Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 146: Did this young man come up with his own ideas?

Chapter 146: Did this young man come up with his own ideas?

The old man nodded, smiled kindly at them, and said loudly: "Let's go, I will take you there!"

The old man walked in front, introducing Min Shenxing and Xiaonaituanzi to various shops in Jianglin and what delicious food and drinks they had!

Min Shenxing heard it with great interest, and actually regarded the old man as a guide.

The little girl followed silently, shaking her head from time to time.

Her brother Min is so stupid!

No wonder Grandpa Min didn't dare to let him travel far away!

Fortunately, I met an old man who had no evil intentions, otherwise he would have been abducted and trafficked!

Soon, the old man took the two people to the beach.

As soon as we arrived at the beach, we smelled a tangy fragrance from afar, which made people salivate.

"smell good!"

Min Shenxing swallowed while running towards a stall. There were many people waiting here, and he could only see them by craning his neck and jumping.

The little breasted dumpling sucked his own saliva and followed suit.

But she was very small, so she got to the front in a short time.

Watching the hawker grilling various kinds of meat skewers that she had never seen before on the fire, and occasionally sprinkling a little powder on them, which made the whole meat skewers smell fragrant and made a sizzling sound. My stomach couldn't help but growl.

It looks delicious!
"Uncle, I want this, this, this... give me all... five skewers!"

The little breasted dumpling propped up his feet, raised his small buttocks, and said while licking his lips.


The vendor responded, quickly took the meat skewers and grilled them sizzlingly.

After Xiao Naituanzi paid the money, he found a small table nearby and sat down.

"Brother Min, this way! This way!"

Seeing that Min Shenxing was still waiting behind the crowd, Xiaotuanzi waved to him hurriedly.

Min Shenxing swallowed, glanced at the vendor in front of him, and then walked over.

"Eh? Where's grandpa?"

Min Shenxing looked around and saw no sign of the old man, so he asked doubtfully.

The little girl shook her head, "I just went to buy some meat~ I wonder where grandpa went!"

"Did you buy it?" Min Shenxing asked doubtfully.

I couldn't find the old man nearby, so forget it!

"Of course!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded heavily and said proudly: "Who am I? I am Ran Ran! I just drilled and drilled, and then I drilled to the front~"

Hearing this, Min Shenxing gave Xiao Naituanzi a thumbs up!

"You are still amazing!"

"That's it!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi shook his little body triumphantly. Seeing that there were many people playing on the beach and there were fishing boats in the sea, Xiao Nai Tuanzi was a little excited, "Brother Min, we will finish eating later. Afterwards, let’s go to the beach and have some fun!”

"it is good!"

After waiting for a while, the vendor finally brought over the food ordered by the little milk dumpling.

At this time, I saw the old man walking over with two bottles of wine, and said with a smile: "This barbecue must be paired with wine to make it delicious!"

"Grandpa, sit down quickly, sit down quickly!" Min Shenxing hurriedly moved a seat for the old man and asked him to sit down.

"We thought you left first, grandpa!"

The old man snorted and said with a smile: "Why did I leave so quickly? You promised to treat me to meat and wine, so you can't take advantage of me!"

"Come on, boy Min, have a drink with my old man!"

As the old man spoke, he poured a bowl of wine for Min Shenxing.Min Shenxing: "...Uh, grandpa, I don't drink!"

"How can a young man not drink? If a man doesn't drink, he won't be able to get a wife in the future! Come on, drink!"


Min Shenxing glanced at Xiaonuituanzi subconsciously. He hadn't drunk yet, and now he was a little eager to try after hearing what the old man said!
The little girl took a bite of grilled fish, glanced at the old man faintly, and asked curiously, "Grandpa, don't you want to live?"


The old man's face suddenly stiffened, and when he looked into Xiao Naituanzi's clear eyes, he felt inexplicably guilty.

"Little girl, what are you talking about! It's better to die than to live. Why don't I want to live when I'm fine?" the old man said with a straight face, pretending to be fierce.

"Ran Ran, don't talk nonsense!" Min Shenxing glanced at Xiaotuanzi and said.

"I'm not talking nonsense!"

The little breasted dumpling ate his barbecue leisurely, curled his lips and said, "You are the only one who was fooled by this grandpa with your silly and cheerful look!"

"Cheated... cheated?"

Min Shenxing looked at the old man in confusion and looked him up and down several times, but couldn't see anything wrong!Then he looked at Ran Ran in confusion, "What did he lie to us about?"

The old man was also very curious. He raised his eyebrows and looked at the little breast dumplings that were filled with oil. He asked curiously: "What did I lie to you?"

"Grandpa, your face is rosy, your eyebrows are broad, and your palace of wealth is slightly protruding upward, which means that the most important thing you lack is money!" Xiao Naituanzi bared his teeth at the old man and said proudly: "Is Ranran right? Grandpa?"


The old man choked!
Min Shenxing looked at the old man in shock, "Grandpa, if you are not short of money, why are you dressed like this?"


The old man opened his mouth and was about to explain, but then he heard Min Shenxing say: "Could it be the unfilial son of the family who kicked you out? are so pitiful!"

Old man: "..."

This young man even came up with his own ideas!

Ran Ran: "..."

Brother Min is so stupid that he can't be saved!

"Grandpa, your children are filial and your family is harmonious!" Xiao Naituanzi glanced at the old man again and added.

Old man: "..."

"Little girl, have you opened your mouth?" The old man looked at the little breast dumpling with interest.

This little girl is quite interesting, for such a small girl with big breasts actually knows how to tell faces!And it’s accurate!

The little girl bared her teeth at him, raised her little hand and pinched it, and said in a huff, "I figured it out!"

The old man groaned, took a piece of fish and started to chew on it, "Then you should tell me why I'm dressed like this?"

"Well..." Xiao Naituanzi's eyes scanned the two bottles of wine on the table, "Because of this!"


When the old man heard this, he burst out laughing, "That little girl's calculations are really accurate!"

"This is not calculated!" Xiaonuituanzi puffed up his cheeks and shrugged his little nose, explaining: "Grandpa, you smell like medicine, it's for treating heart disease!"

"You can't drink alcohol because of your illness~"


The old man raised his arm and smelled it. He didn't smell any medicine at all. He looked at the little breast dumpling curiously and asked, "I haven't taken any medicine for a month. How did you smell it?"

Min Shenxing also leaned next to the old man and smelled it, but he couldn't smell it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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