Chapter 133 Ran Ran assists Lu Qing
"Don't worry. Mr. Xu gave them the injections and asked them to take the medicine on time. They are all fine now!" Hongxing said with a smile: "If they know that you care about them so much, miss, they will definitely be happy!"


After hearing this, Xiao Naituanzi felt silly for a moment, held Hongxing's hand, and then asked Hongxing, "Aunt Hongxing, is your birthday approaching?"

Hongxing was stunned, a little surprised.

"Miss Ranran, how do you know?"

"Uncle Lu said that~" Xiaonuituanzi raised his head and smiled at Hongxing with crooked eyebrows.

Hongxing's eyebrows twitched, her heart trembled unconsciously, and her nose felt a little sore for no reason.

She entered the Xiao Mansion when she was ten years old. Before entering the mansion, she had never celebrated her birthday, and no one had ever remembered which day was her birthday.

Later, after meeting Lu Qing, she just said it casually and he remembered it.

Every year I give her a small gift.

She didn't think anything was wrong in the past, but now that Xiao Naituanzi mentioned it, she suddenly felt that the silly goose might...

"Hehe, Uncle Lu even bought a gift for Aunt Hongxing!" Xiao Naituanzi continued.

After saying that, he subconsciously covered his mouth, "Oh, Uncle Lu told me not to tell Aunt Hongxing!"

Hongxing: "..."

"Aunt Hongxing, can you not tell Uncle Lu that Ran Ran spilled the beans?" Xiao Tiao Tuanzi felt aggrieved, grabbing Hongxing's hand and shaking it.

How could Hongxing bear such a soft and glutinous little breast dumpling? She hurriedly knelt down and pinched her little face, saying: "Don't worry, my aunt won't say anything!"

"Hehe... Ranran knows that Aunt Hongxing is the best! Uncle Lu is right, Aunt Hongxing is the girl with the best heart in the world!" Xiaotuanzi said in a sweet voice.

As soon as Hongxing heard this, she looked around subconsciously, as if she was a thief, with her face flushed.


Hongxing breathed a sigh of relief when she saw no one was around.

The little girl bared her teeth and begged softly: "Aunt Hongxing, when Uncle Lu gives you a gift, you have to pretend to be a surprise!"


Hongxing tapped the tip of her nose and said with a smile: "Actually, it's not impossible, but... I have a condition!"

"What are the conditions?" Xiaonuituanzi's eyes rolled around and he looked at her curiously.

Hongxing's face turned red subconsciously again, and she asked in a low voice: "Miss Ranran, you have to tell me, what else did your Uncle Lu say about me to the lady!?"

"Wow...that's a lot!"

The little breasted dumpling raised his hands, spread his fingers, and his little face wrinkled into a meat bun.

He said with an exaggerated expression: "I can't even count them with ten fingers!"

"So much?"

"Yeah!" Little Nipples nodded subconsciously, "Even if I include Ranran's toes, I can't even count them all!"

Hongxing: "..."

Seeing the special appearance of the little breasted dumpling, Hongxing's heart moved.

At this time, Xiao Naituanzi said: "Aunt Hongxing, you must not like Uncle Lu!"


Hongxing was confused, didn't the little girl like Lu Qing very much?
"Because Uncle Lu is too stingy~" Little Nipple Tuanzi pouted and said, "He said he wanted to give all his money to his wife! You can't buy anything for Ran Ran!"

Hearing this, Hongxing's heart couldn't help but beat again.

The scene in my mind comes to mind when the guy's shoes and socks have holes in them and he is reluctant to buy a pair.

This person is really...

"Aunt Hongxing, why is your face so red?"

Just as Hongxing was thinking about it, she saw a soft little hand suddenly appeared on her forehead, and then she heard her confused voice: "Hey, you're not sick!" Hongxing stood up subconsciously. His eyes and expression were a little panicked, and he stammered: "That...that...Miss Ranran, we'd better leave quickly! Madam, it's time to wait and be anxious!"

"Oh okay!"

The little breasted dumpling smiled with a cunning look on his face.

When they walked to the front hall, Xiaonuituanzi rushed to push Xiao Jingzhe's wheelchair.

After getting on the carriage, Min Shenxing came over mysteriously and asked in a low voice: "Little girl, did your wine really knock down Mr. Xu and Lu Qing?"


Xiaonuituanzi looked at Min Shenxing curiously and smiled, "Brother Min, what are you planning?"

"How dare I have any evil ideas!" Min Shenxing said with a sneer: "My old man is a good drinker. Isn't he about to reach his seventieth birthday? So I want to make him a bottle of good wine!"

"It's Mr. Min's seventieth birthday?"

Hearing this, Jin Ling was surprised and said something extra.

"Yes." Min Shenxing nodded, "It happens to be after the Dragon Boat Festival, the seventh day of May! It's less than a month!"

"That's it!"

Jin Ling became thoughtful.

They also had to prepare for Mr. Min's seventieth birthday.

"Grandpa Min likes to drink, so give him a jar!" Xiao Naituanzi said generously.

"There's no need to give it as a gift, I'll buy it!" Min Shenxing scratched his head in embarrassment, "After all, it's a birthday gift, so don't be too stingy, or my father and mother will blame me!"

"Hmm..." Xiao Naituanzi was very confused and looked at Xiao Jingzhe and Jin Ling, "Fourth uncle, mother, how much silver should I sell it for?"

"200 taels per catty!" Xiao Jingzhe thought for a moment and replied calmly.

"200 taels per catty?"

Hearing this, Min Shenxing and Jin Ling couldn't help but take a breath.

Those ordinary wines on the market that can sell for three and a half cents a pound are already considered good wines!
200 two?
Only Xiao Jingzhe dared to say this!

"Ran Ran, this wine is not an ordinary wine, it is a wine that prolongs life, cures all kinds of diseases, detoxifies and nourishes the skin!" Xiao Jingzhe said calmly.

At only 200 taels per catty, Xiao Jingzhe thought it was a bit cheap.

After all, Xiao Nai Tuanzi said that this wine was brewed with dozens of precious medicinal materials!

How expensive this medicinal material is, just look at the price of one pill!

"According to what you said, 200 taels per catty is really not expensive!" Jin Ling thought for a while, touched her face, and said with a smile.

How many women in the world have sharpened their heads in order to beautify their eyes?
This item alone can attract countless women to flock to it, not to mention those who are good at wine and those who want to prolong their lives!
If you calculate it this way, two hundred and one catty is indeed not expensive!

When Xiao Naituanzi heard what they said, he suddenly felt that he had found a way to make money again. His eyes were bright and shining.

Her pot of medicinal wine can be mixed with many, many wines!
Two drops of medicinal wine a day can make a lot of money!

Happy to think about it!
"Here, 2000 taels of silver, I want ten catties of wine!" Min Shenxing immediately handed over a stack of banknotes.

The little breasted dumpling looked at it and accepted it with a smile.

He also said enthusiastically: "Mom, are we going to sell bars from now on?"

Jin Ling: "..."

This kid's mind is spinning very fast!

Xiao Jingzhe stretched out his hand and rubbed her little head, "Yes, fourth uncle also has this idea!"


Jin Ling looked at him in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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