Chapter 122 The little girl woke up very angry!
"Second Master Wu, please!" Xiao Jingxuan said.

Mr. Wu was unhappy, but he still held back at this moment, not daring to go beyond the rules and let Xiao Jingxuan go forward, "My lord, please come first!"

Several people came out of the dungeon together and saw Lu Qing already standing at the door of the dungeon waiting, with a gift in his hand.

When Master Wu saw this, his face became even darker.

Xiao Jingxuan clearly had plans and made arrangements in advance.

Those words in the living room just now were clearly meant to bury him!

After leaving the Yamen, several people got on the carriage, and Lu Qing whispered a few words in Xiao Jingxuan's ear.

Xiao Jingxuan nodded slightly, looked at the gift box and asked, "What are you sending here?"

"Just return all the things that the Wu family sent to Madam to apologize!" Lu Qing said.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan curled his lower lip, "Is this what Madam meant?"

"Yes." Lu Qing said with a smile: "Madam's original words were that she didn't dare to eat the things sent by the Wu family. Keeping them would also take up inventory, and it was just a waste!"

"Yeah, like the way she does it! Nice!"

When the Wu family saw this, they probably wanted to add more trouble.

"Are Ran Ran and Mr. Xu angry?"

"Don't worry, sir. My subordinate has been there early this morning. Mr. Xu said that Ran Ran had already thought of a good idea! I guarantee that the magistrate Wu will firmly remember that we are not so easy to mess with!"

Thinking of the news that Mr. Xu revealed to him, Lu Qing felt a pain in his butt.

This time, the Wu Zhifu will have to shed a layer of skin even if he doesn't die!

Remember this sour and refreshing taste.

Hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan actually started to look forward to it.

Recently, I don’t know if it’s because he stayed with Lao Si and Xiaotuanzi for a long time, but he also fell in love with this kind of bad taste of punishing people.

It tortures you to death, but makes you unable to make any mistakes!
It makes you so angry that you have to be respectful to him.

Right now, this is the relationship between the Wu family and them.

The wheels of the carriage were turning.

Xiao Jingxuan sat in the carriage with his eyes closed and meditative. After a while, the carriage stopped, and Lu Qing's voice sounded outside, "Sir, we're here!"


Xiao Jingxuan opened the car curtain and looked at the grand door of the Wu family, with a hint of ridicule unconsciously at the corner of his mouth.

I remember when he first came here, he sent posts to the Wu family several times.

But there was no response from the Wu family.

Now, less than two months have passed, and the situation has changed!

Seeing Mr. Wu get off the carriage, Xiao Jingxuan straightened his clothes and walked out.

After a while, Mr. Xu's carriage also arrived.

This time, Second Master Wu was very attentive. He stepped forward respectfully and stood by the carriage to wait.

Xiao Jingxuan twitched the corner of his mouth and walked over.

At this moment, the coachman opened the curtain, and Mr. Xu appeared in the eyes of several people holding a small glutinous rice dumpling that was sleeping soundly.

"Old Xu!"

Master Wu called out respectfully, his voice extremely loud.

"Uh... noisy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the small glutinous rice dumpling in his arms rubbing against Mr. Xu's arms, rubbing his little face as if impatient, and then turned to go back to sleep.When Mr. Xu saw this, he immediately glared fiercely at Mr. Wu.

He said in a low voice: "Why are you shouting so loudly? Are you shouting for injustice? Shout out to the person next to you! You woke up my little baby, and I'm not done with you anymore!"

Second Master Wu: "..."

He is really frustrated!
He is the dignified second master of the Wu family and the vice president of the Yonglin Chamber of Commerce. He has always been a arrogant and powerful person who yells at others, but now he has to worry about whether a little breast dumpling can sleep well.

"Master Wu, please forgive me!" At this time, Xiao Jingxuan raised his hand towards him and said in a deep voice: "My little girl is very angry when she wakes up. If anyone wakes her up, she may be beaten!"

Second Master Wu: "..."

What a joke, can a little girl hit his knee when she jumps up?
And beat someone up?
But I thought so in my heart, but now that this person is in Mr. Xu’s arms, he is a precious baby!

You can only tell what others say!
"The common people don't know, Mr. Xu, Mr. Xiao, please come in!" Mr. Wu suppressed all the unhappiness in his heart and spoke politely.

Mr. Xu glanced at Xiao Jingxuan, then took the lead in holding the small breast dumpling.

After entering the mansion, everyone from the Wu family came!

Including Mrs. Wu, who was grounded by Mr. Wu, and Wu Luxuan, who had just been able to get out of bed after suffering thirty strokes.

Everyone in the Wu family looked unhappy when they saw Mr. Xu holding a small meat ball in his arms.

Second Master Wu gave them a wink, signaling them to be calm, and then led them into Magistrate Wu's room.

Wu Zhifu was already dying at this time, his face was horribly pale, and his eyes were slightly closed.If it weren't for the chest that was still rising and falling, I might have thought that the person lying on the bed was a dead body.

"Mr. Xu, put the child down first!"

Mrs. Wu said something, then stretched out her hand to hug Ran Ran, "Why don't you let me hug you for a while?"

Mr. Xu snorted and said in a deep voice: "No need!"

"Let's wait until Ran Ran wakes up before seeing a doctor!" Mr. Xu glanced at Wu Zhifu on the bed and said calmly: "You won't die yet!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone in the Wu family changed.

They didn't dare to vent their anger on Mr. Xu, so they had to blame all their anger on Xiao Naituanzi's biological father, Xiao Jingxuan.

What dad!
At this time, he allowed his daughter to sleep!
"Master Xiao!"

Suddenly, Wu Haolin called out loudly.

The voice was very loud, clearly made with great effort, which made everyone in the room tremble.

The little girl's body also trembled, and she raised her little head in a daze and looked towards Wu Haolin.

Wu Haolin didn't feel anything was wrong. Seeing that Xiao Naituanzi had woken up, he was still a little complacent and continued to speak loudly: "My uncle is the prefect, and he is in danger at this time. If something happens on your territory, Mr. Xiao, I’m afraid, Mr. Xiao, you can’t escape the blame, right?”


After Wu Haolin finished speaking, his eyes turned dark, and he was punched hard before he could react.

"Ran Ran...don't be impulsive!"

Xiao Jingxuan called her, his tone was discouraging, but his steps did not move at all, and his face looked like he was watching a good show.


The little breasted dumpling snorted and moved very quickly, sweeping his short legs forward.


Wu Haolin was unsteady and knelt down with a "dong" sound.

The little girl was still upset and raised her fists, hitting Wu Haolin's face with a few fists.

Although the fist looked limp and seemed to have no strength, it actually contained strong inner strength. After a few punches, Wu Haolin's handsome face instantly turned into a pig's head.

(End of this chapter)

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