Chapter 142 Wen family affection
After hearing Xiao Naituanzi's words, the Wen family suddenly felt a little creepy.

Mrs. Wen said hurriedly: "Master, burn it!"

"This little girl speaks the truth. She even told you and Bo'er's birth dates so clearly. She must be a powerful little master!"

"Let's just listen to her!"


Mr. Wen glanced at Wen Boyun subconsciously.

Because the person in this painting looks similar to his mother, that's why he keeps this painting. If it is burned...

"It's just a painting, burn it!" Wen Boyun said.

Although the painting was burned, his mother's figure will always be remembered in his heart.

The little breasted dumpling laughed when he heard this!
With a wave of his hand in front of several people, the painting instantly floated into the air.


Suddenly, a cluster of blue flames burst out from the tips of Xiao Naituanzi's fingers.

The little breasted dumpling stepped forward and lit the painting on fire!
Then he saw her take out two gold coins and put them in the palm of her left hand.

His right hand gently floated above the money coin, and layers of golden dazzling light flashed from the money coin in his hand.

The little girl spread her legs apart, raised her right foot slightly and stomped it on the ground.

Immediately, a black mist gradually condensed from the painting that was about to be burned, and was quickly absorbed by the two gold flash coins in Xiao Naituanzi's hands.

"All right!"

Xiao Naituanzi calmly put away the coins and turned to face the Wen family of three with a sweet smile.

"The evil spirit has been taken away by Ran Ran, and you will be fine in the future! But... don't lose Brother Bo's talisman!"

The cute little breast dumplings immediately captured the hearts of Mr. Wen and Mrs. Wen.

Mr. Wen himself is a scholar, and he is upright. He never believes in any nonsense, but Xiao Naituanzi's casual action made him feel in awe!

"Little girl, thank you! What do you want? Just ask! As long as I, the Wen family, can do it, I will do my best!" Mr. Wen said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, uncle! But... Ranran is lacking for everything!" Xiao Naituanzi said with a smile.

Mr. Wen was slightly stunned.

Probably due to the influence of those quack magicians, Mr. Wen thought that people who knew magic were the kind of greedy people.

"Dad, Ranran is the daughter of Magistrate Xiao!" At this time, Wen Boyun said!

"Magistrate Xiao's daughter? Xiao Jingxuan?" Master Wen asked doubtfully.

"Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded and smiled brightly, "My dad is Xiao Jingxuan!"

Xu Yan whispered to the side, "Mr. Wen is a gentleman from Yonglin Lushan Academy! Many students from Yonglin are all students of Mr. Wen!"

Little Nipple Tuanzi didn't know why and looked at Xu Yan in confusion.

Brother Xu, are you talking about Shenma again?
Why can't she understand?

Xu Yan: "..."

Well, this little girl is indeed very smart and powerful in some aspects!

But in some aspects, I am confused!
These interpersonal relationships are her knowledge blind spots!
You know, her father Xiao Jingxuan's political achievements are also related to the academy!
Literary men all have their own character, and there is no need to think about it.

It is not easy to establish a relationship with such a distinguished scholar.

Xu Yan's words were neither big nor small, but they were enough for Mr. Wen to hear.

Mr. Wen couldn't help but laugh when he looked at the confused and innocent look of Xiaonuituanzi.

No matter what, let’s just say he owes the Xiao family a favor!

After a long time, Xiaonuituanzi suddenly came to his senses, raised his head and asked Master Wen, "Uncle, my father is going to build a school! Will you be the teacher?"

Mr. Wen's heart froze, and he couldn't believe what he heard: "What did you say? Your father wants to build a school?"


Xiao Naituanzi nodded, "Daddy said that we would set up a free school so that all children from poor families can go to school." Mr. Wen was very excited after hearing this.

"This is a great thing!" Mr. Wen rubbed his hands vigorously, his excitement beyond words.

