Chapter 126 Magistrate Wu becomes suspicious


After several days of training, Wu Zhifu's body was finally mostly recovered and he was able to get out of bed and walk around at will.

Although I have been eating liquid food these past few days, it still tastes delicious!
"Master, since your body and bones are healed, shouldn't you go back after a few more days of recuperation? After all, it's not good to be away for too long!" the housekeeper asked.

This time I came in high spirits, but unexpectedly I encountered something like this. I almost lost everything!

Fortunately, I accidentally cured the old man's illness for many years.

Otherwise, if this news spreads back, I’m afraid there won’t be any room for the master’s face!

"Not in a hurry!"

Wu Zhifu narrowed his eyes, touched the beard at the corner of his mouth and asked: "Did you get what you were asked to get?"

"Sir, please take a look!" The butler took out a small porcelain bottle from his sleeve and handed it to Wu Zhifu.

Wu Zhifu reached out to take it and slowly opened the small porcelain bottle.

In an instant, a faint fragrance emerged from the bottle, making people shiver!
Wu Zhifu took two deep breaths, capped the small porcelain bottle again, and ordered: "After you go back, find an alchemist to give me a good test of this medicine!"

"Sir, do you suspect there is something wrong with this medicine?" the housekeeper said blankly.

"No! I want to know if this is the top-grade elixir that Xu Yan said!"

"Yes!" the housekeeper responded, and instantly understood what the master was thinking.

If this is really a middle-grade elixir, and there are so many middle-grade elixirs popping up in Huichun Hall, then there must be an alchemist behind it!

This alchemist is a rare person on this continent!

If it can be used to his advantage, adults will no longer have to rely on others!
Wu Zhifu touched the mustache at the corner of his mouth, thoughtfully, and after a while he slowly asked, "Old Liu, what do you think of Xiao Jingxuan's little girl?"

The housekeeper frowned, "Master, that's just a little baby!"

"Huh, little doll?"

Wu Zhifu raised his eyelids and glanced at Butler Liu, "Do you really think she is an ordinary little baby?"

Butler Wu thought about it carefully and said: "She looks pretty good. She has a good temper even for a young age, and she still has some skills! Other than that, I don't think there's anything special about her!"


Wu Zhifu snorted coldly, stroking his beard and saying nothing.

That little girl is good for being a baby, but at such a young age, she is not only good at martial arts, but also has good medical skills!Who is Mr. Xu?He was famous for his bad temper, and because he had served the late emperor, the emperor was somewhat polite to him when he saw him in Kyoto.

That little girl is so smart and cute!
But that’s not enough for Mr. Xu to pamper and love him so much!

"Go and investigate this little girl carefully! Everything is investigated in detail for me!"

"Yes!" The butler replied.

Rejuvenation Hall.

The poisonous matter has finally been settled, and the remaining Xiao Huan Dan is enough to deal with other patients.

After Xiao Nai Tuanzi finished refining the last batch of elixirs, she saw Jin Ling and Min Shenxing coming to pick her up.


After not seeing her for a few days, the little girl with small breasts pounced on Jin Ling as soon as she saw her, held her cheek and kissed her hard twice.

Min Shenxing curled his lips, but his eyes were filled with envy of the little breast dumplings.He remembered that when he was a child, he always wanted to kiss his mother, but the result was that he was scolded by his father!
As for why it wasn’t a beating! ?Of course it's because he was weak since he was a child and didn't get beaten!

"Little girl, how much have you eaten here? Look at your chubby little body, it's almost like a ball!" Min Shenxing said in disgust.

"You need to take care of it!" Xiao Naituanzi snorted at him and rolled his eyes, "Brother Min, if you are picky about food, you will become a fool!"

"What do you know!" Min Shenxing conjured a fan from nowhere and held it in his hand. He opened it with a "swish" and made an action that he thought was very handsome. He exaggeratedly said: " All the young ladies now like me!"

Jin Ling: "..."

"Mom, those young ladies who like Brother Min are probably blind, right? Do you need Ran Ran to show them!"

The little girl with big breasts has a pair of big eyes, she looks particularly bright and innocent, and her expression and tone are also serious!


Jin Ling couldn't help laughing, pinched the little breasted dumpling's face and said, "I don't know if the ladies like my mother like you, Brother Min. Anyway, I know that most of the ladies like Wen Tao and Wu Lu. , an imposing man! The kind of man who would be blown over by the wind at a glance, if not startled, must not be liked by many!"

The somewhat proud expression on Min Shenxing's face froze instantly when he heard Jin Ling's words!
He was so angry that he kept fanning with his fan, holding his head high and said arrogantly: "I've been out the past few days, and I don't know how many little girls have thrown handkerchiefs at me!"

Jin Ling glanced at him funny, shook her head and laughed.

"Let's go, mother, hug you?"

"No, Ran Ran will go by herself!" Xiaotiao Tuanzi shook his head, put his chubby little hand into Jin Ling's, and smiled sweetly at her, "Ran Ran likes it when my mother leads me like this~"

"Okay, then hold on!"

Jin Ling held her hand, said hello to Mr. Xu and Xu Yan, and then returned to the Yamen.

After the poison incident subsided, the streets became lively again.

The little girl likes to watch this kind of excitement, and she bought a lot of gadgets on the way back.

After going back and having a hearty meal, Xiaonuituanzi was in a very good mood and lay down on the bed and fell asleep!

I don't know if it was because she was really tired these days, but she still didn't wake up until noon of the next day.

No matter how Jin Ling and Xiao Jingxuan called, there was no reaction at all.

This made several people in the Xiao family anxious, so they hurriedly invited Mr. Xu to come over.

Mr. Xu came over in a hurry, and when he felt his pulse, he frowned.

"Mr. Xu, what's wrong with Ran Ran?"

When Jin Ling saw Mr. Xu, his expression changed, and the worry on his face became even worse!

The hearts of brothers Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jingzhe couldn't help but rise.

Mr. Xu didn't answer, but he put his two fingers on Xiaotuanzi's body but never let go, his brows getting deeper and deeper.

One quarter of an hour!

Two quarters!
A stick of incense!

Two incense sticks!
It wasn't until an hour passed that Mr. Xu finally put down his hand.

"Mr. Xu, how are you?" Xiao Jingxuan asked.

Mr. Xu turned his head and glanced at the three people standing in front of him with a strange expression. Then he grabbed the other hand of Xiaonuituanzi and continued to feel his pulse!
Another hour passed before Mr. Xu let go of Xiaotuanzi's hand and stood up!

(End of this chapter)

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