Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 127 The little breast dumpling is unconscious

Chapter 127 The little breast dumpling is unconscious
"Did you give her a drink?" Mr. Xu asked with a stern face.


Xiao Jingxuan, his wife and Xiao Jingzhe looked at each other with confused expressions!
"No, Mr. Xu, we still understand why children can't drink! Besides, the three of us are not greedy drinkers!" Jin Ling said.

Xiao Jingzhe also nodded, "I used to drink it when I was in the military camp, but leg was injured, I haven't drank it since!"

Hearing this, General Xu's eyes fell on Xiao Jingxuan.

Xiao Jingxuan shook his head hurriedly and said firmly: "Madam knows me, except for necessary occasions, I never drink alcohol!"

"Then where did her wine come from?" Mr. Xu said with confusion: "She is in a drunken state, there is nothing wrong!"

Everyone: "..."

"Qin Shi, go find the young master of the Min family and Wu Tong!" At this time, Xiao Jingzhe suddenly ordered.


Qin Shi responded and left in a hurry.

After a while, both Wu Tong and Min Shenxing came. They knew that Xiao Naituanzi was drunk, and they were also confused.

Min Shenxing said: "Madam, after we brought Ran Ran back yesterday, she fell asleep after lunch! How could we give her a drink?"

"Besides, even if we had the chance, we wouldn't find a little girl to drink from!"

Wu Tong nodded, raised his hands and said respectfully: "I haven't seen Ran Ran for a long time. Yesterday I heard that my wife was going to bring Ran Ran back, so I bought her a candied haws. Is the candied haws still on me now?" Give it to her!"

As he said this, an old man from Wu Tong took out a bunch of tempting candied haws from his sleeve to show his innocence.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Mr. Xu.

Mr. Xu's eyelids twitched.

These people didn't say anything, but it was obvious from their expressions that they suspected that he had misdiagnosed and took the wrong pulse.

"There's no way I could have taken the wrong pulse. The little girl is in a state of drunkenness!"

Mr. Xu scratched his neck, blew his beard and glared, looking at everyone's faces one by one with an evil expression!

It's okay to insult him, but not his medical skills!

What's more, he had just confirmed it repeatedly!

He swore that he had never taken someone's pulse so seriously in his life!

Never misdiagnose!
Xiao Jingxuan and others all cared about Mr. Xu and believed in Mr. Xu's medical skills. They did not dare to say anything for a while!
But Min Shenxing, a silly kid like a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, muttered, "Old man, you said Ran Ran is drunk, why can't I smell the slightest bit of alcohol?"

Say this!
Only then did others discover the problem.

Xu Lao paused, his wrinkled face also showing doubts!

I'm drunk, but where's the smell?

" do I know this!" Mr. Xu came closer to Xiaotuanzi and smelled her body carefully. He couldn't help but doubt himself. He checked his pulse again and then said with a pinched neck: "This It’s just a drunken state, you can’t go wrong!”


Jin Ling's face was full of worry, she opened her mouth but didn't know what to say!But the eyes were so red.

Seeing this, Xiao Jingxuan hurriedly put his arms around her shoulders, patted the back of her hand gently, and comforted her in a warm voice: "Don't worry too much. I saw that Ran Ran's face was rosy and her breathing was even. , just like a normal person sleeping."

"It's not like you don't know that this little guy can eat and sleep!"

"Every time you consume a lot of physical energy, you have to eat a meal and then sleep!"

"Didn't I sleep for a whole day when I rescued Young Master Min?" "Yes, yes, yes!" Lu Qing also followed Xiao Jingxuan's words and said: "Ranran is different from us, and we can't use the conditions of ordinary people. Come and see her! These days, she has been working hard for the people of Yonglin, maybe she is overworked!"

Hearing this, Jin Ling sniffed and wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

"In that case, let's just wait! Let her have a good rest!"

Mr. Xu pursed his lips, with some anxiety on his face, and ordered with an old face: "You prepare a room for me, old man. From now on, old man, I will live here! Look at this little girl! "

Xiao Jingxuan and others were stunned.

Jin Ling hurriedly said: "Then I'll prepare the guest room right now. I'm sorry for bothering Mr. Xu!"

After saying that, Jin Ling also breathed a sigh of relief obviously.

It would be great for Mr. Xu to be able to watch Ran Ran here at any time!
Mr. Xu didn't like such polite words, so he waved his hand a little impatiently, "Okay, okay, you all can go out! I'll watch the old man here, that's all!"

Several people were kicked out of the door by Mr. Xu, with deep worry on their faces.

"Brother, please let the news out that Ranran is unconscious!"

After everyone left, Xiao Jingzhe suddenly spoke.


Xiao Jingxuan was a little confused and looked at Xiao Jingzhe doubtfully.

In the eyes of outsiders, Ran Ran is just his Xiao Jingxuan's daughter, and whether she is unconscious or not has nothing to do with outsiders!

"Create smoke bombs to confuse sight!"

Xiao Jingzhe looked up at the sky, his bottomless black eyes slightly dim, and slowly uttered a few words.

Xiao Jingxuan was still a little confused.

Xiao Jingzhe looked away, looked at Xiao Jingxuan, and said: "If you want to protect Ran Ran, you need to do this!"

"The Xiao Huan Dan that cures poisonous poison is a middle-grade elixir! The appearance of a large number of Xiao Huan Dan will inevitably attract the attention of others. How rare is a middle-grade alchemist on this continent? It’s in demand, brother should be very clear about it.”

"Right now, the name Xiao Ran has appeared in the Shantang! In addition, Ranran has saved Mrs. Xu Sanniang and Wu Zhifu. She has been in the Huichun Hall during the poison poisoning operation and is deeply loved by Mr. Xu!"

"With all the signs, it's easy to associate it with Ran Ran!"

"Although it is difficult for people to believe that such a young alchemist is so young, it is also worthy of suspicion that she has such little medical skills!"

"Right now, our Xiao family is weak. Once someone discovers this! We may not be able to protect her!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan's face gradually became serious.

Xiao Jingzhe continued: "As long as the news about Ranran's coma is released, many things will be explained!"

"By donating 30 taels of silver, we can say that we are praying for Ran Ran!"

"Ranran knows medical skills, so she said that she was not in good health since she was a child and was sent to another place to recuperate, so she learned some medical skills!"

"Appearing in the Huichun Hall can be said to be a relapse of an old illness. I asked you to take care of me!"

"As for Mr. Wu, just think of a way to fool him!"

"Only with an explanation for everything can we dispel the concerns of some thoughtful people!"

"Especially the Leaf Party!"

When Xiao Jingxuan heard this, he patted Xiao Jingzhe's shoulder and sighed slightly, "The fourth brother is worried!"

(End of this chapter)

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