Chapter 143 The pot is going to be smashed!
This little girl wants to eat shit!
How could so many big shots get sick?

Even if a big shot gets sick, it doesn't have to be an incurable disease!
But seeing the little girl's high interest, Xu Yan couldn't say anything for a while.

"Let's go. Brother Xu asked you to accept such a big favor. Is it time for you to repay the favor?" Xu Yan said with a smile.

It's just that in Xiao Naituanzi's eyes, that smile means he's having some dark agenda!

"Repay? Repay for what?"

"Of course he taught me how to make alchemy!" Xu Yan said matter-of-factly, pulling Xiao Naituanzi by the collar and walking towards the Huichun Hall, "Brother Xu is telling you, your father and fourth uncle asked me to make the Huichun Hall. I’ve put a big pot on your back!”

"If I don't learn how to refine elixirs, this pot will be smashed!"

"What pot? What was smashed?" Xiao Naituanzi's face was full of confusion, and he couldn't understand Xu Yan's words at all.

"Little girl, you're afraid you don't know how valuable you are, right?" Xu Yan said.

"I know!" Xiao Naituanzi grinned and bared his teeth at Xu Yan, saying in a milky voice and a little proudly: "Masters all say that Ran Ran is a precious egg, the most valuable and rarest gadget in the world!"


Xu Yan suddenly felt that there were crows flying over his head!
"Well, that's it! There are very few alchemists on this land! Some bad guys will arrest the alchemists and lock them up!"

"Ranran refined so many small rejuvenation pills in order to save people a few days ago. This will definitely attract the attention of the bad guys!"

"So your father and fourth uncle were afraid that the bad guys would take Ran Ran away, so they told others that this elixir was refined by our Huichun Hall ourselves!"

"But Ran Ran is not afraid of bad guys!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi squeezed his little fists, looking fierce, "I'll beat every bad guy if they come!"

Xu Yan: "..."

"Ran Ran, we all know that you are very powerful and can fight! But, do you know that this person's two fists cannot withstand four hands? In addition to yourself, you also have your mother and father, right? In addition to protecting yourself, you also We have to protect them!”

Xu Yan knelt down and stared at her with burning eyes, full of sincerity.

"Oh!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded in understanding and asked, "Isn't Brother Xu afraid of being captured by bad guys?"

"Of course I'm afraid!" Xu Yan smiled, ruffled her hair, and stood up, "But others know how much Brother Xu is worth. We can confuse those bad guys if we think of another excuse. !”

"But you still have to teach me how to practice this little Huan Dan! Even if we are pretending, we still have to pretend to be a little bit like it!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded seriously and said crisply: "I know! Just like when Ranran makes a mistake, she has to cry with tears when she is scolded!"


Xu Yan nodded blankly, "That's the truth, that's right!"

You little thing, you still know how to pretend to be pitiful!

"Then I will go to the medical clinic to teach Brother Xu how to refine elixirs every day from now on!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said cheerfully.

"Okay, okay!" Xu Yan wanted it.

As soon as they arrived at Huichun Hall, the young man said: "Sir, Butler Zhou is here and has been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Well, I see."

Xu Yan nodded slightly and took the little breast dumplings up to the third floor.

Butler Zhou heard the commotion and hurriedly came out, "Sir!"

"Grandpa Zhou, why are you here? But what's wrong with the medicinal materials?" Xu Yan asked as he walked away.

Butler Zhou has followed Mr. Xu since he was young and has always been Mr. Xu's attendant.

After the Xu family returned to Yonglin, the Zhou family also came with them, showing their loyalty to the Xu family.

Nowadays, Butler Zhou is in charge of all matters of the Xu family, but the two brothers Zhou Sheng and Zhou Yuan, the sons of Butler Zhou, are in charge of the medicinal materials.

"It's not about the medicinal materials!" Butler Zhou was a little anxious, "It's Zhou Yuan! Something happened to Zhou Yuan!" "What happened to Zhou Yuan?" Xu Yan became a little anxious upon hearing this.

Brothers Zhou Yuan and Zhou Sheng are like brothers to him. Because they are older than him, they have always taken care of him!

"Didn't Young Master ask Zhou Yuan to send pills for auction a few days ago? When Zhou Yuan went to pick up the banknotes a few days ago, he was caught!" Butler Zhou said anxiously: "The news came back from Zhou Sheng that someone I wanted to meet the person who refined the elixir, so I arrested Zhou Yuan."

Xu Yan: "..."

He came here for the elixir!Damn it!

"Do you know who it is?"

Butler Zhou shook his head, "Zhou Sheng didn't say anything. He only said that the man was either rich or noble and had a good background! There was nothing else he could find out!"

"What about the auction house?" Xu Yan gritted his teeth, "The auction house belongs to the Li family and always keeps the identity of the auctioneers secret. How could Zhou Yuan's identity be leaked?"

"The old slave doesn't know!"

"Uncle Zhou, don't worry, I won't ignore this matter! I will set off immediately and will definitely bring Zhou Yuan back safely!"

"But..." Butler Zhou was a little embarrassed, "I haven't woken up yet. If you are in danger..."

"No!" Xu Yan's face was very calm, rare and calm, and he looked very reliable. He said in a deep voice: "Those people are either coming for the elixir, or they are coming for the alchemist behind it. of!"

"It's impossible for the Li family to sit idly by if something like this happens. It won't be difficult for us to find Zhou Yuan with the help of the Li family's power!"

"I am grandpa's grandson. Those people must know our differences and won't do anything to me!"

"Okay, then Young Master, be careful when you go here!" Butler Zhou said: "I will go and prepare the carriage and horses for Young Master now!"

"En." Xu Yan nodded.

The little girl sat on the edge, dangling her little feet. After listening to the conversation between Xu Yan and Housekeeper Zhou, she puffed up her little face and said angrily: "Brother Xu, have we been robbed of the money for the elixir auction?" gone?"

Xu Yan: "..."

They said so much, only that Zhou Yuan was arrested. When did they say that the money was robbed?

But that’s right, I didn’t get the money back after all!
The little girl is really obsessed with money!

"Ran Ran, we didn't go to the auction last time because of the poison thing, so there was a little problem! Brother Xu is going to take a look now. You go back to the county office first. I will ask the following later The little boy will take you back."

"No! I want to go with you!" Xiao Naituanzi said.

"No, it's dangerous to go here. You might be the one they're looking for! How could you take the initiative to send him to the door!" Xu Yan frowned.

"No, Ranran has figured it out, it's safe to go here!"

As he said that, the little breasted dumpling jumped down from the stool, patted his small chest and said: "With Ranran here, if you can't beat Ranran, you can run away with others!"

Hearing this, Xu Yan felt that it made sense!

The skills of Xiaotiao Tuanzi are beyond the reach of ordinary people. Maybe he can find Zhou Yuan directly and take him away without anyone noticing without the help of the Li family!

In this case, there would be a lot less trouble and conflicts.

"Okay, I'll take you with me, but I have to go back to the Yamen to talk to your parents first," Xu Yan said.

"Just let the little guy below say it!" Xiao Naituanzi said.

Xu Yan pursed his lips and said, "Okay, I'll ask someone to inform you that it will take four or five hours to get to Jiang Lin. We still need to prepare."


(End of this chapter)

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