Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 136 Picking the Auspicious Days of the Zodiac

Chapter 136 Picking the Auspicious Days of the Zodiac

After coming out of the courtyard where Zhang Biao and the others were, Xiao Jingzhe's complexion had not been good. It could be said that he was very ugly.

The hands were clenched tightly together, obviously trying to suppress themselves.

The little girl pushed Xiao Jingzhe slowly in the yard, obediently and without saying a word.

"Fourth Master, Miss Ranran, your yard has been tidied up. Madam wants you to take a look!" At this time, Hongxing came over and said happily.


The little girl responded happily, then kissed Xiao Jingzhe on the cheek and smiled sweetly at him, "Fourth uncle, Ranran will show you the yard!"

Xiao Jingzhe was slightly stunned.

Looking at Xiao Naituanzi's sweet smile, the depression in my heart suddenly dissipated a lot.

this little girl...

You must have seen what is coming!

"it is good!"

Xiao Jingzhe nodded lightly.

At this time, I saw the little breasted dumpling humming and climbed up Xiao Jingzhe's wheelchair, sitting on Xiao Jingzhe's thigh, grabbing Xiao Jingzhe's big hand and clasping it on hers. On the waist, he raised his head and said to Hongxing: "Aunt Hongxing, come and push us!"

"Yes, miss!"

Hongxing responded and walked behind them with a smile, "Fourth Master, Miss, we are leaving, so hold on tight!"

"hurry up!"

The little breasted dumpling urged me happily.

Hongxing pushed faster and faster, and the little breasted dumpling raised her two little paws to cheer for Hongxing, giggling non-stop.

Listening to the silvery bell-like laughter of Xiao Naituanzi, Xiao Jingzhe's lips slowly formed a smile.

this little guy...

At such a young age, he knew how to divert his attention quietly, and he also knew how to see through without telling the truth!

After Hongxing pushed her to play in the yard for a while, she pushed them to the backyard to see Ranran's yard.

The new house is very large, divided into a front yard and a backyard.

The front yard is for men, and the back yard is where women live.

Considering that there were more boys in the family, Jin Ling made some improvements to the yard during the renovation.

There are seven courtyards in the front yard.

There are five courtyards in the backyard.

Of these five courtyards, the most secluded and spacious courtyard was named Fukang Garden by Jin Ling and was reserved for the old lady to live in.

The courtyard where she lives is called Jingyuan, and it is right next to the old lady's courtyard.

The courtyard of Xiao Nai Tuanzi is the largest, named Ningjin Garden.

The remaining two courtyards are reserved for Mrs. Xiao Er and Mrs. Xiao San. These two courtyards have not yet been named and are waiting for their own arrangements.

In Ningjin Garden, Jin Ling also specially built a small attic for Xiao Naituanzi. Standing on the attic, you can overlook the entire scenery of Xiao residence.

There was also a medicine room opened for her at the back of the attic, which would be very convenient for her to make medicine and other things in the future.

There is also a small lotus pond in the small courtyard. The lotus flowers were transplanted not long ago, but in a month or two, this lotus pond will be filled with lotus flowers.

"Like it?"

Jin Ling looked at the little breast dumplings and said with a smile.

"I like it, it's so beautiful here, Ranran likes it so much!" Xiaotuanzi said as he ran around in the yard with his feet, like a happy little butterfly.

In a short time, she ran up and down the entire courtyard.

I was covered in sweat from running.

Jin Ling wiped her sweat, and then said with a smile: "Now that we have a yard, we can pick out a few little girls and put them in the yard, and let them clean and serve you, okay?"


Hearing this, Xiao Naituanzi frowned, puffed up her face and said, "Mom, if you have your own yard, won't you be able to sleep with your parents and fourth uncle?" Jin Lingwei said Stunned, he said: "Of course."

"But Ranran is a little girl. She can't sleep with her father and fourth uncle all the time, otherwise she will be laughed at!"

"But mother, your third aunt, and grandmother can all sleep with Ran Ran from now on!"

"All right!"

The little breasted dumpling bulged his eyes, and although he was a little unhappy, he still nodded.

Xiao Jingzhe's yard is a little far away, but it is decorated according to Xiao Jingzhe's own style. It is fresh and elegant, but there are some flowers and plants missing in the yard, which makes it look a bit monotonous and a little more depressing.

But this was his own request, and Jin Ling completely respected his likes and dislikes.

The whole house is almost repaired and cleaned, and we just need to choose a good and auspicious day to open the house and live in it.

After visiting the courtyard, Jin Ling took them to get to know the servants in the mansion.

Xiao Jingzhe told Jin Ling about letting Sun Yue be the housekeeper, and Jin Ling happily agreed.

"Tomorrow, I will ask Hongxing to hand over the money and account books of our house to him, and then I will leave all the affairs of the house to him!"


Xiao Jingzhe nodded slightly.

"By the way, did your elder brother tell you about the Stone Gambling Club?"

"I mentioned it." Xiao Jingzhe nodded, "Don't worry, sister-in-law, I will go take a look at it then!"

After saying that, Xiao Jingzhe thought for a while and then said, "I wonder if sister-in-law can ask for another invitation?"

"Want another one?" Jin Ling looked at him doubtfully.


Xiao Jingzhe said: "I leave Ranran's wine business to Zhao Hu! We can't put this business in our Xiao family's name openly! So we can't have anything to do with it openly! "

Jinling understood.

Xiao Jingzhe wanted Zhao Hu to gradually break into Yonglin and even the entire Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce.

It's a secret move for the Xiao family.

After all, many things require money.

Jin Ling thought for a while and said: "It just so happens that we are hosting a banquet when we open the mansion. I will ask someone to choose an auspicious day as soon as possible. I will make the invitations today and I will personally deliver them to the Jade Mansion!"

"It's Mrs. Lao!"

Hearing this, Jin Ling couldn't help but glance at him, "What's the point of working without having to work? We are a family!"

Xiao Jingzhe hurriedly confessed his crime.

The little girl here just ran over and heard Jin Ling say that she wanted to choose an auspicious day. She immediately pinched her fingers and said in a sweet voice: "April 26, good luck and good luck."


Jin Ling was stunned and looked at Xiaonuituanzi in surprise, "How can Ran Ran count on this?"

"I can do it!" Xiao Naituanzi said with a proud face, "Looking at fortune telling, catching ghosts, drawing talismans, predicting good and bad luck, observing the weather... Ran Ran has learned all these!"

Jin Ling: "..."

Those who didn’t know thought she had raised a little Taoist priest!
"April 26, ten days later! The timing is right!" Xiao Jingzhe thought for a moment and said.

By then, his leg should be almost healed.

It’s almost time for my mother and third sister-in-law to arrive.

"Okay, let's do it on April 26th!" Jin Ling looked at Hongxing with a smile, "Go and get ready."

"Yes, ma'am." Hongxing responded.

"Little girl, please show me quickly, am I going to be lame in my leg?"

At this moment, Min Shenxing's voice appeared at the entrance of the courtyard.

Everyone turned to look and saw Qin Shi walking in, supporting the limping Min Shen with an expressionless face.

(End of this chapter)

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