Chapter 144 The weird Xu Yan
Xu Yan went downstairs, and had just asked the boy at the medical clinic to go to the Yamen to inform Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling that he had taken the dumplings to Jianglin, when he saw Min Shenxing walking in with a folding fan.

"Xu Yan, where is my Ran Ran?" Min Shen asked as he walked in.

Xu Yan was a little unhappy, "Why is Ranran yours! When did he become yours?"

The bad old man from the Min family wants to eat shit, don't think he doesn't know what the hell he is up to!

Such a coward wants to feed his newly sprouted cabbage?
I don’t even dare to think about it!
"Ran Ran calls me Brother Min, and that's my Min Shenxing's sister! What's wrong with saying she's from my family?" Min Shenxing said unhappily.

Isn't this guy named Xu very proud and arrogant in the past?
When did you become so sinister?
"Hmph!" Xu Yan snorted coldly at him. Seeing that he didn't have the dirty thoughts of his old man, his face looked better, "You'd better say what you do, otherwise I won't be able to do it." Mind helping you and sending you to the palace!"

Min Shenxing looked at Xu Yan's eyes that were staring at him with malicious intent. His heart suddenly trembled and he subconsciously tightened his legs.

"Xu, what are you talking about? I only think of Ran Ran as my sister!"

After saying that, he felt that something was not right. He stared at Xu Yan fiercely, " don't have any disgusting thoughts, right? Let me tell you, don't think about old cows eating young grass. Otherwise, I won’t let you go even if I’m a ghost!”

Xu Yan's mouth twitched.

He is 21 this year. If he gets married early, Xiaonuituanzi can be his daughter!
What can he think?
But seeing how foolish Min Shenxing looked, he was relieved!
"You're here just in time. Ranran and I are going to Jianglin. Go back and tell Uncle Xiao and Aunt Jin!"

"Going to Jianglin?"

When Min Shenxing heard this, his eyes lit up as if he had seen gold.

"Yeah." Xu Yan nodded lightly.

Min Shenxing immediately said: "I'll go too!"

He has never been out of Yonglin in his entire life. He has long heard that there are many delicious, fun and beautiful things outside!


Xu Yan glanced at Min Shenxing lightly and refused righteously.

Bringing such a guy with you is equivalent to bringing a drag bottle and a burden!
He was stupid to take him with him!
It’s not like I’m going on a sightseeing tour!
Aren't you causing trouble for yourself?
"If you say you don't want to bring it, you won't. I'll go find Ranran. I'm Ranran's personal guard!" Min Shenxing said arrogantly, holding his neck high.

Finally, he had an opportunity to go out in an open and honest manner, how could he miss it!

There is a saying that goes like this: It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books!

If he doesn't go out for a walk, he seems very ignorant!

"That's not okay! We are going to do serious things, and you will only cause trouble for us! Hold us back! Let alone protect Ran Ran, it's fine if you don't let her protect her!"

Xu Yan's tone was quite rude!

Min Shenxing's face turned green after hearing this!
She looked at him steadily and said, "I don't care. Anyway, I will go wherever Ran Ran goes. If you don't take me with you, I will go by myself!"


What's the difference between following behind them and being with them?
If something happened, the Min family would still have to cause trouble for him and Xiao Nai Tuanzi!
Otherwise, that old guy from the Min family is an old fox!

What makes Sun Tzu serve as a bodyguard?
He clearly found a free escort for his grandson!
What is the euphemistic name: repaying kindness!

It seems like he had a grudge against him in his previous life!

"Okay, just follow me! But I'm warning you, if you hold me back, I won't care whose grandson you are? I'll just throw you out!" Xu Yan gritted his teeth.


Min Shenxing immediately laughed, opened the folding fan and gently fanned Xu Yan, and said flatteringly: "Don't worry! I swear, I will go out for a walk and will never delay your business! I will never It will hold you back!”


Xu Yan snorted coldly and said expressionlessly: "You pay for the transportation, accommodation, and food expenses for this trip!"

"No problem! It's all on me!"

Min Shenxing patted his chest and said generously.

He hasn't even spent the money he won last time!
Enough money!
Seeing this, Xu Yan suddenly felt as helpless as if he had punched the cotton with his fist!
That’s right, this guy is not as obsessed with money as the little girl!Not long after, Butler Zhou prepared a carriage and horses, and the carriage also prepared a lot of food and drink, as well as clothing that could be worn.

Xiaonai Tuanzi and Min Shenxing didn't bring anything with them, so they got into the carriage lightly.

As soon as he exited the main gate of Yonglin City, Min Shenxing put his head out of the car window and looked at the receding scenery outside the window. He looked extremely excited.

"Ah! I'm coming out~"

"Ah! I'm free~"

"Ah I……"

"Okay, okay, stop howling!" Xu Yan looked at Min Shenxing with disgust, "You don't think it's embarrassing, but I still think it's embarrassing!"

Although Xu Yan said this, he felt faintly sympathetic to Min Shenxing.

It's really pitiful for a grown man to grow up so big and never even come out of Yonglin.

This is no different from the eagle that was supposed to be soaring in the blue sky and suddenly became a sparrow locked in a golden cage.

Min Shenxing didn't listen to Xu Yan, and stretched out half of his body.

At this moment, he was like a wild horse, galloping freely on the prairie.

Along the way, he lay by the window. When he got tired, he silently held his face and looked outside.

Xu Yan leaned against the wall of the carriage and closed his eyes to rest.

But the little breast dumpling was like a little squirrel, and its little mouth never stopped along the way.

After arriving at Jianglin, the sky had completely darkened.

Xu Yan found an inn and rented three rooms. After taking a comfortable bath, he asked the waiter to bring him food.

This was Min Shenxing's first time sleeping in an inn, and he felt that everything was strange.

The next day, just after Yin hour, Xu Yan woke up.

After cleaning up, he asked the coachman to contact Zhou Sheng, and then went out to buy some delicious breakfast for Xiao Naituanzi.

When Xiao Naituanzi and Min Shen started walking, Zhou Sheng was just led over by the coachman.


Zhou Sheng stood respectfully in front of Xu Yan. Judging from his face, he probably hadn't had a good night's sleep in a long time.

His eye sockets were sunken, and his face looked extremely haggard!
"How many days has Zhou Yuan been missing?"

Zhou Sheng handed a piece of paper to Xu Yan and said in a deep voice: "Today is the fourth day!"

"Where did this note come from?"

"The night when Zhou Yuan didn't come back, my subordinates found it on the table in his room!"

"Have you found any clues in the past few days?" Xu Yan asked again.

Zhou Sheng said with red eyes: "It's useless for me to be a subordinate. I only found out that Zhou Yuan was taken away at the entrance of the bank! I also went to ask at the bank and they said they didn't know those people! No one knows their origins. .”


Min Shenxing said something.

If this person is lost, the government must take care of it!
Hearing this, Xu Yan and Zhou Sheng couldn't help but look at him.

Min Shenxing pursed his lips, full of doubts, "Am I right?"

"If it concerns the Li family, the government will suppress it!" Xu Yan gave a rare reply.

(End of this chapter)

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