Chapter 132 The Effect of Medicinal Wine

When everyone came in, they saw Lu Qing, who was lying on the ground sleeping soundly, and Dumpling with small breasts, who was sitting on a chair and swaying his short legs.

"Ran Ran, going on?"

Jin Ling thought something had happened, so she hurriedly stepped forward and checked the little breast dumpling.

"Mother, Ranran is okay!"

The little girl bared her teeth and smiled at her. She pointed her little finger at Lu Qing on the ground and said, "Uncle Lu took a sip of wine and fell asleep!"

Everyone: "..."

Hongxing, who followed, kicked Lu Qing's body and called Lu Qing twice, but there was no reaction from him.

"It's really useless!"

Hongxing murmured and asked Qin Shi to come in and help her get Lu Qing away!
Everyone sat down, Xu Yan walked in with a smile, looked at the little breast dumplings and asked, "Should I pour it in one gulp?"


The little breasted dumpling smiled as mischievously as a little fox, "He even stood and said a few words!"

"It seems that if you want to drink this wine tonight, you need to add ten more pounds!"

None of the others knew why.

Xu Yan explained a few words, then turned around and went out to get the wine.

Finally, Xiao Nai Tuanzi took a drop of medicinal wine and mixed it with sixty pounds of ordinary wine.

But despite this, the drink still made people feel a little drunk. After a few glasses of wine, everyone felt dizzy.

But this wine is a good wine, really good!

The next day, when Xiao Jingxuan woke up, he felt sticky and uncomfortable.

As soon as he touched his body, a layer of sand came out, as if he had fallen into a mud puddle, which shocked him immediately.

Jin Ling was woken up by him and opened her eyes in a daze.

At this sight, the person in front of him was so frightened that he screamed.


Jin Ling sat up.

"Hu... ma'am?"

Xiao Jingxuan turned his head and glanced at Jin Ling, and was also shocked by Jin Ling's dirty appearance.

"Madam, maybe we suffered from apathy last night and rolled around on the ground!" Xiao Jingxuan said.

At this time, both of them were dirty, their pure white underwear was a little yellowed, and they smelled like sweat.

Not only the body but also the face felt sticky, the kind that could make clay figures appear if you just rub it.

Both husband and wife love to be clean, and they have never been so dirty as now.

Jin Ling glanced at him and said: "Ran Ran said that wine is medicinal wine, which can strengthen the body, prolong life, and can effectively remove toxins from the body! In my opinion, it is probably the wine that has the effect!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan moved his body and immediately started laughing.

"Don't tell me, besides being sticky all over my body now, I also feel a lot more relaxed!"


Jin Ling nodded.

This feeling is like being washed all over your body.

Sure enough, there are people outside this man, and there are mountains outside the mountains!

This kind of wine is really not something ordinary people can brew!

Xiao Naituanzi slept for a few days. She was full of sleep and full of energy.

When I woke up early in the morning, I followed Xiao Jingzhe who had packed up early and reviewed a few words I knew before. Then I went out and practiced martial arts with him in the yard.

After more than ten days, Xiao Jingzhe trained on time every day, and now his legs can stand firmly.

I believe that in a while, being able to walk independently will no longer be a problem.During breakfast, when the little girl saw Jin Ling, her eyes sparkled and she said, "Mother is so beautiful today, her face is as red as a red apple!"

Hearing this, Hongxing laughed.

"Madam, you see, even Miss Ranran has discovered it. Is this slave right?"

Jin Ling touched her face and smiled like a flower.

After washing her body in the morning, she discovered that not only did her whole body feel relaxed, but the skin on her body looked much more delicate.

The whole person looked glorious.

Just like the newly mature flower bones.

Which woman doesn't like being praised as young and beautiful?
Jin Ling is naturally unavoidable.

"It's not that exaggerated!" Jin Ling pinched Xiao Tuanzi's face with a smile and kissed her again, "This is all thanks to Ran Ran's medicinal wine!"

"The effect is immediate and makes you feel relaxed all over!"

"Hehe, if you like it, mother, you can drink more! Ranran can make wine too!"

"it is good!"

Jin Ling smiled and nodded.

"Mother, the elixir refined from seven-color flowers that Ranran gave you last time will be more effective!"

Jin Ling laughed, "Mother, keep it for now. When it reaches 45 in the future, mother will take it out to eat!"

"Well... Ranran can refine it for mother again!" Xiao Naituanzi said.

"Mother knows that Ranran loves her very much, but she also knows that it is very hard for Ranran to make elixirs, and it takes a lot of energy! Mother also feels sorry for Ranran, do you know that?" As she said this, Jin Ling touched her smooth skin. With a smile on his face, he said: "Isn't my mother very beautiful now?"

"Well, my mother is the most beautiful!"

The little breasted dumpling smiled and leaned forward to kiss her on the face.

After breakfast, a yamen servant sent a message to the door.

"Stone gambling?"

Jin Ling glanced at it and put the post aside, showing no great interest in it.

Xiao Jingxuan smiled and said: "Don't you have a good relationship with Mrs. Yu? Don't you go and take a look?"

"I heard that Mr. Yu is a little decadent because of his children. Most of the business of the Yu family is now run by Mr. Yu." Jin Ling sneered: "This stone gambling party should be organized by Mr. Yu!"

"This Mrs. Yu Er is an annoying mistress! If she stumbles upon me on such an occasion, I may not be able to handle it!"

"And most of the people who go to this kind of place are men! If not, let the fourth child go!"

Xiao Jingxuan thought for a while, then nodded, "The fourth child is calm, we can give the Yu family some face by going, so Mrs. Yu Er can't argue with the fourth child!"

"Yes." Jin Ling nodded, "This bet stone will be at the junction of Yonglin and Yongzhou. I estimate that mother and the others will be there in a few days. Then I will ask the fourth child to take Ran Ran to pick it up. "

"Listen to Madam."

Xiao Naituanzi went to see Mr. Xu and Lu Qing after breakfast.

Both of them were sleeping so deeply that they couldn't wake up.

Lu Qing was okay and could still respond when he was called, but Mr. Xu showed no signs of waking up and fell into a deep sleep.

Xiaonuituanzi couldn't help but pluck out a few of his beards, but he didn't react at all.

I guess it will take a few days to wake up.

"Miss, my wife and Fourth Master are going to visit the new house. Do you want to come with us?"

At this time, Hongxing came and said to Xiao Naituanzi.

"Wow, wow!"

The little girl was feeling bored. When she heard what Hongxing said, she thought of the four Zhang Biao brothers who lived in the house.

"Aunt Hongxing, Uncle Zhang Biao, are they okay?" Xiao Naituanzi asked, raising his head.

These days, she didn't bother to visit them. Xu Yan only took the time to give them an injection every few days. She didn't know what the specific situation was!
(End of this chapter)

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