"Uncle, can I be your husband?" Xiao Tuanzi raised his head, his eyes sparkling.


Mr. Wen is in a bit of a dilemma!
He has been at Lushan Academy for many years and has a lot of affection for it. He can't leave just because he leaves!
Xu Yan saw Master Wen's dilemma, pulled the small breast dumpling, and then said with a smile: "Master Wen, don't take it too seriously, Ran Ran just said it casually, and there is no conclusion yet!"


Mr. Wen nodded slightly, looked at Xiaonuituanzi and said with a smile: "In that case, consider that the Wen family owes you a favor. If you need it in the future, just come and see me!"

Although he may not be able to be a student in this free school, he can still contribute to that school!

As he spoke, Mr. Wen also gave Xiao Naituanzi a jade pendant that represented his identity.

The little girl looked at the jade pendant, puffed up her face, and then put it away.

After leaving the Wen family gate, Xu Yan saw that Xiao Naituanzi was silent and seemed a little unhappy, so he couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

"Hmm... Why do you people from the mountains always like to owe favors?" Xiao Naituanzi said depressedly.

"Huh?" Xu Yan was puzzled.

Isn't it bad to owe a favor?You know, some favors are not so easy to repay!

This is a commitment!
As long as the other party's demands are not too excessive, the promise must be fulfilled.

I'm afraid Xiaotiao Tuanzi still doesn't know what it means to make the Wen family owe a favor! ?
For three generations counting from Mr. Wen, they were all teachers at Lushan Academy.

Although the Wen family is not very conspicuous in Yonglin, it is still a well-established scholarly family!
Mr. Wen was very knowledgeable, and the imperial court invited him to serve as an official several times, but he always refused!
In a place like Yonglin, both officials and businessmen held him in high esteem.

Most of the students he brought out had certain status and connections.

Mr. Wen can be regarded as a person who responds to everything. You have to smile secretly if you can make such a person owe you a favor!

Xiaotai Tuanzi didn't understand this, and said with a bulging voice: "Three people said they owe me favors, but favors are so magical? Can they be eaten? Can they be drank? Or can they be bought like money?"


Xu Yan suddenly choked!
Before he could explain anything, Xiao Naituanzi pouted again and said: "Grandpa Min said he owed me a favor, so he sent Brother Min to me as a guard. Brother Xu, you said Uncle Wen wouldn't send Brother Bo as well." Come and be my guard?"

"Hey... I'm so troubled!"

"Brother Min and Brother Bo will start fighting when they meet!"

Thinking about this, Xiaotuanzi's brows furrowed tightly!

Xu Yan couldn't help but feel black lines in his head when he heard her muttering words!
"Don't worry, Master Wen is not an old fox like Old Man Min!"

"This favor is definitely worth it!"

"Is it worth more than silver?" Xiao Naituanzi asked tangledly.

"Of course!" Xu Yan said affirmatively.

This kid is obviously very rich, yet he talks about money all day long!

Is this out of money?

"Ahem, Ranran, Brother Xu, let me tell you! The favor owed by an ordinary person is worthless! If it's a favor owed by a big shot, it can't be bought with money!"

"Although old man Min sent your sweet grandson to you as a guard, he has ulterior motives and other agendas! Do you still have to let him know about his favor when it's time?"

"And Mr. Wen just now, his favor is more valuable. If you give that jade pendant to your father or fourth uncle, it will definitely be of great help!"


The little girl looked at Xu Yan with burning eyes.

Although she doesn’t know much about big and small people!But she believed that Brother Xu would not lie to her!
She was also very happy to hear that she could help her father and fourth uncle!
"Of course!" Xu Yan said.

Hearing this, Xiao Tuanzi smiled sweetly at Xu Yan and said in a sweet voice: "Then next time Brother Xu has such a big shot patient, be sure to call me!"

Not only can you accumulate merit, but you can also help your father and fourth uncle, killing two birds with one stone!
(End of this chapter)

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