Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 145 Min Shen acts chivalrous and righteous

Chapter 145 Min Shen acts chivalrous and righteous

"Brother Xu, do you have anything belonging to brother Zhou Yuan?" At this time, Xiao Naituanzi suddenly asked.

"Something? What?"

"Hmm..." Xiao Naituanzi held the big bun in his mouth, took a big bite, and said vaguely while chewing: "Anything is fine, as long as it is brother Zhou Yuan's!"

Hearing this, Xu Yan probably understood what Xiao Nai Tuanzi meant.

"Can you find Zhou Yuan?"

"Yeah!" The little breast dumpling nodded while staring at the meat filling in the bun. He stuffed all the big buns into his mouth with a slurp, making his little face bulge.

Xu Yan quickly looked at Zhou Sheng, "Do you have anything from Zhou Yuan?"

"Uh..." Zhou Sheng thought for a while and shook his head in embarrassment, "No!"

"Well, what about the birth date?" Xiao Naituanzi asked.

When Zhou Sheng heard this, he hurriedly told Zhou Yuan's birth date in detail.

After hearing this, the little girl closed her long eyelashes and remained silent for a while.

Seeing this, several people in the room also waited silently.

About a quarter of an hour later, Xiaonuituanzi's little voice sounded, "It's in the southeast!"

"Southeast direction?"

Zhou Sheng frowned and repeated with some uncertainty.

"Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded, "Yes, it's in that direction! Don't worry, brothers. Brother Zhou Yuan is doing very well now. He can eat and drink!"

Xu Yan & Zhou Sheng: "..."

"Sir, the Li family is in the southeast, and...that area is full of members of the Li family!" Zhou Sheng pursed his lips and said.

"So it means the Li family wants to take advantage of others?" Min Shenxing suddenly said.

Hearing this, Xu Yan's face couldn't help but darken.

If it is really the Li family, this matter...

"Master, if it is really the Li family, who should the Li family be for!" Zhou Sheng said.

The Li family is the richest businessman in the south of the Yangtze River and the first imperial businessman. It is said that the Li family is as rich as any other country.

There are many floods in the south of the Yangtze River, and many dams, bridges, and shipping lines were built with money from the Li family!Not only that, one-third of the military supplies in Jiangnan are also provided by the Li family.

It can be said that in Jiangnan, the power of the Li family is unmatched!
Over the years, the Li family has never participated in any disputes and has done a lot of practical things for the people.

It is an understatement to say that everyone praises him!

In such a family, even if the one on the dragon throne wants to make a move, he needs to think carefully!
The Li family is not short of money, and they can buy other things if they want.

But there is only one thing, that is, there is no panacea!

Therefore, if the Li family really arrested someone, then this matter would be much simpler!
Zhou Sheng thought of these, and so did Xu Yan.

Xu Yansi made some excuses and then said: "Zhou Sheng, go and prepare. Let's go visit Li's house and explore the truth first!"


Zhou Sheng nodded.

"Ran Ran, Brother Xu is going to visit the Li family. Can you and Min Shenxing stay in the inn? If you need to take action, Brother Xu will call you again!" Xu Yan said.

After Xu Yan finished speaking, Min Shenxing shouted: "It's so embarrassing to stay in the inn when I rarely come to Jianglin. Ranran and I went out for a walk. I heard that Jianglin is close to the Jingjiang River. There are many There are many merchant ships, and there are also a lot of sea goods! Let’s go and see them.”


Xiao Nai Tuanzi was not a man who could take his time. As soon as he heard Min Shenxing's words, he immediately agreed.

She had only heard of boats, but had never seen one!
Master Six said, the big fish in this big river are also delicious!She wanted to try it.Seeing that these two people were in high spirits, Xu Yan didn't know what to say, so he nodded lightly, "Okay, you can go on your own, but be careful!"


Min Shenxing and Xiaonai Tuanzi both nodded like obedient babies.

As soon as Xu Yan and Zhou Sheng left, Xiaonai Tuanzi and Min Shenxing walked out happily within a short time.

Jianglin is surrounded by the sea to the east and the Jingjiang River to the west. It is the most prosperous area in the entire Jiangnan.

There are not only Jianglin locals but also many outsiders coming and going here, and business is extremely developed.

There are all kinds of dazzling products on the street stalls, which are dizzying.

Min Shenxing and Xiaonai Tuanzi were like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, looking at this and touching that!

It seems very ignorant.

As I was walking, someone suddenly shouted in front of me: "Catch the thief, catch the thief!"

Xiao Naituanzi and Min Shenxing raised their heads at the same time and saw a thief grabbing a purse and running very fast.

Seeing that he was about to come towards them, Xiaonuituanzi suddenly stretched out his short legs.


There is no doubt that the little thief suddenly tripped over the little breast dumpling and fell down!
When Min Shenxing saw this, he immediately stepped on the little thief's back, bent down and snatched the purse from the little thief's hand.

Seeing an old man in ragged clothes running over who was out of breath, Min Shenxing angrily stepped on the little thief's back, and said viciously: "It's not good to rob anyone, but you rob a poor old man!"

"I was wrong, I was wrong! Master, please have mercy on me, Master, please have mercy on me!"

The little thief hurriedly begged for mercy. Seeing his sallow face and swarthy face, Min Shenxing pursed his lower lip slightly, "You shouldn't apologize to me, you should apologize to the old man!"

The old man in ragged clothes came over and said breathlessly: "Young man, let him go!"

Hearing this, Min Shenxing moved his feet and let go of the little thief.

Seeing this, the little thief ran away in a hurry.

Min Shenxing returned the money bag to the old man, "Old man, see if it's missing!"

The old man took the money bag over, looked at Min Shenxing and Xiao Naituanzi kindly without looking at the money bag, and said, "Thank you!"

This was the first time Min Shenxing was thanked by someone, and he actually looked a little embarrassed.

But in my heart, I suddenly felt that my image had grown taller.

This is the first time in my life that I have done such a heroic thing!
I feel weird!

"Haha, you're welcome, you're welcome!" Min Shenxing said with a silly smile.

"Young man, are you not from Jianglin?" At this time, the old man asked.

Min Shenxing touched the back of his head, nodded, and said with a silly smile: "We are from Yonglin, I... this is my first time to go out!"


The old man looked Min Shenxing up and down, his old eyes shining brightly.


Min Shenxing nodded like an idiot, stared at the old man's clothes, and suddenly said: "Grandpa, are you from Jianglin? Do you know how to get to the seaside? Is there any good food and drink somewhere? ? Why don't you take my sister and me there? How about we treat you to a meal later? "

The old man was slightly stunned and looked down at the little breast dumpling.

The little breasted dumpling suddenly showed him a big smile, which was soft and sweet.

However, he always felt that this little baby was not simple, and he was a little confused!
It's not like his brother, who can tell what he's thinking at a glance!

(End of this chapter)

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