Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 117: Robbery of women and men in broad daylight?

Chapter 117: Robbery of women and men in broad daylight?
"Yes, brother, don't worry! What we discussed was originally to call you to deal with and suppress Xiao Jingxuan. As for the rest, we did not participate!" Second Master Wu said extremely unwillingly.


When Wu Zhifu heard this, it was as if the waning old man had suddenly died. He said "Yeah" and completely fainted.

"Big brother! Big brother?"

Brother Wu was shocked all over. After calling twice and hearing no response, he tremblingly stretched out his hand, put it under Wu Zhifu's nose and explored it.


Feeling that there was still a faint breath on his hand, Mr. Wu exhaled heavily.

"Come here, go to the Huichun Hall and invite Mr. Xu!"


The guard outside the door responded loudly and hurried away.

After half an hour passed, Xu Yan followed the Wu family's guards to the Wu family leisurely and leisurely.

"Why is it not Mr. Xu who is here!?"

As soon as I entered the door, I heard the second master Wu say something coldly, and his attitude was extremely bad!

Xu Yan's face darkened, and he turned around and left without saying a word!

"Whether you want to be cured or not, I won't serve you anymore! Goodbye to you!"

After saying this, Xu Yan seemed to be running faster than a rabbit, and he was furious, as if the back of his butt was on fire!

The guard stared blankly, a little dumbfounded.

At this time, this little miracle doctor was like a snail carrying a house on his back, unable to move no matter how hard he urged!
Why are there hot wheels under my feet when I leave now?
Mr. Wu's eyes widened, until Xu Yan could no longer be seen, then he pointed in the direction he left and said with trembling fingers: "This...this...what's going on?"

"Master, this old man is very old. He has been busy all day and is falling asleep right now!" The guard lowered his head and spoke tremblingly, "This is this little miracle doctor... That is what my subordinate has been saying for a long time. This is I just brought him here! Just these words from you..."


Wu Erye choked, raised his foot and kicked the guard on the butt, as if he had vented all his anger on the guard.


The guard immediately fell down and was lying on the ground with great difficulty, unable to get up.


Seeing this, Master Wu became even more angry!

"If you are so useless, why do you think you are a guard? Come here, let me drag you down, fight for eighteen!"

Guard: "..."


At this time, Wu Haolin walked over and glanced at the guard lightly, "Why did he make you angry?"

"Your grandfather is in danger. I asked him to invite Mr. Xu here, but he couldn't come. What's the use of him!"

"Young Master...Young Master, please forgive me! It's not that I didn't invite Mr. Xu, but that Mr. Xu can be invited by just anyone. That little miracle doctor Xu was also begged by his subordinates to his father and grandma!"

"Listen...listen...what are these words!?"

Wu Haolin: "..."

"Master disobedient, why don't you drag him down and beat me up!" Wu Haolin immediately winked at the other two guards, waved at them and dragged them away, and then said: "Dad, please calm down first. In the past two days, I’ve pretty much figured out the situation at Huichun Hall!”

"There are just so many doctors, they all come in turn!"

"My son is watching from a distance. I heard that Mr. Xu has been busy from last night to when he just lay down!"

"In addition, Xu Yan is known as a little miracle doctor when he takes a pee, and his medical skills are not bad!"

"Besides, I've asked people to inquire. Just give a person two injections, and then give him a small pill, and he will be cured after a short period of time! Any doctor can do it!"

After hearing these remarks, Mr. Wu felt a little better.

He snorted and said: "Then you can't send a young boy here! This is looking down on our Wu family!" "Yes, yes, yes!"

Wu Haolin said yes, but he was murmuring in his heart.

Has his father been annoyed by his uncle's illness these past two days?I feel like my mind is not very bright anymore!

Not at all as calm as usual.

His temper is like a firecracker, he can get angry easily!

Why do you look down on the Wu family? ?Don't even think about the fact that Mr. Xu used to treat illnesses for princes and ministers. Who dares to look down on Xu Yan?
His father is confused!
"Dad, I see that you have been tired for two days. You should go back and have a good rest. Leave the matter of calling the doctor to me!"


Second Master Wu snorted lightly and said seriously, "Your uncle's affairs are the top priority in our family!"

"Yes, Dad! Don't worry!"

Wu Haolin couldn't stand his nagging father. Looking at his black smoke ring, he reached out and hit him on the back of the head!

Mr. Wu tilted his neck, rolled his eyes and fainted.

Wu Haolin handed him over to the guard at the side, and then hurriedly chased Xu Yan with the two of him.

Xu Yan had just stepped out of the Wu family's gate, and Wu Haolin followed him with two guards to catch up.

"Xu little miracle doctor, Xu little miracle doctor! Wait!"

Wu Haolin shouted from behind, but Xu Yan seemed not to hear him. He straightened his back and put his hands behind his back, walking slowly with his head held high, as if he just couldn't hear him.

"Miracle Doctor Xu! Wait!"

Wu Haolin chased Xu Yan and opened his hands to stop him!

"Hey, hey, hey, don't mess around in broad daylight! I'm a good family man!"

Xu Yan looked like he was frightened, crossed his arms over his chest, and took three steps back with a frightened expression on his face.

Wu Haolin: "..."

What did he just say?

A good woman and a man?

This place is not far from the gate of the Wu family, and there are many people coming and going. After hearing Wu Haolin's words, everyone looked over, with a bit of curiosity and consideration in their eyes.

It's like... it's like... Wu Haolin has a broken sleeve!
Wu Haolin's face darkened, he pursed his lips, raised his hands, and took two or three steps back as if surrendering, keeping a full half-foot distance from Xu Yan.

"Little Miracle Doctor Xu, don't leave! Listen to my explanation! I..."

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen..." Before Wu Haolin finished speaking, he saw Xu Yan covering his ears with both hands, closing his eyes and yelling like that bastard chanting sutras.

This time it's good!

The few spectators seemed to be convinced that Wu Haolin was going to do something evil to Xu Yan, and they started pointing at him.

"What are you looking at? I'll dig out your eyeballs!"

Wu Haolin yelled at the passers-by.

"Go, go, go! Hurry up!"

Those passers-by ran away in a hurry!

"Hey, why are you so mean! Look at you scaring everyone away! It's so boring!" Xu Yan said dissatisfied, looking at Wu Haolin with disgust.


Wu Haolin gritted his molar teeth when he saw Xu Yan's look of gloating over his misfortune!

Holding back his temper that was about to explode, he bowed his hands to Xu Yan with a very sincere attitude, "Forgive me, little miracle doctor Xu, it was my fault! I apologize!"

(End of this chapter)

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