Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 130: Your father is too cruel. Mom will give you a new one someday.

Chapter 130: Your father is too cruel. Mom will give you a new one someday.


Xiao Jingxuan choked, pursed his lips, and winked at Jin Ling.

Jin Ling hurriedly said: "Mr. Xu, husband, that's not what he meant. He also cares about Ran Ran! After all, Ran Ran is a little girl. This happened at home. If you wake up when you are drunk, it will be fine! But if it happens outside, If you drink alcohol, won't your reputation be ruined?"

"Yes, Mr. Xu!" Xiao Jingzhe also echoed: "We all know that you care about Ran Ran and like her! We are her family, and we care about her the same way as you do!"


Mr. Xu snorted coldly, but after hearing Jin Ling and Xiao Jingzhe's explanations, his face looked better after all.

"You can teach your daughter a lesson, but you have to understand the cause and effect before you teach her a lesson!"

Mr. Xu knelt down and reached out his hand to wipe the tears of Xiao Naituanzi himself.

"It's her fault that the little girl drank secretly and slept for so many days, making everyone worried! But what you don't know is that the wine was brewed by the little girl's master, and it's very good for the little girl's body!"

"The little girl took a good nap, and her skills have improved a lot!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan and the other three were stunned.

Xiao Jingzhe, who was sitting in a wheelchair, quickly grabbed the little breast dumpling's wrist. When he found that it was just as Mr. Xu said, he, who had always been calm, couldn't help being startled, and nodded towards Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling.

Xiao Jingxuan and his wife: "..."

Can drinking alcohol increase your power?
It is simply unseen and unheard of.

Seeing their expressions, Mr. Xu immediately snorted disdainfully. He looked at them as if they were country bumpkins. He raised his neck and said, "Are you ignorant and ignorant?"

Everyone: "..."

If it weren't for the principle of respecting the elderly and loving the young, I would really want to fight him!
Sure enough, that man was old and his face was like bark!

"Also, do you know that she is obviously drunk, but why can't you smell any alcohol?" At this time, Mr. Xu said again.

Several people looked at each other but didn't speak.

Mr. Xu continued to say arrogantly: "That's because the little girl has practiced a special skill and automatically blocked herself! Whoever harms her will be in trouble!"

Everyone: "..."

They have only heard that masters will subconsciously defend themselves when they are attacked while sleeping!

"Ran Ran, is what Mr. Xu said true?"

Xiao Jingxuan asked doubtfully. Ran Ran's appearance broke his understanding of many things. It was really hard to believe.


The little girl looked up at Xiao Jingxuan with tears in her eyes, replied, lowered her head aggrievedly, and said weakly: "Daddy, I was wrong!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan suddenly softened his heart.

He stepped forward and bent down to hug her up, and said: "Daddy has done something wrong too. Daddy should apologize to you! But daddy and mother are not wrong either. You shouldn't drink secretly by yourself. Let the concerned you know." ?"

"Although that wine is good for you, you can protect yourself even if you fall asleep, but if you are outside, your father and mother won't be able to find you immediately, wouldn't they be worried to death?"


When Xiao Naituanzi heard this, she subconsciously cried even more sadly.

Two small hands hugged Xiao Jingxuan's neck, and his little head was buried in his neck, twitching.

When Jin Ling saw this, his heart almost broke!

When he caught Xiao Jingxuan, he scolded him, "Tell me, my daughter did something wrong, just give me a scolding! Why are you speaking so loudly! Huh?"

"Ranran, be good! Stop crying!"

"Come, Ranran, come to mother's arms!" "Mother, come and hug mother's little baby!"

"Your father is too cruel. Mom will give you another father someday!"

"Tonight, let's feed your daddy's chicken butt, okay?"

Xiao Jingxuan: "..."

Is he the only bad person in terms of relationships?

Want another father?
She dares!

The little girl sniffed, raised her head, looked at Jin Ling with tearful eyes, pouted and said aggrievedly: "I don't want to change my father!"

"Okay, okay, okay, don't change!"

Jin Ling took her over and held her in his arms, feeling so distressed that she was like a beloved one, patting her back to comfort her.

"Mother, I'm hungry!"

The tears of the small-breasted dumpling came and went quickly.

After a while, she shed tears in her eyes as if nothing happened, and said shyly while touching her deflated belly.

"Oh, my little baby is hungry!"

Jin Ling wiped her face with a handkerchief, then hugged her and walked towards the kitchen, "Mom, I will take you to eat delicious food right now!"


As soon as the little breast dumpling heard that there was something delicious, he immediately showed a sweet smile.

The remaining people look at me and I look at you. Finally, Mr. Xu shook his sleeves and snorted coldly, saying arrogantly: "Boy Xiao, the old man is angry today. You must punish yourself with three drinks tonight! "

Xiao Jingxuan: "..."

"Okay!" Xiao Jingxuan happily agreed, "Not to mention three cups, even three jars, I will drink with you tonight!"

When Xiao Jingzhe heard this, he shook his head helplessly.

Mr. Xu is just an old kid!
Just smooth it!
"I'm going to buy a drink right now! You give it to me, old man, and I'll wait! If I don't drink you down tonight, old man, I won't be able to say this today!"

Mr. Xu said, flicked his sleeves and left.

How dare Xiao Jingxuan ask Mr. Xu to buy wine? He quickly ordered Qin Shi and Lu Qing to follow him, and then went to personally invite Wu Tongpan and his son.

Regarding the poison, everyone worked together to win a victory!
Ran Ran wakes up, which is a happy event!
Liu Xian Cheng, the stumbling block, also took the opportunity to get rid of it!

It’s time to celebrate properly!

Jin Ling knew that Xiao Jingxuan was planning to entertain guests in the evening, so he ordered Granny Xiao and Granny Feng in the kitchen to get ready.

Not long after, Lu Qing and Qin Shi bought two carts of wine, totaling about two hundred kilograms.

They left forty pounds to drink by themselves in the evening, and the rest of the wine was distributed to the Yamen servants. Basically, each person got a small jar.

This is a rare benefit!

The yamen officials who were on duty at the yamen were all so happy that they couldn’t even open their mouths from ear to ear!
I praise Xiao Jingxuan for his generosity!
Xiao Naituanzi looked at the wine that was brought back, opened it, took a look, and curled her lips.

After smelling the wine brewed by her fifth master, the wine Uncle Lu bought was just like water!
Xiao Naituanzi picked a large jar, poured a drop of medicinal wine into it, and then shook the jar.

Mr. Xu was watching from the side with bright eyes. He licked his lips and said, "Can you drink it?"

"Yeah." Xiaotai Tuanzi nodded, "Grandpa, try it and see if there is any difference!"

When Mr. Xu heard this, he couldn't wait to pour a bowl of wine, as if he were tasting tea. He first put it under his nose and smelled it, and then took a sip.

(End of this chapter)

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