Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 120 Caught the real culprit behind the scenes?

Chapter 120 Caught the real culprit behind the scenes?

"Haolin, Wu Yuan, you immediately take the available people from the Wu family to search for the whereabouts of Xu Er! By the way, we should also go and have a look at Liu County Cheng! Remember, do it carefully!" Second Master Wu ordered in a deep voice.


Wu Haolin and Wu Yuan responded, counted the people and quietly left the house.

The reason why the Wu family has been able to prosper in Yonglin over the years is because of the connections between Wu Zhifu and the somewhat crooked relationship with Prime Minister Ye's wife. The Wu family's business is able to be famous. Only when the water rises can Mr. Wu sit on the chair of the vice president of the chamber of commerce.

If Wu Zhifu falls!

One can imagine what the Wu family will encounter next!

At this time, Mr. Wu also felt extremely regretful. Why was he so impulsive and actually made such a move? Not only did he not kill the enemy, but he almost got his own family involved.

County government.

"Sir, please ask your subordinates to keep an eye on the Wu family. A lot of people from the Wu family have been dispatched tonight!" Lu Qing stood outside the study door and reported.

"very good!"

Xiao Jingxuan curled his lips, his face full of pride, "Take a few people and follow quietly!"


Lu Qing responded, and Qin Shi, Wu Tong and a few good men quietly followed behind the Wu family.

Wu Haolin took several people to Liu County Cheng's house, while Wu Yuan went to find Xu Er.

The Cheng family of Liu County.

Liu County Cheng was lying weakly in bed recuperating from illness, and his wife was waiting for him by his side.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the door of the room was pushed open, and Wu Haolin and a few people broke in.

"Master Wu!"

Mrs. Liu looked at Wu Haolin, who was wearing black clothes and looking murderous, and turned pale with fear.However, Liu County Cheng seemed to have known that they were coming for a long time. He just raised his eyelids slightly and glanced at him indifferently.

The first time Wu Haolin saw Liu County Cheng, he looked at his belly.

Seeing his deflated belly and his face that had obviously lost a small amount of weight, Wu Haolin felt a chill in his heart.

Then everything Xu Yan said is true!

The child in Liu County Cheng’s belly is really gone!
"Wu... Mr. Wu... you can sit wherever you like!" Liu Xian Cheng's eyes were dull and his voice was hoarse.

After he confessed two days ago, he was sent back at night. His body was very weak due to excessive blood loss, and the face that appeared on his belly was always lingering in his mind. Therefore, these two He hadn't slept well all day, and now he looked extremely weak.

It seemed as if he was going to die at any moment.

Wu Haolin didn't sit down and asked in a deep voice: "What's going on with you? When did you come back? Your stomach..."

Liu Xian Cheng smiled bitterly and explained slowly: "Master Xiao sent me outside the city. The day I first went there, I caught a cold and contracted an illness!"

"After taking the medicine, I recovered for a day! Unexpectedly, the condition got worse soon! I thought of Qi Ming who poisoned me, but who knew that Qi Ming had already left!"

"I fainted in that small courtyard and was discovered all day and night. I had severe stomach pain and a lot of blood, a lot of blood..."

"The doctor checked it out for me. Fortunately, there was a ghost fetus in my belly. All the poison was sucked away by the ghost fetus. With the ghost fetus gone, I had to save my life!"

Wu Haolin: "..."

"Then Qi Ming, do you know where he went?" Liu County Cheng shook his head, "We have all been deceived...all deceived! Mr. Wu, that Qi Ming is from southern Xinjiang, and he poisoned the people! You have to remind the prefect and Second Master Wu not to get involved in this matter again! Otherwise, it will be a serious crime to be charged with treason and collaboration with the enemy!"


Wu Haolin said with a cold face: "My uncle is now in the same situation as you! You still have a ghost fetus to save your life. My uncle will die if you don't save him!"


Liu Xian Cheng's face was full of worry, and he said anxiously: "If Xiao Jingxuan gets caught, then..."

"It doesn't matter!" Wu Haolin said: "My uncle's life is the most important. If Xiao Jingxuan is caught, we will have a way to escape!"

"Then... Master, be careful!"

"Yes." Mr. Wu nodded and left.

As soon as Wu Haolin left, Liu County Cheng suddenly laughed, as if he was laughing at his own stupidity, and at the same time as he was laughing at his pitiful and pathetic life.

Wu Yuan quickly received the news and found the temple where the old aunt of the Xu family lived, and found Xu Er under the incense table in the temple.

"You... who are you?"

Xu Er didn't know Wu Yuan, but seeing the evil aura on his body, he was so frightened that he stammered and trembled all over!

He was captured by the county government officials and locked up in a dark hut for three days. He finally found a chance to escape. Was he about to be captured so soon?
He was unwilling, extremely unwilling!
"Tell me! How did you meet Qi Ming? Where is he now?"

Wu Yuan directly put the knife on Xu Er's neck, which made Xu Er tremble all over. The smell of urine immediately came out.

"I...I...I...we met in the brothel!" Xu Er was shaking like chaff and stammered: "Sister from the brothel...Meiniang, you know him!"

"Go, come with us!"

Wu Yuan took the knife back and pulled Xu Er out rudely and disgustingly.

Xu Er was crawling around and was taken away by Wu Yuan and his party, and the old aunt had no chance to resist, so she was so frightened that she had a stroke!
When the group arrived at the brothel, the girl named Mei Niang, under Wu Yuan's questioning, tremblingly revealed that she had secretly seen an eagle pattern on Qi Ming's body, and this pattern was in the hands of Master Zuo, the city guard. It's also there.

City defender?
Thinking of this, Wu Yuan immediately took people to Master Zuo's mansion.

The city guard of a county can judge whether it is big or small, and whether it is small or small.

But the Wu family was not afraid, and just led people in and broke in.

Lu Qing and Qin Shi were also buried in several alleys to see if they could wait and wait!

After a flurry of excitement in Mr. Zuo's house, sure enough... Qin Shi and Lu Qing were asked to wait and see, catching a turtle in a urn.

Xiao Jingxuan directly led people to kill the Wu family, the Zuo family and that Qi Ming.

Wu Tong led people to start the interrogation overnight.

Then Mr. Zuo will not fight to the death!

Qi Ming is also a tough guy, no matter how hard you hit him, it will be useless!

The Wu family members said that they also found clues, so they chased after him!
If you don't know them, you will really be fooled by their thief shouting to catch the thief!

However, Xiao Jingxuan also knew that it was impossible to defeat the Wu family so easily. He could just ask Master Wu to come over and take him away the next day!
As for Mr. Zuo Qi Ming, since he is a spy in southern Xinjiang, he needs to be reported and then dealt with.

(End of this chapter)

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