Chapter 139 One hundred taels of silver doubled instantly!

"Ran Ran, why don't you give me a talisman to ward off evil spirits?" Min Shenxing said suddenly.

He always felt that this thing was very evil.

He is naturally timid!


"Brother Min, you don't have to. The last time I helped you find that soul, I had already placed a seal on your soul!"

"Those people with ulterior motives and evil spirits will not be able to touch you!"


Min Shenxing looked at Xiao Naituanzi with suspicion.

"Of course!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded seriously.

Min Shenxing puffed up his face, but still felt a little depressed, "I'm your guard. You've never given me anything, so why should you give it to him, Wen Boyun!"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

"Okay then!" Xiao Naituanzi was helpless and took out a talisman from his pocket, "Give it to him!"

"What kind of talisman is this?"

"It's a lucky charm!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

"The fortune talisman? I like it! Hehe~" Min Shenxing immediately smiled like those two fools, put the talisman into his pocket and put it away carefully!

At this moment, an old man was blasted out from their door and hit Min Shenxing.

Min Shenxing protected the old man, staggered back a few steps, and then steadied himself.

"Uncle, are you okay?"

Min Shenxing helped the person up, pointed at the little boy pushing the person and cursed: "Do you have any humanity? The old man pushed the person too!"

When the young man saw that Min Shenxing was dressed in an extraordinary way, he hurriedly bent over and laughed with him, "Young Master, please forgive me, please forgive me! It's true that this old guy is too ignorant of promotion. He is a shabby painting. Our shopkeeper has paid ten liang." Even accepting the money was based on his pity, but he said that this painting was passed down from his family and cost a hundred taels of silver!"

"I had no choice but to kick him out. I bumped into the young master, so please forgive me!"

"This painting of mine is passed down from my ancestors and has been kept for hundreds of years. It is really a good thing! If our family hadn't been in trouble and needed to lose money, how could we be willing to sell this painting!" The old man said with a sad face.

After saying that, the old man set his sights on Min Shenxing, took his hand and prayed: "Master, Master, I beg you to buy this painting! This is really a good painting!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

"Sir, please don't be deceived! Our shopkeeper is a famous thief in the antique street. The value of any painting that passes under his nose can be judged at a glance!"

"That painting is fake!"

"It's not a lie! It's really not a lie!" The old man said, and knelt down in front of Min Shenxing, "Sir, it's just a hundred taels of silver, not much! Please buy it! I really need money to save my life! "


This was the first time Min Shenxing encountered such a thing, and he was a little at a loss!
Does he look like someone who was taken advantage of?
Min Shenxing looked at Xiao Naituanzi as if asking for help, but Xiao Naituanzi looked at him with a smile, as if he was watching a show.

After pushing several times, Min Shenxing could not push the old man away.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, a hundred taels of silver, right? I'll buy it!"

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir!" The old man thanked him hurriedly, and with tears streaming down his face he reluctantly handed the painting to Min Shenxing.

Min Shenxing didn't even look at it. He directly took out a banknote worth one hundred taels and handed it over.

The old man got the banknote, kowtowed to Min Shenxing, and ran away in a hurry!It's like someone is chasing after that butt!
Min Shenxing: "..."

This forced buying and selling is really amazing!
Min Shenxing swore that if something like this happened again in the future, he would just kick the person away like that little guy!

I think this young master of the Min family has never been soft-hearted to anyone!

"Min Shenxing, you are really stupid and have too much money! Hahaha...hahaha..."

At this moment, a young young master not far away walked over in a swaggering manner, pointed at Min Shenxing and laughed non-stop.

"Yu Mingxuan, you're here just in time! You were part of what happened this morning when you put a black bag on my head and threw it into the pit! Let's see if I don't beat you to death!" As soon as Min Shenxing saw this person, he was furious and rushed towards him. .

Yu Mingxuan was accidentally thrown to the ground by Min Shenxing, making him dizzy!



Min Shenxing raised his fist and hit Yu Mingxuan's face fiercely, making Yu Mingxuan scream in pain.

"Stop it! Stop it!"

The shopkeeper in the shop nearby heard the commotion and hurriedly ran out to pull Min Shenxing away.


Min Shenxing hit him with his fist.

The shopkeeper was unprepared and was punched by Min Shenxing, and one of his eyes instantly turned into a panda eye.

"Quickly, pull this person away quickly, pull this person away quickly!"

The shopkeeper covered one of his eyes and hurriedly directed the waiters in the shop to pull Min Shenxing away.

Min Shenxing was pulled away, still unconvinced, and spat at Yu Mingxuan.

"Despicable villain! I'll beat you every time I see you!"

Yu Mingxuan covered his face, pointed at Min Shenxing and said harshly, "Just wait for me, today's matter will not be settled like this!"

After saying the ruthless words, Yu Mingxuan saw the painting that fell on the ground and kicked it away as if he was furious.


The painting hit the wall, fell down with a clatter, and the scroll broke.

Immediately, two round beads rolled out of the scroll and rolled to Min Shenxing's side.

This bead is snow-white, round, and shiny.

This looks extraordinary.

Min Shenxing paused and quickly picked up the two beads.

"It's spiritual!"

Xiao Nai stared at the two beads and said.

"Spirit...spiritual energy?" Min Shenxing was puzzled.

"Yeah!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded his little head and explained crisply: "Only spiritual creatures can have spiritual energy! Brother Min, what you have in your hands is a good thing!"

Hearing this, Min Shenxing was a little confused!
Yu Mingxuan of the Yu family and the shopkeeper of the Yu family were also confused!

"Hey, Young Master Min, Young Master Min! Why don't you sell these beads to the younger one! How about we offer 1 taels?"

At this time, the shopkeeper of the calligraphy and painting shop hurriedly ran out and stared at the two beads in Min Shenxing's hand.

If he saw it correctly, this was the Shark Pearl!

He has only seen the appearance of this shark bead in ancient books, but this shark bead is a good thing, a rare treasure in the world!

Thinking about it, he felt a little sick.

Why is he blind?
Although the painting was not a famous painting, it was still magnificent and could easily be sold for a hundred taels of silver. However, he insisted on arguing with the old man, which resulted in missing two shark beads!

Shark beads!
This is a shark bead!

Min Shenxing saw the shopkeeper's scorching eyes, swallowed his saliva, and immediately put the two beads into his arms.

"Do not sell!"

Although a hundred taels of silver turned into ten thousand taels of silver in the blink of an eye, and multiplied a thousand times in the blink of an eye, Ran Ran said that this was a spiritual object, and it could not be sold casually!
The Min family is not short of money!

(End of this chapter)

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