Chapter 124 I want to pay tribute!
"But... can this stone be pulled out?" the housekeeper asked hesitantly.

It's all his fault that he didn't find a few more doctors to ask more questions about this matter.

Otherwise, the master's illness would not have dragged on for so many years.


The little girl smiled sweetly at him, raised her hand, and a powerful inner energy slowly gathered in the palm of her hand.


Through the clothes, the small-breasted dumpling slapped the Wu Zhifu on the belly.


The person who was lying on the bed with his body stretched out suddenly screamed and sat up directly.


The little breasted dumpling was slapped again.


This time, what Wu Zhifu made was not a scream, but a sound of retching.

Instantly, the whole room was filled with the smell of shit.

"Wow, it stinks!"

The little girl immediately pinched her nose and ran out of the yard like a gust of wind.

"Ran Ran..."

Xiao Jingxuan immediately chased him out.

Old Xu: "..."

Damn boy, you stole his lyrics!
"What are you still doing? Hurry up and prepare two kilograms of croton for the magistrate, grind it into powder, and drink it directly for him! I need to go out and get some fresh air!"

After saying that, Mr. Xu ran away in a hurry!

After leaving the yard, he subconsciously smelled himself, frowning in disgust.

Is this the stench that has accumulated for several years?

Wouldn't it stink if we talk on a daily basis?
Didn't anyone remind him?

It is really unbecoming of a prefect!

After receiving the order, the housekeeper immediately went out to buy the crotons himself!
In the house, only Mr. Wu's family of three and Wu Zhifu, who had just woken up, were left with a face full of embarrassment!
The three members of Mr. Wu's family were either staying in the house or going out.

After the atmosphere was stiff for a while, Mrs. Wu said: "Master, the eldest brother just woke up, let him rest for a while. Mr. Xu is still outside the door. He has a distinguished status and a high status, so he cannot be left out. "

"Yes!" Mr. Wu immediately nodded and looked at Magistrate Wu, "Brother, let's go entertain the guests first."

Wu Zhifu couldn't tell that this family of three disliked him and couldn't wait to get out!

But it was shameless for him to stay in such an awkward situation in the house.

After thinking about it, Wu Zhifu waved them out with a dark face.

Now I don’t even dare to open my mouth!
It took about half an hour before the housekeeper bought back so much croton flour.

After soaking in water, he poured it directly into Wu Zhifu.

Before the croton water was finished, Magistrate Wu shouted loudly: "I want to pay tribute!"

The housekeeper hurriedly asked someone to bring the bucket in.

With this revelation, this huge Wu family became smelly!
The little breasted dumpling couldn't stand it anymore, so she casually said a few words and ran away!

Two kilograms of croton powder not only did not make the person collapse, but also made Wu Zhifu feel comfortable all over, as if he was in a fairyland, so relaxed that he could float!
In less than half a day, the news spread like wildfire that Magistrate Wu could put the entire Wu family in the toilet once he opened his mouth, and it soon became a joke among the entire Yonglin.After several people came out of Wu's house, Xiao Jingxuan and Lu Qing went back to the Yamen to deal with matters, while Xiao Nai Tuanzi went back to Huichun Hall with Mr. Xu.

Although the real culprit behind the scenes has been arrested, there are still many people infected with the disease.

With the support of the medicine sent back by the Yu family, the chance of infection is much smaller.

"No, no, sir! Master Zuo and Qi Ming suddenly died!"

Just after nightfall, Wu Tong hurriedly came to report!
Xiao Jingxuan was shocked and hurriedly led Lu Qing to the cell.

Looking at the two corpses lying in the cell, Xiao Jingxuan's expression was very ugly!
The death of a good person shows that there are still spies from southern Xinjiang in Yonglin County!
The real culprit behind this is someone else!
And the man named Zuo and Qi Ming are just two chess pieces!

Lu Qing stepped forward and checked the two corpses, but did not find any useful clues.

First, these two people were not poisoned. Second, there were no obvious signs of death on their bodies. Third, both of them had their eyes wide open, with obvious fear in their eyes.

It's like... scared to death!
However, these two people did not blink even when facing the torture in the cell. What were they afraid of?

"Go and find Wu Zuo to check and find out the specific reason!" Xiao Jingxuan ordered in a deep voice.


Two hours later, Lu Qing got the autopsy record of Wu Zuo.

What killed these two people was a silver needle. This silver needle penetrated directly into an acupuncture point behind their ears. It punctured the acupoint and caused intracranial hemorrhage and death.

This was in prison. It was obvious that the murderer had sneaked into the dungeon, otherwise he would not have died so quickly.

After knowing the cause of death, Xiao Jingxuan asked everyone to investigate everyone in the prison, but still could not find any clues.

This means that the clues to this matter have been interrupted.

And these two people are dead, and they want to find trouble in southern Xinjiang, but they have no evidence!
This poison alone cannot do anything to Southern Xinjiang!

Three days later.

Finally all the patients were cured!

Because Shantang bore all the expenses for those who were infected by the poison, the people were very grateful to Xiao Jingxuan!He was praised as a good official.

At this time, Xiao Jingxuan set up a public notice board at the entrance of the charity hall to announce the silver donated by merchants and individuals in the past few days as well as the expenses of various expenses.

This move attracted praise from many people!

At the same time, the name "Xiao Ran" who donated 30 taels also aroused a lot of curiosity and discussion.

Merchants who have donated silver, such as the Yu family, the Xu family, and the Wu family who were forced to donate. Once the names of these merchants are publicized, people in need will go to these shops!
As a result, the business of the shop is unprecedentedly good!
Some merchants who saw business opportunities came to donate to the charity one by one.

With this money, we won't be afraid that more victims will flock to Yonglin!
Looking at the money, Xiao Jingzhe smiled and said: "Although we still need to investigate the real culprit behind this, after this incident, eldest brother has gained a certain prestige in Yonglin!"

Xiao Jingxuan nodded slightly.

"It's just that these merchants who come to donate are more or less here for profit, and most of them are small merchants who were not popular in the past!"

"Brother, don't forget that businessmen are after profit!" Xiao Jingzhe reminded him: "The government is for the people, the people are for themselves, and businessmen are for profit. Brother, you can't forget the nature of businessmen!"

Xiao Jingxuan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xiao Jingzhe and smiled bitterly.

"I was mistaken! Thank you Si Di for reminding me!"

Xiao Jingzhe pursed his lower lip slightly and said: "Although they are small merchants who are not mainstream, as long as we bring these merchants together and achieve symbiotic interests, they can be regarded as a powerful force!"


Xiao Jingxuan nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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