Chapter 119 The Wu family was cheated out of another 10 taels
After Xu Yan had done a good job, he gave the magistrate an injection.

The prefect woke up quickly and stopped coughing quickly!
Immediately afterwards, Xu Yan handed the little Huan Dan with some strong ingredients to the housekeeper, and said with a smile: "Friendship with one hand, delivery with the other!"

The housekeeper's eyelids trembled.

He asked someone to withdraw 10 taels of silver notes and give it to Xu Yan.

Xu Yan kicked the banknote into his pocket and said with a smile: "Please take medicine, Lord Magistrate!"

"A gentle reminder, Lord Magistrate, it has taken a little long. It is normal for the medicine to take effect a little slower than others."

"Also, and also, the magistrate must have a good rest these days, don't get angry! If you get angry, I'm afraid you will miss the mark! Cover yourself with quilt at night, and don't catch cold~ This poison is the most susceptible to infection You are just weak!"

"Hey... It's like Liu County Cheng, I don't know what happened! He was infected by someone, and after taking an injection and taking the elixir, he was alive and kicking, but he just recovered within a day and then relapsed!"

"You don't know yet, right? All the children in Liu County Cheng's belly have been aborted!"

"Hey... I'm glad I discovered it in time! Otherwise, my life would have been lost!"

After saying that, Xu Yan sighed deeply and turned around and left without waiting for anyone's reaction!
"He... what did he just say?"

After a while, Magistrate Wu finally spoke blankly, with a puzzled face, "The child in Liu County Cheng's belly is gone?"

"He relapsed in one day?"

"Almost lost your life?"

Three questions popped out of Wuzhixian's mouth in succession.

As soon as he finished speaking, he shuddered suddenly.

He couldn't help but think of the common feature between himself and Liu County Cheng - they had both taken the so-called antidote!
So many people were cured, but Liu County Cheng relapsed in just one day.

Could it be a problem with the antidote?

As this person gets older, he tends to overthink and become suspicious!At this moment, Wu Zhifu is like this!
"Master, don't think too much, just lie down and have a good sleep!"

The housekeeper had been with Wu Zhifu for many years, and he could tell at a glance what Wu Zhifu was thinking, and he advised: "Then how can Liu Xian Cheng be like you? Maybe it's the monster in his belly that is causing trouble. !”

"Have you ever heard of anyone else in the world who is like him? Can a grown man still have children?"

The butler's words instantly comforted Wu Zhifu.

Obediently, he lay down on the bed, closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

But he didn't know if it was because he was thinking about it every day and dreaming about it at night. Xu Yan's words were like a curse, constantly echoing in his mind.

Here, Xu Yan was carrying 10 taels of silver in his pocket, and he seemed to be floating when he walked.

What made him happy was not the 10 taels of silver, but the fact that he cheated the Wu family, and they had to be grateful to him!

Taking the banknote, Xu Yan went to the restaurant to pack ten large boxes of food and delivered them to Huichun Hall, and then carried two large boxes up to the third floor.

"Now, these are all yours!"

Xu Yan stuffed all the banknotes into Xiao Naituanzi's hands without hesitation, then opened the food box and took out all the dishes inside.

"Brother Xu is happy today. I bought you all your favorite food!"


As soon as I saw those dishes, my little milk dumplings were about to burst out, and I wanted to grab the big chicken legs.


Xu Yan slapped her little hand and said disgustedly: "It's so dirty, wash your hands!" Xiaotuanzi pouted, retracted his hand resignedly, and gave a fierce warning, " Don’t take my big chicken legs!”

"Go, go, go!" Xu Yan waved his hand, "Hurry up and wash your hands!"

"oh oh!"

The little breasted dumpling ran very fast on her short legs. She quickly went downstairs and went to the backyard of Huichun Hall. After washing her hands, she quickly ran up again.

"Eat fast, eat fast!"

Xu Yan personally tore a large chicken drumstick for her, and then grabbed a small chicken wing and gnawed it.

While chewing, he recounted everything that happened to him in the Wu family. After hearing this, Xiaotai Tuanzi couldn't help but give Xu Yan a thumbs up!

Xu Yan immediately rubbed his nose and said with a smile: "Then you can teach me how to practice elixir some other time?"


The little breasted dumpling chewed the chicken leg and his mouth was full of oil. He thought for a while and said: "Although Brother Xu, your understanding is a bit poor, your brain is not very bright, and sometimes you look stupid and not very smart, but... Well...because you are so good to Ran Ran, Ran Ran will teach you an unusual lesson!"

Xu Yan was not unhappy at being hurt by the little breast dumpling. Instead, he looked like he was used to it, "Come on, come on, come on, have a drink of soup quickly. If it's not enough, brother Xu will buy more!"

"it is good!"

The little girl was smiling happily. While eating, she was talking with Xu Yan about her method of refining elixirs!
Another day passed quickly.

Wu Zhifu spent twelve hours safely.

I thought the disease would be cured just like this, but I didn't expect that at night, he suddenly started coughing again, and he vomited blood again before he coughed twice.

This looks much more serious than before!

Now the entire Wu family is worried!

"Cough cough cough... Find someone to find the person who poisoned me, cough cough cough..."

Wu Zhifu has now fully concluded that his illness became so serious because he took the antidote in advance.

Throughout his life, he was thirty years old before he passed the examination and was appointed as an official, and six years before he was promoted to prefect. Now that he has served as prefect for five years, he may be transferred to the capital if he passes the performance evaluation next year!
He is only in his early forties, and his best years are still waiting for him!

He can't die yet!
Even if you want to die, you can't die in such a miserable way!
"Uncle, I think it was Xu Yan who did this. Not only did he extort 10 taels of silver from my Wu family, but he also gave you fake medicine!" Wu Haolin said through gritted teeth.

Thinking of the people who pointed at him when he went out today and said that he had such a hobby, he wanted to immediately pick up his sword and wipe Xu Yan's neck.

Not only Wu Haolin thinks so, but Master Wu also thinks so!

"Brother, Haolin is right. Huichun Hall has been quite close to Xiao Jingxuan these days! Maybe Xiao Jingxuan is plotting against you behind your back!"

"Cough cough...cough cough..."

Wu Zhifu's eyes were red and he coughed as he said: "If it weren't for your stupidity, I wouldn't have come to Yonglin, let alone suffer this crime!"

"Look for it! Find it for me quickly!"

After saying that, the Wu Zhifu vomited a mouthful of black blood, and the tendons of his hands and feet began to twitch rapidly!
The housekeeper next to me was very anxious.

"Second Master, don't worry about who plotted against whom, save my life first!"

"Then Miracle Doctor Xu... Bah, Rascal Xu said that if the disease worsens, they won't be able to cure it, and they won't last more than three days! Do you want to watch the master die?"

(End of this chapter)

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