Chapter 129 Drinking can increase your skill
The little breasted dumpling slept for four days and three nights before slowly waking up.

As soon as she made any movement, Mr. Xu discovered her.

"Little girl, are you finally awake? Come on, let grandpa take your pulse!"

As Mr. Xu spoke, his hand was already on Xiao Naituanzi's wrist.

The little girl yawned, stretched out her hand to rub her eyes in a daze, and looked at Mr. Xu with confusion!
She just took a nap, why did grandpa seem so worried?
As soon as Xu Lao caught her pulse, he was startled and looked at her in disbelief, "Little girl,"


Xiao Naituanzi looked confused, "Grandpa, what's wrong with you? You can't even speak clearly?"

When the little girl opened her mouth, she was hit by the smell of alcohol, which made Mr. Xu frown, pinch his nose and slap him in disgust, stare, and suddenly burst out laughing again.

The little breast dumpling is confused!
Grandpa is crazy, isn't he?


The little girl tugged at his sleeves and looked at him in confusion.


"Little girl, have you been drinking? Have you been drinking?"

Mr. Xu was very excited when he saw Ran Ran.

The smell of alcohol means that she has indeed been drinking!
She drank, which meant that his diagnosis was not wrong!

He just said that judging from her pulse, the little girl was in a state of drunkenness~
Xiao Naituanzi took out a small kettle from his Qiankun bag and handed it to Mr. Xu. He blinked his watery eyes and asked doubtfully: "Is this what grandpa said?"

Mr. Xu looked at the kettle, took it, opened it and smelled it.

Immediately, the smell of wine hit him, making him swallow subconsciously.

smell good!
Mr. Xu was not a wine lover, but after smelling this wine, he inexplicably wanted to try it.

"Little girl, what kind of wine is this? It smells so good?"

"Well... this is the medicinal wine brewed by my fifth master!" Xiao Naituanzi told Mr. Xu quietly, "I secretly got this from my fifth master when we were going down the mountain!"

"My fifth master said that one sip can prolong your life!"

Mr. Xu's eyes lit up, "Is there such a benefit?"


Xiao Naituanzi nodded her head and smiled so hard, "This is brewed by the fifth master using dozens of precious medicinal materials. The second master said that this wine can cure diseases and prolong life without diseases! But! For Ran Ran, it can increase her skill~"

Old Xu: "..."

No wonder when he felt the pulse of Xiaotuanzi, he felt that the energy in her body had increased a lot.

It turned out to be the wine.

Hearing what Xiao Naituanzi said, she really wanted to taste the wine.

Thinking about it, Mr. Xu looked at the little breast dumpling eagerly.

"Little girl, does grandpa always treat you well?"


The little girl blinked, smiled sweetly at Mr. Xu, and her soft little voice sounded, "Grandpa is the best to Ran Ran~"

"Little girl, if grandpa has good things, he will share them with you as soon as possible, right?" Mr. Xu continued.


The little girl sucked her saliva and said angrily, "Grandpa and Brother Xu will buy delicious food for Ranran. Ranran likes you!"

"Then we are all in the same boat, right?"


The little breasted dumpling continued to nod, Grandpa is so weird today!Just ask some weird questions.

When Mr. Xu heard this, his face was full of smiles. His old eyes stared straight at Xiaonuituanzi's kettle. He swallowed and continued: "Then we should share the blessings and the hardships together." Together?"

The little breasted dumpling understood instantly.

"Hehe! So grandpa wants to try my wine?" Mr. Xu felt a little embarrassed when he heard this.

He is an old man, but he covets the wine in the hand of a little kid. It is embarrassing to tell him!
But he still wanted to try it.

So, put this old face aside.

"Yeah." Mr. Xu nodded.

"Of course I can give it to grandpa to try!" Xiao Naituanzi agreed readily, but quickly added: "But grandpa cannot drink this wine directly, it needs to be mixed with other wines, otherwise grandpa will get drunk! "

"Uh..." Mr. Xu said, "Grandpa, just take a sip."

Xiao Naituanzi shook his head, "Fifth Master said that one drop of wine must be mixed with twenty kilograms of wine!"

Old Xu: "..."


"Of course!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded seriously and solemnly, "Grand Master said that my Sixth Master didn't believe it before, so he secretly drank a sip of wine and slept for a full year before waking up!"

Mr. Xu looked at Xiaonuituanzi and seriously suspected that Xiaonuituanzi had been deceived by his master!
"Then how did you drink?" Mr. Xu asked.

"I'll just drink it!" Xiao Naituanzi said matter-of-factly: "Ranran has a good capacity for drinking. Drinking this wine will help me improve my skills!"

General Xu was doubtful!

"Okay, grandpa will buy twenty kilograms of wine later!" Mr. Xu said.

"Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded towards him with a smile.

"By the way, little girl, you obviously drank, why can't you smell the alcohol when you fall asleep?" Mr. Xu asked doubtfully.

This problem has troubled him for several days.

Because of this problem, his medical skills were questioned!

It’s really depressing when you think about it.

"Well... because master has taught Ranran a skill. This skill will protect Ranran when she sleeps. If anyone hurts Ranran, they will be counterattacked!" Xiao Naituanzi said proudly.

Old Xu: "..."

How much skill has this little thing practiced?

At such a young age, I don’t know how I learned it!
But when she thought about the skills that others couldn't improve even after practicing for more than ten or twenty years, she could achieve it by taking a sip of wine and sleeping, and Mr. Xu felt relieved again.

When Xiao Naituanzi woke up, Jin Ling and Xiao Jingxuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Knowing that Xiao Naituanzi really fell asleep after drinking, the few of them felt extremely speechless again.

Jin Ling pretended to be fierce and scolded her with a straight face, "Where did you learn how to drink, little girl? You are not allowed to drink alcohol from now on!"

"Your mother is right!" Xiao Jingxuan also lectured with a stern face, "You have been sleeping for the past few days, and your parents and your fourth uncle cannot eat or drink well! Look at your mother , are you a lot haggard?"

This was the first time that little breasted dumpling was scolded by his father and mother like this. His little mouth was filled with grievances.

Xiao Jingzhe pursed his lips. Although he didn't say a word, his expression clearly meant the same thing as Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling.

When Jin Ling saw her aggrieved look, she immediately felt heartbroken.

But when he thought that if he indulged this time, the little girl might do it again in the future, so he became cruel again and turned away.

Xiao Jingxuan glanced at Jin Ling, looked at the little breast dumplings seriously and said, "Do you know you are wrong?"

The little breasted dumpling lowered his head and said nothing. He put his two chubby little hands in front of his waist and kept stirring, while the tears kept falling.

"Go, go, go!" Mr. Xu couldn't bear it when he saw the aggrieved look of Xiaonuituanzi. He hurriedly came over and protected Xiaonuituanzi in his arms. He looked at the others and scolded them. : "What do you know? Just reprimand her? What's wrong with drinking? Old man, I support her drinking! Humph!"

"Old Xu!"

Xiao Jingxuan looked at Mr. Xu with some dissatisfaction, his face dark and dark!
This is okay for pampering children!
But you can’t spoil your children!

They taught the girl a lesson, why did they come here to cause trouble?

"What? Xiao family boy, do you want to reprimand me too?" Mr. Xu said, blowing his beard and glaring at Xiao Jingxuan.

(End of this chapter)

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