Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 140 Give away the shark beads generously!

Chapter 140 Give away the shark beads generously!

"10 taels! The 10 taels will be sold, right?" the shopkeeper said in pain.

"Don't sell, don't sell!"

Min Shenxing took Xiaotuanzi and left. Before leaving, he snorted coldly at Yu Mingxuan and the shopkeeper of the Yu family, with extremely contemptuous eyes.

Yu Mingxuan's face suddenly felt hot, and the feeling was even more painful than when Min Shenxing punched him twice.


Min Shenxing must have gone out to step in dog poop!

After being forcefully bought and sold, you can still find treasures!

As soon as he was out of the sight of those people, Min Shenxing ran quickly with his little breast dumplings and went straight into a restaurant. He said very proudly and generously: "Ran Ran, you can order whatever you want. Brother Min is happy and has reserved the restaurant for you." !”

Xiao Naituanzi bared his teeth when he heard this.

"Then I'm welcome!"

"Of course, you're welcome to Brother Min!" Min Shenxing laughed and said, "You didn't see that Yu Mingxuan's face, he looked like he had eaten a fly! Hahaha... It's so cool! It's so cool!"

"I'm telling you, that guy is really annoying! Every time he loses, he always complains and beats him up!"

Thinking of those years when Yu Mingxuan sued me and got scolded!Min Shenxing felt very comfortable at this moment.

I finally got my revenge on that kid!

"No, this is for you!"

Min Shenxing took out the two shark beads and handed them to Xiao Naituanzi, with no sign of reluctance on his face.

The little breast dumpling couldn't help but be shocked.

Min Shenxing put something into her hand, "It's useless if I keep it, so I'll give it to you!"


The little breasted dumpling puffed up her little face and said, "But... Master said, you can't just accept things from others casually!"

As soon as he heard this, Min Shenxing felt unhappy on his face. He glanced at Xiaonuituanzi and said resentfully: "Am I someone else? I am your brother Min! If you call me brother, then you are my sister! Brother, give it to me Sister, things are as they should be! Besides, aren’t you going to give me a fortune charm as well?”

Although this shark bead is very valuable, 10 taels!
But Min Shenxing felt that if it weren't for Ran Ran's fortune talisman, he might not have such good fortune!
Besides, Ran Ran saved his life!
Otherwise, he would have only a handful of loess left now!

"Okay! Thank you Brother Min!"

Xiao Naituanzi smiled sweetly at him, casually threw the two shark beads into his Qiankun bag, and then asked: "Brother Min, do you want to practice martial arts?"

"Of course I did!"

Min Shenxing almost blurted it out without even thinking about it.

The sons of the Min family are all in the army. He has looked up to the soldiers in the army since he was a child, but it is a pity that his body is not strong enough to practice martial arts!

"Ran Ran, you are still so young and your martial arts skills are so high. Did you suffer a lot at a young age?" Min Shenxing asked curiously.

"Hard work?"

The little girl shook her head and said in a sweet voice, "Ran Ran doesn't like bitter things, she only likes sweet things!"

"Master taught me, I can learn it after just one look~"

"Hehe, isn't Ranran very smart?"


Smart indeed!
"Brother Min, if you want to learn martial arts, it's not impossible!" Xiao Naituanzi said vaguely while eating the food that had just been served.

Min Shenxing's eyes lit up and he held Xiao Naituanzi's hand excitedly, "Really?"

"Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded.

"How to learn? What kind of kung fu to learn? Ranran, are you willing to teach me?" Min Shenxing stared at the little breast dumplings with burning eyes, full of expectation.

"Hmm... there is a pill called Yulu Pill? As long as you take it, it can cleanse the menstruation, cut the marrow, and reshape the tibia!"

"Yulu Pill? But where can I find this kind of elixir?"

Min Shenxing scratched the back of his head, his mind filled with questions. He didn't know anything about elixirs. He had never heard of these elixirs!
"This is a top-grade elixir. Although Ran Ran can refine it, she still lacks two medicinal materials. If she can find them, she can refine them!" "What medicinal materials? As long as you tell me, I will send someone to it immediately. try to find!"

"Meat Ganoderma and Zhima?"

Meat Ganoderma and Zima?

Min Shenxing silently recorded the names of these two medicinal materials, and then said: "After I return, I will find someone to inquire as soon as possible."

"Yeah." Xiaonuituanzi nodded.

These two medicinal materials are not so easy to find, especially this Zhima, which is not only rare, but also has spiritual power!Those who don’t know him may not be able to recognize it even if they see it.

This Ganoderma lucidum is also spiritual and very cunning. Picking the Ganoderma lucidum requires certain skills and methods.

After a full meal, Xiao Naituanzi returned to the county government office happily.

The next day, after breakfast.

Xiao Naituanzi originally wanted to follow Jin Ling to the Yu Mansion to deliver a message to Mrs. Yu, but unexpectedly Xu Yan came in a hurry.

As soon as he came, he took the little breast dumpling and walked out.

As he walked, he said: "Ranran, come with me to save someone!"

When he heard that it was to save someone, Xiao Naituanzi didn't waste any time and asked the county government servant to talk to Jin Ling and then left with Xu Yan.

After going out and getting on the carriage, Xu Yan said: "This patient seems to have a headache. When the pain is severe, he sweats like rain and twitches all over! But judging from his pulse, I can tell No symptoms!"

"I gave him some calming and soothing decoction yesterday, but it had no effect!"

"Early this morning, they came again, looking for the old man! But the old man is still asleep, so I asked you to help him take a look!"


The little breasted dumpling nodded towards her.

In fact, she likes to treat people.

It's not too wonderful to be able to accumulate some merit!

The carriage moved forward slowly, and after about two sticks of incense, it stopped in front of a mansion.

Xiao Naituanzi looked up and didn't quite recognize the words on the plaque.

But as soon as she got close to this place, the money sword in her Qiankun bag felt something, and it buzzed a few times.

Is there evil spirit?
The little girl's eyes lit up.

Following Xu Yan into the mansion, he saw a familiar figure as soon as he entered - Wen Boyun.

"It's you?"

Wen Boyun couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw the little breast dumplings.

"Brother, we meet again! My name is Ran Ran!" Xiaonuituanzi waved his little hand and greeted Wen Boyun with a smile.

Wen Boyun also smiled gently at Xiaonuituanzi and touched her head again.

"Ran Ran, you can call me Brother Bo!"

"Brother Bo!" Xiao Naituanzi immediately called out sweetly.

Wen Boyun looked at her sweet smile and felt dazed for a moment, then nodded towards him.

"Mr. Wen, since you know Ran Ran, it's easy to handle! She is the person I invited to treat Mr. Wen!"

Xu Yan didn't expect that Ran Ran would know Wen Boyun, so since they knew each other, it would be easier to talk to them.


Wen Boyun couldn't believe his ears and stared at the little breast dumpling in surprise.

Is this little glutinous rice dumpling five years old?

Can you cure diseases?
(End of this chapter)

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