have a distant relative who is a medicine dealer, so Mrs. Xu Sanniang asked me to help raise medicines privately!"

"One light and one dark! Just now we have the opportunity to transport the medicinal materials."

Jin Ling stood up and bowed sincerely towards Yu Pinting, "Miss Yu, my family and I would like to thank you on behalf of the people of Yonglin!"

"Ma'am, you're welcome!"

Yu Binting hurriedly gave Jin Ling a hand and turned her body sideways to avoid Jin Ling's courtesy.

"It is Pinting's honor to do something for the people of Yonglin!"

"It is also a blessing for the people of Yonglin that we have parents like Master Xiao and Mrs. Xiao in Yonglin!"

Hearing this, Jin Ling also laughed, "Miss Yu, sit down!"

After Yu Binting sat down, she took out another 2 taels of silver notes and handed it over, "These are the modest efforts that my Yu family has done for the people of Yonglin. I hope Madam will accept them! Although it is not much, it is It’s also a little bit of our thoughts!”

Jin Ling was not polite, and collected the banknotes generously. After thanking him again, he said: "All the silver donated by people will be publicized by the government at the shantang, and every expenditure will be announced at the shantang." Make an announcement! Miss Yu is welcome to check the account book at any time!"

"Pinting believes in Madam!"

After talking about the business, the two chatted for a while, and then Yu Pinting left.

As soon as Yu Pinting left, Xiao Jingxuan couldn't wait to come over.

"What are you talking about? Taking so long?"

Yu Pinting handed over the 2 taels of silver notes and the letter.

"Miss Yu is here to deliver medicine and money!"

Xiao Jingxuan put the banknote aside, read the letter, and said, "I'll ask Lu Qing to take someone to pick it up right away!"


Another two days passed.

Wu family. "Cough cough cough... cough cough cough..."

"Brother, are you okay?" Seeing Wu Zhifu's cough getting worse and worse, and even vomiting blood, Wu Erye was so anxious that he urged Doctor Li next to him, "Doctor Li, are you okay?"

As a doctor, the most annoying thing is the patient's family members, who don't understand anything but come to question the doctor's medical skills.

Doctor Li was also a man with a bad temper, and he looked a little unhappy. He said in a deep voice: "Master Magistrate, Second Master! To be honest, there are some new changes in Master Magistrate's pulse condition today. It seems that he has tuberculosis but not tuberculosis, a plague but not a plague! I'm afraid it is. Got sick!"

"What? Infected?" Mr. Wu couldn't believe it, "How is this possible!?"

When Wu Zhifu heard this, he coughed louder and louder, and looked at Wu Erye with a pair of dark eyes.

Mr. Wu pursed his lips slightly and looked extremely ugly.

"Doctor Li, please tell me how to treat it! No matter how expensive this medicinal material is, our Wu family can afford it!"

Doctor Li had a sullen face and said unhurriedly: "Nowadays, there are rumors outside that the disease that people outside are contracting is poisoning!"

"This kind of poison is very easy to infect people who are weak. I already reminded you when I came to see you the day before yesterday! Now that I have been infected by the poison, the only way to cure it is Huichun Hall! Please ask Master Wu to please Mr. Xu! Farewell !”

After saying that, Doctor Li went out.

After walking out of the Wu family's gate, Dr. Li looked back at the Wu family's sign, waved his sleeves in a cold voice and walked back home.

But not long after walking, he stopped again and turned to go in another direction.

In the Wu family room, Magistrate Wu kept coughing and coughing. As soon as Doctor Li left, he threw the blood-stained handkerchief on the ground!

"Still...ahem...why are you still standing there!? Like you're watching me die? Ahem...

"Brother, it must have been a misdiagnosis by Dr. Li. We took the antidote in advance! Do you think our family is fine?"


As soon as Master Wu finished speaking, Magistrate Wu spurted out a mouthful of blood!
"Cough cough...cough cough..."

"Brother! Brother! Are you okay?"

"Wu Gongli, haven't you seen it yet? We have fallen into someone else's trap!" Wu Zhifu said through gritted teeth, holding back the swelling in his chest and throat.

"Brother, it's impossible..." Master Wu said, "Our plan is perfect!"

"Stupid!'s still perfect?"

The martial arts magistrate was lying on the bed, staring uncomfortably at the eaves above his head with a pair of cloudy old eyes, his chest rising and falling continuously.

When Doctor Li said that he was sick, Magistrate Wu understood it instantly!
They designed to punish Xiao Jingxuan!

But they used a trick on him to invite you to the urn!I want to remove him and the Wu family together!

Why can't you greet me in person if you are sick?

It's just an excuse!

And that Liu County Cheng must have fallen into his hands!

"Ahem, cough, cough... Second brother, let me ask you, how involved are you in the epidemic?" Wu Zhifu almost forced himself to hold his breath while asking, and then coughed heavily again after asking.

"It's all designed by Liu Xian Cheng and Xu Er. They designed the front. I'll ask you for help in the back!" Wu Erye said.

Hearing this, Wu Zhifu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Find a way to clean up the Wu family, and we can't leave any trouble behind!"

Wu Zhifu rolled his turbid old eyes, thought about the whole process carefully, and felt a chill in his heart.

Xu Er, who has nothing, and Liu Xiancheng, who only knows how to flatter, can't create such a big battle!
They are most likely to be pawns in the hands of others!
And Xiao Jingxuan may have thought of this a long time ago, so he took advantage of it!

(End of this chapter)

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