Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 121 You were joking with him, but he took it seriously!

Chapter 121 You were joking with him, but he took it seriously!
This night was the most sound sleep Xiao Jingxuan had in the past few days.

After all the poisons are removed and the remaining victims are properly resettled, he will be able to establish a firm foothold in Yonglin.

In the morning, I rarely got up late.

Just after breakfast, Jin Ling wanted to go to the hospital to take a good look at the small breast dumplings, so she made delicious ones for her.

Xiao Jingxuan was informed that the second master of the Wu family was coming to collect people.

As soon as he heard that the Wu family was coming to receive someone, Xiao Jingxuan raised his eyebrows and walked to the living room in front of him, wearing official uniform.

"Secret Master Wu, you're fine! We meet again!"

Compared with Xiao Jingxuan's spring breeze, Mr. Wu's face is full of beauty, but in just a few days, he seems to have aged several years, and even a few silver threads can be seen on his temples.

Second Master Wu looked at Xiao Jingxuan with a pair of panda eyes, his eyes were very unkind, "Master Xiao, there was such a big movement last night!"

Xiao Jingxuan pretended not to understand what he meant, and said calmly: "Second Master Wu's movements are not small. I have to thank Second Master Wu's people last night, otherwise the Yamen would not have poisoned this person so quickly. The real culprit behind the scenes was captured!”

Hearing this, Mr. Wu almost bit his silver teeth into pieces.

Xiao Jingxuan!He did it on purpose!

Now he is very sure that his eldest brother's illness must have been caused by Xiao Jingxuan's collusion with Xu Yan from Huichun Hall!

He knew that the Wu family was also involved in this matter!

So, this is the warning he gave them to the Wu family!

"I heard that Mr. Xiao and Madam Xiao have been ill these past few days and also contracted an illness. How can they be cured so soon?" Mr. Wu said with a smile, as if he was concerned.

"Second Master Lao Wu is thinking about it. The elixirs from Huichun Hall are very good! Just take one and you'll be fine!" Xiao Jingxuan accompanied him to practice Tai Chi unhurriedly. After answering, he smiled and said: "The Wu family still strengthens the body. He's so strong that he didn't drink even a drop of the medicine, yet no one in his family got sick!"

"That's natural! Didn't I say that this disease only affects the weak? My martial arts family is all martial arts practitioners, so naturally they won't get the disease if they are in good health!"

Xiao Jingxuan laughed, "Really? Then Master Wu will lend me a cook someday, so that I can learn martial arts from him!"

Second Master Wu: "..."


I accidentally got ridiculed by him!
"It's boring to borrow a cook. My Wu family has quite a few guards! If Mr. Xiao needs it, just pick two!"

"Okay!" Xiao Jingxuan said with a serious expression, "I think the two who caught the spies last night were very good, so why not just them!"

Master Wu's expression suddenly froze!
What I'm most afraid of is that some people will take you seriously even though you are joking with them.

After Xiao Jingxuan finished speaking, he glanced at the Second Master Wu, picked up the tea unhurriedly, took a slow sip, and then smiled and said: "It's just a joke with the Second Master Wu! Second Master Wu, don't worry! "

Second Master Wu: "..."

I wanted to pretend to be generous, but I was afraid that Xiao Jingxuan would climb up the pole!

"Mr. Xiao, please don't tell secret stories. My people were a little anxious yesterday and took the lead in taking action without notifying Mr. Xiao! Since it didn't cause any trouble to Mr. Xiao, the grassroots will take him back today!"

"In addition, my eldest brother Wu Zhifu was returning to his hometown to visit relatives, but he was also infected with the disease unexpectedly. I wonder if it is due to the special system, so he is still coughing and vomiting blood!"

"I heard that the person who poisoned this poison is a man named Qi Ming. Please ask Mr. Xiao to find Qi Ming's antidote so that the prefect can wake up as soon as possible!"

"Oh, I didn't expect the prefect to be so seriously ill!" Xiao Jingxuan pretended to be surprised and confessed, "As a subordinate official, he only found out about this now, which is really wrong!

Before he finished speaking, he stood up and said as he walked out: "Second Master Wu, I will take you to the prison to pick up people now. By the way, I will see if Wu Dian has finished interrogating Qi Ming. Can you?" I can’t get the antidote to detoxify the magistrate!”

Second Master Wu: "..."

Doesn’t it mean that this person has always been calm?
Why do you say that wind is like rain now?

But the eldest brother’s condition really makes it impossible to delay!
Thinking about it, Mr. Wu also stood up and followed Xiao Jingxuan towards the prison.

Not long after, the two arrived at the prison.Wu Tong had been busy all night and had just squinted his eyes for a while. When he saw Xiao Jingxuan coming to the prison in person, he got up again.

"grown ups."

Although he didn't sleep all night, Wu Tong's voice was still loud and full of energy!When standing upright in front of you, it's like a solid wall.


Xiao Jingxuan snorted lightly and asked in a deep voice: "How did the interrogation of the two southern Xinjiang spies go?"

"My lord, those two are hard-nosed and are useless as low-ranking officials!"

Wu Tong lowered his head and confessed.

The spies trained in southern Xinjiang are really extraordinary. Even if others don't say anything, they will scream in pain at least twice when they are hit with a whip and a soldering iron!

But those two people were like two stones.

No matter how tortured he was, he never blinked, as if it didn't hurt.

Wu Tong originally thought of going to Xiaonai Tuanzi to ask for two more truth charms to try.

"What was found on Qi Ming's body?"

Xiao Jingxuan asked again.

"Sir, their things are all there, please take a look!"

Wu Tong turned sideways, revealing a wooden table next to him.

At this time, there were a lot of things placed on the cooking surface, including purses and several bottles and jars.

"Sir, these bottles and jars are all things that were searched from Qi Ming's room. He carried the purse with him. My subordinate opened it and looked at it. It's just some silver!" Wu Tongtong said.


Xiao Jingxuan nodded lightly and turned to look at Second Master Wu, "Second Master Wu, please open those bottles and take a look. Is there the antidote you want in here?"

Mr. Wu's face was a little dark. Looking at the bottles and bottles, he instinctively felt a little frightened.

"Common people don't understand pharmacology. Mr. Xiao should find a doctor to confirm it first!"

"Okay!" Xiao Jingxuan raised his head and ordered Wu Tong beside him, "Go and release all the people from the Wu family! Find someone else to go to the Huichun Hall, and ask Mr. Xu or Miss Ran Ran to go there. Wu family!"


Wu Tong responded and winked at the two government officials beside him.

The two yamen servants received the order, one went out to the Huichun Hall, and the other took the key and opened the door.

As soon as Wu Yuan and others were released, they followed Master Wu silently with their heads lowered.

"Second Master Wu, ask your people to get those bottles and jars, and let's go to Wu's house together! It just so happens that I'm going to have a look at Master Wu!"

Second Master Wu: "..."

"Why do you want my people to take it?" Mr. Wu immediately expressed his dissatisfaction.

Xiao Jingxuan raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you want me to take it?"

Mr. Wu Er was so rebuffed that he couldn't speak, and then he winked at the people behind him, "Get them all for me! Be careful, if you break the antidote that saved my life, you will be rewarded." of!"


The Wu family members all responded, each holding two bottles in their hands and guarding them carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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