Chapter 134 Iron Box

Xiao Jingzhe didn't explain too much, he just said: "The more Ranran makes money, the more he can help people and accumulate more merit!"

Jin Ling knew that Xiao Jingzhe must have other thoughts and plans, but since there were outsiders present, he didn't ask any more questions.

When they arrived at the new house, Jin Ling took Hong Xing to do other things.

Xiao Jingzhe took the little milk dumplings to the yard where Zhang Biao and the others lived.

Before he had gone far, the money sword in Xiao Naituanzi's purse began to buzz and shake again.

The little girl paused, held up an oil-paper umbrella, and then released the black shadow.

As soon as Min Shenxing saw the oil-paper umbrella, his neck felt cold. He swallowed and said, "Ran Ran, did you... let uncle out again?"


The little girl nodded and looked at the black shadow with a pair of big eyes in confusion.

Xiao Jingzhe and Qin Shi, who were walking in front, heard the conversation between the two and saw that Xiao Nai Tuanzi had actually produced an oil-paper umbrella, and their eyelids twitched.

"Ran Ran? What are you..."

Ran Ran took out some talisman papers and took a photo of each of Min Shenxing, Qin Shi and Xiao Jingzhe!
Suddenly, a dark figure appeared in front of them.


Even though Qin Shi was usually calm, he couldn't help but be startled when he saw this dark shadow again.

Xiao Jingzhe's face was relatively calm, but his heart was beating wildly!

His voice was unconsciously tinted with vibrato, "He... he's a ghost?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded calmly, and then handed over the task of holding the paper umbrella to Min Shenxing.

Min Shenxing knew that the shadow would not hurt him, but he was calmer than Qin Shi and Xiao Jingzhe.

Hearing Xiao Jingzhe's words, he raised his neck arrogantly and said loudly: "Uncle Xiao, you don't have to be afraid, our black shadow brother is a ghost and will not hurt anyone!"

Shadow: "..."

Xiao Jingzhe: "..."

Despite his timid temperament, this boy was not frightened and fainted.It seems that I have been exposed to this ghost for a long time!

Seeing the ghost's vaguely attire, as well as his aura and age, Xiao Jingzhe blurted out subconsciously and asked, "Are you Governor Zhou?"

The black shadow was a little confused and looked at Xiao Jingzhe: "I am Governor Zhou? Do you know me?"

Xiao Jingzhe shook his head, "I have never seen you, but the clothes you wear are from the governor's official residence, and the age you look like makes you look like Governor Zhou who passed away a few years ago!"

Xiao Jingzhe's eyelids jumped up when he thought that Xiao Jingxuan still had two pieces of evidence in his hands that could overturn Governor Zhou's case.

If this ghost was really Governor Zhou, it would be much easier to investigate many things!
In addition, Governor Zhou's case was personally investigated and closed by Ye Zhengyong. If the case could be overturned, it would be a fatal blow to Ye Zhengyong!
"I don't know who I am!"

The shadow's eyes gradually dimmed, and he looked around the house, then pointed at a big tree not far away and said: "There is something familiar there, there seems to be something buried underground!"

"What was buried?" Min Shenxing asked.

The shadow shook his head, "I don't know, I'm not sure!"

"Qin Shi, go dig and see!"

Xiao Jingzhe immediately ordered in a deep voice, and he could still faintly feel the subtle emotions he was suppressing at this time.


Qin Shi found a tool and started digging at the big tree over there.

While digging, Xiao Jingzhe asked Xiao Naituanzi, "Uncle Black Shadow, why are you following you?"

Xiao Naituanzi looked at the black shadow and pointed at Min Shenxing, "It was Brother Min who ran to the cemetery, and then Ran Ran met many ghosts there! The black shadow uncle she met there!"

"A lot of ghosts?"

Xiao Jingzhe felt a little embarrassed when he thought about it, "So, you keep them all?"

"No!" Xiao Naituanzi hurriedly shook his head, "Ranran has sent them to reincarnate! It's just that Uncle Black Shadow's fate is not over yet, and he doesn't want to reincarnate. Moreover, he is very powerful and has cultivated beyond the realm, so I We’re taking him in temporarily!”

Hearing this, Xiao Jingzhe breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking of these days, Xiao Naituanzi has been sleeping with him, and she still has a ghost on her body...

Tsk's like he's sleeping with a ghost!

Thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable all over.

"Boy, how dare you, are you going to the cemetery to seek death?" Xiao Jingzhe looked at Min Shenxing angrily.

"I..." Min Shenxing opened his mouth, unable to speak.

Now that he thinks about it, he took risks everywhere to scare himself just to make a bet with others. It was really stupid.

Those little friends of his may still be laughing at him behind his back!

"Fourth Uncle, don't talk about Brother Min either~ Brother Min is destined to suffer disaster. Now that it's over, he can be fine!" Xiao Naituanzi said with a smile.

"Also, if Brother Min hadn't gone to the cemetery, Ran Ran wouldn't have known that Qingxuan liar wanted to harm father and fourth uncle!"

When Min Shenxing heard Xiao Naituanzi say this, he suddenly felt that he was still somewhat useful, and he kept looking silly and happy beside him.

Xiao Jingzhe thought about the scene when he and Xiao Naituanzi met for the first time, and then thought about what happened to the Xiao family, he subconsciously clenched his hands a little tighter.

I didn't expect that the Xiao family was so unlucky. Someone was behind this dirty trick.

The first thing he thought of was Ye Zhengyong and his daughter Ye Zhaozhao who was named a princess!
"Master, there is really something here!"

At this time, Qin Shi dug out a medium-sized iron box and said excitedly.

Several people hurriedly stepped forward.

The black shadow looked at the familiar box, and his body trembled unconsciously.

"Open it and take a look." Xiao Jingzhe looked at Qin Shi and ordered.


Qin Shi responded, looked at the iron box carefully, frowned and said, "Fourth Master, this box is made of black iron, and the top is also a machine lock, so it can't be opened at all!"

"Bring it over and let me take a look?" Xiao Jingzhe said.


Qin Shi wiped the box clean and then handed it to Xiao Jingzhe.

After Xiao Jingzhe looked at it carefully, he tried to open the mechanism, but it didn't work after several attempts.

I held the box and shook it, but I couldn't hear any movement.

Xiao Jingzhe frowned and looked at the shadow, "Do you know how to open it?"

Sombra shook his head.

He just suddenly thought of something that seemed to have been buried here.

As for the rest, he knew nothing.

If you have forgotten who you are, how can you remember others?

"Okay, then I will keep this iron box for safekeeping first. If you think of anything in the future, I will return it to you!"

After saying that, Xiao Jingzhe looked at Ran Ran again and said: "Your father has seen the true appearance of Governor Zhou and has dealt with him. When he goes back, let your father also meet this shadowy uncle of yours! Maybe Can confirm his identity.”

"it is good!"

Ran Ran nodded.

The black shadow pursed his lips, and his figure flashed back to Ran Ran's money sword.

Min Shenxing put away the umbrella and gave it back to Ran Ran.

(End of this chapter)

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