Chapter 128

"Master, we have some clues about what you asked me to investigate!"

Butler Liu walked up to Magistrate Wu respectfully and said, "It is said that Mr. Xu and his grandson Xu Yan have been refining elixirs a few days ago, and they are quite effective!"

Hearing this, Magistrate Wu touched the beard at the corner of his mouth, "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely sure." Butler Liu nodded, "The old slave also specifically inquired with the people around the Huichun Hall. It is said that some time ago, they were not very successful in refining the elixir. There were often explosions in the medical hall. Xu Yan and Mr. Xu are often disgraced, so they are doing a good job refining alchemy!"

Wu Zhifu frowned, "What about the little baby?"

"Replying to the master, I heard that the little baby was Master Kong's little apprentice. He was in very bad health when he was born. He happened to meet Master Liao Kong who was traveling abroad! He has been with Master Kong for these years, and he also He was sent back not long ago."

"Sir, that little girl's internal energy and kung fu are very strong, but it's not like she can develop them at her age! I think it was Master Liokong who passed on his kung fu to her!"

"My servant specifically inquired and found out that the illnesses of Madam Xu, mother and son were indeed caused by her, and she used Master Kong's unique Nine Yang-Returning Needles!"

"Mr. Xu admires Master Kong quite a lot, and it is understandable that he protects Master Kong's apprentice!"

After hearing this, Wu Zhifu felt something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it, so he just frowned and said nothing.

Butler Liu raised his head slightly, glanced at Magistrate Wu, then lowered his eyelids, and added, "Master, when I just came back, I heard some news that the little baby is unconscious! It is said that the old disease has recurred!"

Wu Zhifu was stunned!
"The disease hasn't healed yet? Aren't you Master Kong's disciple?" Wu Zhifu asked doubtfully.

"I don't know! The diseases brought in the mother's womb may not be so easy to cure!" Liu Guanjia said.

Wu Zhifu pondered for a while, and then said: "You will personally prepare a gift later and send it to the Yamen, saying that I am thanking that little girl."


Butler Liu responded respectfully.

Just at this moment, Master Wu walked in. Hearing Magistrate Wu's instructions, his face looked a little ugly.

"Brother, it's an honor for that little girl to have the opportunity to treat you! How can you thank her?"


Wu Zhifu cast a deep look at Wu Erye and uttered two words coldly.

"In the past, I thought you were smart enough, but I didn't expect you to be stupid too! Not to mention being treated like a monkey, you are still so short-sighted!" Wu Zhifu scolded him sternly.


Mr. Wu suddenly choked.

"Okay, we brothers are just grasshoppers on the same rope no matter what! Just say whatever you want!" Wu Zhifu said angrily: "Stop talking about those empty compliments!"

Mr. Wu lowered his head in agreement.

"Second brother, after this incident, you must know how much Xiao Jingxuan weighs! From now on, take care of your family and don't let others catch you, let alone do any small tricks!"

"If you are not sure of killing him with one palm, don't act rashly."

At this time, Wu Zhifu was still suspicious of Xiao Nai Tuanzi, and he would never let anyone from the Wu family provoke the Xiao family again until he fully understood.

On the surface, the Wu family is a good member of the Ye party, but they are definitely not the pawns used by Ye Zhengyong to deal with the Xiao family.

Without any benefit, you just want to be obsessed with the Wu family?

"Yes, brother, I understand!" Although Second Master Wu was a little dissatisfied, he also felt that what Magistrate Wu said was reasonable. In addition, I heard that Xiao Jingzhe, the Xiao family's military advisor, was also in Yonglin. This person must not be underestimated. watch for. "Just sit tight as the vice president of the Yonglin Chamber of Commerce and don't think about anything else!" Wu Zhifu reminded.

"Yes." Mr. Wu nodded.

Wu Zhifu waved his hand and asked Wu Erye to go down, but immediately he was stroking his mustache and fell into deep thought.

On the surface, he became a Ye Party member, which is nothing more than the general trend!
But Ye Zhengyong is in the capital after all, and the so-called "Goddess" is also in the capital. They are high in the mountains and far away from the emperor.In Ye Zhengyong's eyes, what do they mean?
But it would be different if it were Xiao Jingxuan...

Thinking about it, Wu Zhifu suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and a meaningful smile slowly formed on the corner of his mouth.

County government.

After hearing the purpose of Butler Liu's visit, Xiao Jingxuan frowned, with a hint of worry on his brows, and said in a deep voice: "Steward Liu, to be honest, my daughter has some congenital deficiencies, and has been frail and sick since she was a child! That martial arts was also passed down to her by her master to protect her life!"


As he spoke, Xiao Jingxuan sighed deeply, looking like an old father who was worried about his daughter, "In order to save Magistrate Wu a few days ago, she used her internal energy, which made the internal energy in her body extremely unstable, so... "

"I had been recovering in the Huichun Hall for a few days and had stabilized. Unexpectedly, I fell into a coma again after being brought back yesterday!"

As Xiao Jingxuan spoke, the corners of his eyes became wet unconsciously.

At this moment, Xiao Jingxuan actually felt that he had a talent for acting.

What he said...I don’t know if Butler Liu believes it, but he believes it himself!
"Are you unconscious?"

Butler Liu was stunned and looked at Xiao Jingxuan thoughtfully.

Seeing that his expression didn't look like he was being fake, he said a few words of comfort.

Xiao Jingxuan took a deep breath and raised his hand towards Butler Liu, "Thank you for your concern, Butler Liu. Now Mr. Xu has moved into the county government office and will be watching over Ran Ran! I believe she will get better soon!"

When Butler Liu heard what Xiao Jingxuan said, he immediately climbed up the pole, "Mr. Xu is here too? It just so happens that I need to thank Mr. Xu for the matter. Why don't Master Xiao introduce me to this old slave?"

"of course."

Xiao Jingxuan was waiting for these words. He stood up and led Butler Liu to Xiao Nai Tuanzi's house.

Inside the house, Mr. Xu was grinding some medicinal materials, with a "prescription" written on the paper.

Seeing Xiao Jingxuan leading Butler Liu in, he had a bad temper. He looked at Xiao Jingxuan and said, "Why did you bring him here? Do you think the little girl has too long a life?"

"Mr. Xu! I know you care about Ran Ran, but Butler Liu also came with the good intentions of Magistrate Wu!" Xiao Jingxuan said sarcastically.

"Hmph!" Mr. Xu snorted and spoke extremely rudely, "What do you mean? Don't bother her! Just take one look and get out of here!"

Butler Liu glanced at the unconscious little breast dumpling lying on the bed, then stepped forward and bowed respectfully to Mr. Xu. When he stood up, his eyes unconsciously glanced at the "Elixir Prescription" and his pupils shrank.

"Mr. Xu, the main reason for coming here this time is to thank Mr. Xu and little girl Ranran for saving my husband. Now my husband's illness has been cured! Thank you very much!"

"roll roll roll!"

Mr. Xu's face was full of impatience, "After thanking you, get out of here!"

Butler Liu showed no dissatisfaction on his face. He bowed politely and withdrew.

(End of this chapter)

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