Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 141 The truth behind Wen Bo’s abuse of cats

Chapter 141 The truth behind Wen Bo’s abuse of cats
"Yes, it's me!"

The small-breasted dumpling smiled so hard that Wen Boyun could not believe that she could cure diseases!

Xu Yan touched the soft hair of Xiao Naituanzi and said with a smile, "Yes, it's her!"

"You may not think she is young, but even my grandfather admires her medical skills. I wonder if you have heard about Mrs. Xu Sanniang giving birth on the street. If Ran Ran hadn't been there at that time, I'm afraid she would have died three times. .”

"If even she can't cure Mr. Wen's illness, I'm afraid no one in Yonglin can cure him!".

Wen Boyun: "..."

Why did he think that the little glutinous rice dumplings in front of him didn't look like what Xu Yan said?
However, he knew a little about Xu Yan. He was arrogant and conceited. He had been called the little miracle doctor since he was a child, and he was used to being arrogant.

In Yonglin, apart from his old man, I have never seen anyone admire him in his eyes!
For him to praise her so much, the little breast dumpling in front of her must be extraordinary!


Grandpa Min, that old man, has always been very shrewd!

Since he asked his good grandson to serve as a guard for this little girl, he must have had certain considerations and plans.

This little girl is not to be underestimated.

With this in mind, Wen Boyun took Xu Yan and Xiao Naituanzi to Master Wen's yard.

Almost as soon as he entered the courtyard, the money sword in Xiao Naituanzi's pocket shook even more violently.

"Master, master!"

At this moment, a shout came from inside the house.

As soon as Wen Boyun heard the sound, he quickly ran in.

Seeing this, Xu Yan followed closely behind.

At this time, Mr. Wen had fainted from the pain, sweat was pouring from his forehead, and his face was pale.

"Dad, dad?"

Wen Boyun gently shook Mr. Wen a few times, but Mr. Wen did not react at all.

Xu Yan hurriedly took out a silver needle, inserted it into the tiger's mouth of Master Wen's left hand, and then rotated it slightly.


After a while, Mr. Wen woke up faintly, grabbed Wen Boyun's hand with a painful expression, and sat up.

"Ranran, come here!"

At this time, Xu Yan waved to Xiaonuituanzi, "Come and show me to Mr. Wen!"

After saying that, they saw confusion and surprise on the faces of Mr. Wen and Mrs. Wen.

Xu Yan explained Ran Ran's medical skills and origins again.

As soon as I finished explaining, I heard Xiao Naituanzi's milky voice saying, "Uncle, this is not a disease at all!"

"Not sick?"

Xu Yan looked at the little breast dumpling in confusion.


The little girl nodded and pointed her chubby little finger at the painting that Mr. Wen placed on the table, "Burn this painting and your uncle's headache will be cured!"

As soon as this statement came out, not only did several members of the Wen family think that Xiao Nai Tuanzi was joking, but Xu Yan also felt that Xiao Nai Tuanzi was talking nonsense.

Wen Boyun said warmly: "Ranran, are you kidding? This is just a painting. How could it possibly make my father sick? What's more..."

Before Wen Boyun finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xiao Naituanzi, "If Ranran's guess is correct, this painting was brought by Brother Bo from his house to uncle yesterday, right?"

Hearing this, Wen Boyun and Mr. Wen looked at each other, and they both saw shock in each other's eyes.

Wen Boyun nodded slightly, "Not bad!"

"Then did uncle's headache start after seeing this painting?" Xiao Naituanzi calmly sat on the stool next to him and looked at them face to face.

Although she speaks in a coquettish way and her voice is soft, her articulation is very clear and makes sense to people's ears.


Mr. Wen nodded subconsciously.

Wen Boyun said in confusion, a little doubtful, "I bought this painting in the antique street before. Although it is not a famous painting, the ladies on it are lifelike, and they look very similar to my own mother, so I always They all hang it in my room, and nothing has happened to me after so many years!" "Brother Bo, you have Soul Leaving Syndrome, did you know?" Xiao Naituanzi said, blinking his big eyes.


