Chapter 138 Xiao Jingzhe wants to rebel!
"But don't forget that man's current status!"

"Hmph!" Xiao Jingzhe snorted coldly, "The emperor breaks the law and the common people are equally guilty! I think it would be better to overthrow the Zhou Dynasty by letting a idiot come to power!"


Xiao Jingxuan was immediately shocked by Xiao Jingzhe's remarks!
"Brother, do you think that after overthrowing Ye Zhengyong, our Xiao family will be able to return to the same status as before?"

"If the world of Great Zhou is in the hands of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, it would be better to die as soon as possible!"

"Fourth, stop talking!"

Xiao Jingxuan said with prayer.

Why doesn't he know this? But now they are nothing more than earthworms. How difficult is it to shake the big tree?

Xiao Jingzhe pursed his lips and took a deep breath, "Brother, don't worry, I won't risk the lives of everyone in the Xiao family if I'm not completely sure!"


Xiao Jingxuan nodded slightly with red eyes.

on the street.

Min Shenxing and Xiaonaituanzi walked around for a few times and arrived at a street selling antiques, calligraphy and paintings.

"Brother Min, what does Grandpa Min like besides drinking?" Xiao Naituanzi raised his head and asked.

"He also likes jade, antique calligraphy and painting, Buddhist beads and so on!" Min Shenxing asked with a smile: "I hear you, little girl, want to buy some birthday gifts for the old man, right?"


The little girl nodded, pointed at the two rows of shops on the street and said with a smile: "Just right, let's go in and take a look!"

"Let's go!" Min Shenxing fanned himself and walked in with his little breast dumplings.

"Little girl, do you know how to choose antique calligraphy and paintings?" Min Shenxing asked after entering the shop.


The little breasted dumpling shook his head.

However, the great master has said that all high-quality collections have a certain aura.

She can feel it.

When Min Shenxing heard this, his face twitched, and he whispered in Xiao Naituanzi's ear: "I don't know how to do it either. What if I get tricked?"

If you buy this kind of place, you will make a lot of money.

If you buy a fake, you will make a fool of yourself even if you lose money.

"Hey, isn't this cautious? Are you here to choose a birthday gift for Grandpa Min?"

At this time, a man who looked not much older than Min Shenxing walked in with two other young masters. His attitude was very arrogant.

"Wen Boyun, why are you everywhere?"

Min Shenxing raised his neck and said displeasedly.

Wen Boyun is actually Min Shenxing's cousin and the nephew of Mrs. Min's third wife's eldest sister-in-law!
Because Wen Boyun has been educated and literate since he was a child, and is very good at martial arts and riding skills, he has always been considered by adults as someone else's child.

Therefore, Min Shenxing has been compared with him since he was a child.

Min Shenxing grew up in this person's halo, so he hated him extremely.

Not only that, Wen Boyun always likes to do one thing in front of others and another behind his back.On the surface, he is a humble gentleman, gentle and polite!He tortured and killed small animals behind his back, he had seen it more than once!

"What? This shop is owned by my family and I can't come?" Wen Boyun smiled very gently, but it made Min Shenxing feel extremely scary.

"Is this your shop?"

Min Shenxing snorted coldly, "You know this is your shop. Even if you kill me, I won't even step in! Ranran, let's go!"

"and many more!"

Wen Boyun stretched out his hand to stop Min Shenxing, "You're already here, why are you leaving in such a hurry? What do you like? I'll give it to you?"


Min Shenxing sighed and said arrogantly: "Who cares? Get out of the way!" "Be careful!" Wen Boyun didn't get out of the way and said warmly: "Do you hate me so much?"

"That's right! Once I see you, I won't be able to eat for three days!"

Min Shenxing made no secret of his dislike for him.

In fact, the two had a good relationship when they were young. Wen Boyun was one of his few playmates, but I don't know when he started to change!

Especially the time I saw him torture and kill a kitten!
Min Shenxing admitted that he was scared!

Afraid that he would suddenly be killed by Wen Boyun like that kitten!
So later on, he intentionally or unintentionally started to alienate him and stay away from him!

When Wen Boyun saw Min Shenxing's disgusted expression, he couldn't help but froze, and there was a hint of hurt in his eyes.

"She is Magistrate Xiao's daughter, right?"

Wen Boyun focused his attention on the little breast dumpling who was looking up at him with his big eyes.

Seeing her chubby little face, he couldn't help but want to reach out and squeeze it, but before his hand touched the small breast dumplings, Min Shenxing slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch her with your dirty hands!"

Wen Boyun's hand paused, then slowly retracted it, and showed a gentle smile to the little breast dumpling.

"Little sister, what do you like? Brother gives it to you!"

"No need~"

Xiao Naituanzi also gave him a sweet smile. After shaking his head, he took out a triangular talisman from his Qiankun bag and handed it to Wen Boyun, "This is for brother!"

Seeing this, Min Shenxing frowned slightly.

Wen Boyun was stunned, but when he saw Xiao Naituanzi's big and bright eyes, he subconsciously took the talisman from her hand.

"Thank you!"

Wen Boyun thanked him.

The little girl bared her teeth at him and said hehey, "You're welcome~ We'll meet again soon~"

After saying that, Xiaonuituanzi pulled Min Shenxing out of the shop door.

Wen Boyun watched the backs of them leaving. After a long time, he came back to his senses and put the talisman into his purse.

"Little girl, we have known each other for such a long time, why haven't you given me the talisman and seal? That man named Wen is not a good person. Why are you smiling so sweetly at him?"

As soon as he went out, Min Shenxing muttered dissatisfiedly, looking like a jealous little daughter-in-law.

"Well..." Xiaonuituanzi puffed up his little face and said, "Brother Min doesn't need that kind of talisman!"

"he needs?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded, "That brother has a faint dark energy between his brows, and there is still evil energy around the crape myrtle star, and he has a strong murderous aura! He can easily attract evil spirits!"

Hearing this, Min Shenxing was rather gloating about his misfortune, and snorted, "He deserves to attract evil spirits!"

"No, judging from his appearance, he is a good person!"

"Him? A good guy?"

Min Shenxing's face was full of disbelief, "Does he deserve to be called a good person? Little girl, you are wrong this time. That dog is a homicidal creature. I have seen him torture and kill cats and dogs several times!"

Min Shenxing shuddered for no reason at the thought of the scene where he crushed a cat to death with one hand.

"He is possessed by evil spirits!" Xiao Naituanzi whispered.

"Possessed by...possessed by evil spirit?"

Min Shenxing looked at the little breast dumplings, and his tongue was a little knotted when he spoke.

"Yeah!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded seriously, "That evil spirit has been haunting him for more than a day and a half!"

Min Shenxing swallowed subconsciously.

Could it be that he had wronged him?

(End of this chapter)

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