Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 137 Min Shenxing was beaten, and the fourth brother must be rehabilitated!

Chapter 137 Min Shenxing was beaten, and the fourth child must be rehabilitated!
"what happened?"

Seeing this, Jin Ling hurriedly walked over and helped Qin Shi help Min Shenxing in. Hongxing quickly went into the room and brought out a stool for Min Shenxing to sit down.

The little girl looked at his leg, then poked it with her finger.


Min Shenxing gasped in pain.

"It hurts..."

"Oh, how did you do this?" Jin Ling looked at the little breast dumpling anxiously, "Ranran, your brother Min's legs..."

"Don't worry, mother, it's just a sprain!"

As the little girl said, she had already grabbed Min Shenxing's leg, and then slowly sent some internal force into his ankle.

As soon as the internal force came in, Min Shenxing felt warm in his ankle, and the pain was relieved a lot.

But at this moment, Xiaonuituanzi suddenly grabbed his ankle and twisted it hard!


The screams of a slaughtering pig instantly echoed through the entire courtyard.


The little girl patted her little hands, put down Min Shenxing's legs, and said crisply: "Brother Min, would you like to stand up and take two steps?"

Min Shenxing swallowed and looked at the little breast dumpling with doubt.

"Really...really good?"


The little breasted dumpling nodded, curled his lips and said, "It's just a little injury, it doesn't bother me!"

Is this a minor injury?

He remembered that his mother once sprained her foot and lay in bed for ten days and a half!
It made his father, who brought tea and water to his mother every day, personally serve her.

Min Shenxing looked at Xiaotuanzi's shining eyes and tentatively moved his ankle. He found that all the pain was gone, and he couldn't help but feel happy on his face.

"Really okay?"

Min Shenxing stood up in disbelief, stamped his feet happily, and smiled like a silly son of a landlord, "It's really good!"

Well, he has to go back and tell his father that his mother was lying in bed with a sprained leg and it was all an act!

"Shen Xing, did you get into a fight with someone?"

Jin Ling asked tentatively.

Although there was no visible injury on this guy's face, his hair was messy, not as simple as a casual sprained foot.

When Min Shenxing heard this, his face was a little embarrassed, and he said embarrassedly: "I was pushed into a trap!"

"Who is it? How dare you do such a thing in broad daylight?"

When Jin Ling heard this, his face was filled with anger. Min Shenxing was now considered a member of the Xiao family. If he bullied him, wouldn't he be bullying the Xiao family?
"Shen Xing, tell Aunt Jin who did it! Aunt Jin will help you vent your anger!"

Jin Ling stroked her sleeves, looking like she was going to come to fight with someone.

Min Shenxing was stunned, and a warm current surged through his heart.

This was the first time someone wanted to stand up for him without asking any questions.

In the past, he was bullied by those bad friends outside. When he came home, his father, grandfather, and uncles all accused him of being incompetent, and that's why he was bullied!Although his mother cared about him, she never stood up for him.

Over time, he became reluctant to talk about many things to his family.

But Jinling is different!
"Aunt Jin, no need! Brother Qin Shi has already taught them a lesson for me!" Min Shenxing said.

Those few are just playboys who only know how to have fun.

There’s no need for Aunt Jin to take action!

If he gets the chance, he won't make it easy for them!
"Really?" Jin Ling looked at Qin Shi.

Qin Shi nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "Some children who were spoiled by their families have been taught a lesson by my subordinates. Madam, don't worry!"


Jin Ling nodded, "In that case, forget it!" "If they dare to come again in the future, tell Aunt Jin, and Aunt Jin will stand up for you!" Jin Ling said.

"Thank you Aunt Jin!" Min Shenxing smiled.

"I can help Brother Min beat them up without my mother having to step in!" Xiao Naituanzi squeezed his little fists and said fiercely, "Those who dare to bully me, let's see if I can beat them to death!"


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help laughing.

Several people returned to the Yamen at noon. By this time, Lu Qing had woken up, but he was still a little dizzy.

Xiao Jingxuan let him rest and didn't tell him anything.

After lunch, Jin Ling and Hong Xing went to work on opening a new house.

Xiao Naituanzi took Min Shenxing out to play.

In the study room, after Xiao Jingxuan heard Xiao Jingzhe's arrangements for the four Zhang Biao brothers, he had no objections and only said: "Just follow your arrangements!"


Xiao Jingzhe nodded, took out the black iron box he dug in the house and handed it to Xiao Jingxuan.

"Brother, look at this!"

"This is?"

Xiao Jingxuan took the iron box over, put it in his hand and shook it gently a few times.

He frowned slightly.

"Where did such a lump of iron come from?"

"It was dug out from under a big tree in the new house!"

Xiao Jingzhe told the story about the black shadow, and then expressed his guess, "The black shadow is very familiar with the new house. Coupled with his clothes and age, I guess it is Governor Zhou!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan was in disbelief.

"Governor Zhou?"

"That's right." Xiao Jingzhe nodded, "This iron box was dug out under his guidance. It should have been buried there during his lifetime! He had forgotten what happened during his lifetime, but he remembered this iron box. I think this iron box is not simple."

"Could it be related to his death?" Xiao Jingzhe asked doubtfully.

Xiao Jingxuan looked at the iron box, thought about it carefully, and then shook his head.

"That house is where Governor Zhou once lived! But don't forget, Governor Zhou died six years after leaving Yonglin!"

"In other words, this iron box has been buried in the soil for at least 12 years!"

"If it is really related to Governor Zhou's death, it won't be much evidence!"

Xiao Jingzhe also felt that there was some truth to this, "The place where Governor Zhou died is Ba County. If we want to investigate his affairs, we must retrieve the case files from that year. I'm afraid it won't be that easy!"

Xiao Jingxuan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. The current Tongpan of Ba County has some friendship with Wu Tongpan. Wu Tongpan has always wanted to investigate Governor Zhou's affairs. He will find a way to copy Governor Zhou's case file."

"That's fine."

Xiao Jingzhe nodded.

"That's right!" Xiao Jingzhe thought for a while and said with a sad expression: "About the third child... Zhang Biao said that he saw the third child being seriously injured and falling into the Wei River."

Hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan sighed deeply.

"Fourth brother, after so many years, you should let go of the third child thing!" Xiao Jingxuan patted Xiao Jingzhe's shoulder and said sadly.

"Brother! I want to vindicate the third child!"

Xiao Jingzhe spoke sadly.

Xiao Jingxuan was shocked, "How do you want to redress?"

"Of course we will investigate the truth of that year and make it public!" Xiao Jingzhe gritted his teeth.

"Then do you know that if you really do this? What will happen to our Xiao family?" Xiao Jingxuan's eyes were red, he clenched his fists, and his expression was painful!
"Are we going to let the third child and my Xiao Jiajun brothers bear the infamy for the rest of their lives? I won't accept it!"

(End of this chapter)

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