Wen Boyun frowned and shook his head, "How is this possible!"

How could he have this disease?

"Bo'er, do have Soul Leaving Syndrome!" At this time, Mrs. Wen beside her whispered.

Mrs. Wen is not Wen Boyun's biological mother, but because she has no children, she has always regarded Wen Boyun as her biological son, and the mother and son get along very happily!

Not only Mrs. Wen knew that Wen Boyun had soul separation syndrome, but Mr. Wen also knew about it!
However, the difference between Wen Boyun when he was suffering from Soul Leaving Syndrome and the gentle and gentle Wen Boyun in normal times was very different. His temper was extremely cruel and even twisted!

In the past, they also asked a doctor to look at Wen Boyun, but they didn't see anything wrong with him.

They were afraid that Wen Boyun would not be able to bear it when he found out that he still had such a vicious side, so they kept this matter hidden from him.

"Mom, what are you talking about? What is Soul Leaving Syndrome? Why didn't I know I still had this disease?" Wen Boyun stood up in disbelief.

"Bo'er, you do have Soul Leaving Syndrome!" Mr. Wen said with a sad expression, "Do you still remember that you often wake up in the morning and get hurt for no reason?"


Wen Boyun opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to explain.

"That's because when you have an episode of Soul Leaving Syndrome, you always go to the land in the back mountains. There are a lot of wild cats there! You..."

As Mr. Wen spoke, he choked up a little. He didn't want to mention such scenes and pictures at all, let alone let outsiders know that his gentle and gentle son had such a cruel side.

"Wild cats? What does Soul Leaving Syndrome have to do with wild cats?" Xu Yan asked garrulously.

It’s not like there are no people in this world who suffer from soul separation disorder.

Most of them are done after falling asleep at night, and they don’t even know what they did when they went out, but usually they just went out for a walk, nothing too special.

"Kill the cat!"

The small breast dumplings are directly poked!

"What... what?"

Wen Boyun took a few steps back in a daze, unable to believe what he heard!
Kill the cat?
He actually killed cats when he was suffering from ecstasy?
He looked at his slender hands with unbelievable confidence.

Suddenly, a scene where he was torturing and killing a wild cat appeared in his mind!

He simply strangled the cat to death!
Do not!
That's not him!

How could it be him?

Wen Boyun shook his head, squatted down in pain, held his head and buried it deeply, muttering in his mouth, as if he was stuck in some quagmire!
"Bo'er, Bo'er?"

When Mr. Wen and Mrs. Wen saw him like this, they couldn't help but feel sad.

Xiao Naituanzi quickly took out a talisman and stuck it on the back of his head.

The picture on the talisman paper flashed with golden light and quickly disappeared into the back of Wen Boyun's head.

Wen Boyun felt that his mind suddenly went blank, as if something had disappeared quickly.

When he looked up again, there was confusion in his eyes.

He have forgotten something!
I patted my head, but still couldn't remember anything.

"Dad, Mom, what's wrong with me?" Wen Boyun asked doubtfully.

Mr. Wen and Mrs. Wen were stunned and looked at the little breast dumpling in confusion.

Xiaotai Tuanzi chuckled, pointed at the painting and continued: "Although the aunt in this painting is very beautiful, the person who painted this aunt was unsuccessful and had her hair cut off very early! This painting contains his resentment. , after a long time this resentment turned into evil spirit~.

"Brother Bo was born during the Zi period, which is when the Yin Qi is strong! So it is easy for this evil Qi to approach you at this time every day, and then slowly control you!"

"Yesterday, I gave Brother Bo a talisman, do you remember? If Brother Bo carries the talisman with him, the evil spirit will naturally not dare to come near!"

"But Brother Bo, you gave the painting to Uncle Wen yesterday. Uncle Wen was born in Yinshi, and he is also susceptible to the influence of this evil spirit! However, Uncle Wen, you are full of righteousness, the evil spirit cannot control you, but it will make you I have a headache!”

"So, after burning this painting, all your illnesses will be cured!"

(End of this chapter)

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