Chapter 123 Wu Haolin was beaten!
After the beating, Xiaotuanzi snorted heavily at Wu Haolin, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog, and said fiercely: "If you keep arguing, I won't beat you to death!"

Everyone in the Wu family was dumbfounded.

Are you sure this is a small meat dumpling?


At this moment, Wu Luxuan screamed twice and looked at the little breast dumpling in fear.

The little girl with small breasts wrinkled up her delicate little face. He raised his little fist in front of her, raising his neck and threatening, "You want to be beaten too?"


Wu Luxuan's face was pale, she stuttered and took two steps back, and subconsciously grabbed Mrs. Wu's hand, trying to hide her body.


The little girl curled her lips, and her eyes were full of disgust, "You are such a big sister, and you can only hide behind your mother's ass!"


"Presumptuous!" Mr. Wu yelled sternly, "Master Xiao, is this how you raise your daughter? You just let her hit people like this casually. Although my Wu family is a merchant family, we cannot tolerate such bullying from you! "

"Feel sorry!"

Xiao Jingxuan looked calm and did not take the threat of Master Wu into consideration at all. He said he was sorry, but he did not mean to be sorry at all.

Xu Laoleng snorted, raised his foot and put it on the second master Wu's foot, "What are you shouting about? What are you shouting about? I reminded you at the door that my little baby is angry when he wakes up. If anyone wakes him up, he will Who to beat!"

"As for your son, is he crying for injustice? Or is he crying in mourning? He deserves to be beaten!"

After Mr. Xu finished his lesson, he immediately squatted down in front of Ran Ren, grabbed her small hand with his big hand, put it on the edge and blew on it, and asked with concern: "Does the beating hurt?"

Wu family: "..."

They were still counting on Mr. Xu to save Wu Zhifu's life. They finally managed to invite people into the house, but they couldn't just offend him.

Although Mr. Wu was so angry that his chest was rising and falling, he could only suppress all his anger.

Xiao Jingxuan glanced around Wu Haolin's body indifferently, wondering why this man couldn't resist beating at all?
"Second Master Wu, Mrs. Wu, although Xiao Mou has already made it clear in advance that if my daughter is angry when she wakes up, whoever makes a fuss will be beaten! But in the end, I have hurt Mr. Wu. After I return home, I will ask my wife to give me a small gift as an apology! "

"Xiao Jingxuan, what are you talking about? Apologize? Apologize for what? He is a seven-foot tall man, how much can he be hurt by a few random punches from a four-year-old baby?"

As soon as Mr. Xu heard Xiao Jingxuan's words, he started to teach him a lesson with a look of displeasure on his face.

Although these words were said to Xiao Jingxuan, the contemptuous eyes always fell on Wu Haolin who had just been helped up.

After finishing speaking, he added in a murmur, "You are so weak? Are you trying to blackmail someone?"


When Wu Haolin heard this, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.


"elder brother!"

Several members of the Wu family exclaimed in surprise!

Mr. Xu curled his lips again, stroked his gray beard and said, "Well, it seems like that is the case now!"

"You're so weak and you still want to be beaten! You deserve it!"

Everyone in the Wu family was so angry that their faces turned red and their necks thickened.

Second Master Wu said solemnly: "Come here, take the eldest son down first!"

"Master Xiao, my son was impulsive just now! You said it first, he deserves to be beaten, just take it as a long lesson! There is no need to apologize, it's time for us to say sorry!" Mr. Wu almost bit his back. Mo Ya said these words against his will.

Xiao Jingxuan nodded slightly and said, "The prefect's illness is still more important!"

"Ran Ran, you are out of breath now. Go and give the magistrate a good look at your illness!" Xiao Jingxuan said. "okay!"

The little breasted dumpling responded quickly, winked at Xiao Jingxuan, showed a smile like a little fox, and walked towards the bed.

The little girl crawled to the bed and sat down, took out Wu Zhifu's hand, and put his two little fingers together casually.

After a moment, he let go of his hand and jumped off the bed.

"Give him two kilograms of croton and drink it, and the disease will be cured~"

Before the Wu family could fully react, they heard what Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

Mr. Xu's eyelids trembled!
I winked at the little breast dumpling!

Are you sure it's two pounds of croton?Didn't we agree on two taels?
Two pounds will kill someone!
The little girl was just about to answer Mr. Xu's doubts when she heard Mrs. Wu speak. Her tone was full of accusations, "Mr. Xiao, this is a doctor for the magistrate. How can you allow her to be so presumptuous?" ?”

"That's right, Mr. Xu hasn't seen it yet, but a little girl dares to come forward and prescribe medicine indiscriminately! What a shame!" Wu Luxuan immediately echoed her mother's words and spoke, as if she was bound to vent her unhappiness. .

"How about two pounds of crotons?"

"I'm afraid Croton has never seen anything, right? That thing is worth two cents, let alone two kilograms. If you eat even a little bit, you'll be exhausted!"

"You're not here to save lives, you're here to kill them, right?"

"Girl from the Wu family, you are so awesome, come and save me!" Mr. Xu could not allow anyone to question Xiaotai Tuanzi, so he immediately defended him, "Is it your turn to question Ranran's medical skills?"


Wu Luxuan choked and glanced at her father subconsciously. Seeing that his face was extremely ugly, she hurriedly saluted Mr. Xu, bowed her head and apologized, "It's Luxuan's fault, please forgive me, Mr. Xu!"


Mr. Xu snorted coldly, looked at Ran Ran and said, "Explain to these ignorant people why you prescribe such a medicine?"

Mr. Xu was actually a little curious.

The "Xiao Huan Dan" with added ingredients is unique to them, and they know very well what kind of curative effect it has, but what they discussed before was Croton Erliang!
These two taels of crotons are enough for Wu Zhifu to drink a pot!
But two pounds?
This is fatal!

It would be nice if this Wu Zhifu was taught a lesson, but he can't be killed!

"Hmm... Judging from this uncle's pulse, he eats a lot and poops less! He gets tired easily, gets hungry easily, and loves to eat meat and fish, but he can't poop even once every half a month? Is that true?"


The Wu family looked at each other, only the housekeeper who was standing not far away snorted.

"Little girl, what's wrong with this?" the housekeeper asked.

The master has been like this for several years, and I don’t know where the food I ate has gone. Every time I go to the toilet, I have to squat for several hours, which is very uncomfortable.

But when I see the doctor on weekdays, the doctor doesn't find anything wrong.

In addition, there was no big problem, and this was a relatively private matter, so I didn’t take it seriously!

"Of course not!"

The little breasted dumpling raised his neck and pointed at Wu Zhifu's bulging belly, "Can you try to touch his belly?"

The others did not move, but Mr. Xu stepped forward and squeezed Wu Zhifu's belly.

At this touch, I was shocked.

He quickly checked Wu Zhifu's pulse again, but he frowned.

"Is this... a rare enterolithia?"

"Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded, "His stomach is full of small stones! If he can't pull it out, he's just waiting to die!"

ps: The symptoms and treatments are purely fictitious, do not take them seriously!
(End of this chapter)

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