Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 14: I want to take Xiao Naituanzi as my teacher

Chapter 14: I want to take Xiao Naituanzi as my teacher
"I'm bringing this kid to be my apprentice, can you take his place?"

Mr. Xu put his hands behind his back, blew his beard and glared at the two of them.


Liu Xiancheng and Master Wang looked at each other and asked doubtfully, "Who do you want to be your disciple?"

Mr. Xu held his head high and said, "Of course it's the little doctor who saved the Xu family's wife yesterday, the little baby girl who was following that boy from the Xiao family!"

When Liu Xian Cheng and Chief Wang heard this, they were both shocked!
Mr. Xu, who was once a royal physician in the palace, wanted his grandson to recognize a little baby as his master?

Is this world fantasy?
"Mr. Xu, have you made a mistake? I've seen that little baby, and she looks like she's only three or four years old. How can she be so skilled in medicine?" Liu Xiancheng clearly didn't believe it.

After saying that, he asked tentatively, "Is it possible that you have something to ask Mr. Xiao, so you asked Mr. Xu? You see, I am also a county magistrate. If you have anything to ask me, it will be the same!"


Mr. Xu stared at him disdainfully, "Old man, what else can I ask for from the Xiao family boy and you, the chief minister of Goutou County?"

"Get out of here quickly, don't delay my brat's auspicious opportunity to become a disciple!"

After saying that, Mr. Xu flicked his sleeves, snorted coldly, and walked into the Yamen first.

Xu Yan behind him stared at the two of them, and then followed Mr. Xu obediently.

At this moment, Liu Xian Cheng only felt a burning pain on his face. He had just finished saying that Xiaonuituanzi could not have saved Madam Xu, but he did not expect that the next second the rightful owner would come to worship Xiaonuituanzi as his teacher!
Isn't that hitting him in the face?

Seeing that Xiao Xian Cheng's face was not very good-looking and a little embarrassed, Chief Wang could only lower his head and shrink to one side.

Liu Xian Cheng looked back at him, then walked towards the county government office with his head held high.

As he walked away, he said, "It's not shameful for a great imperial doctor to ask his grandson to become a disciple of a little baby!"

Chief Wang followed behind, pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Sir, Mr. Xu is here with Mr. Xu." Lu Qing reported.

Hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan hurriedly stood up and walked out, obviously wanting to greet him in person.

Mr. Xu had a good relationship with the Xiao family when he was in Taiyuan Hospital. When he was young, he went to the battlefield with Duke Zhen, the first generation of the Xiao family, and saved his life.

As a junior, Xiao Jingxuan naturally had to go and greet him personally.

Not to mention, the Xu family's status in Yonglin is not low now, and they have a lot of say.

Xiao Jingxuan took Lu Qing out of the door. When he saw Mr. Xu and Xu Yan coming this way, he hurriedly bowed respectfully, "Mr. Xu!"

Mr. Xu waved his hand and raised his voice: "Xiao family boy, where is that little breast dumpling?"

Xiao Jingxuan was stunned for a moment, thinking that Mr. Xu was worried about Ran Ran, so he said: "Don't worry, Mr. Xu, Ran Ran is fine. I'd rather bother you to go there in person. It's really not right!"

"What shouldn't be done!"

Mr. Xu glared, "Hurry up and call out the little breast dumpling!"

Xiao Jingxuan heard this and glanced at Lu Qing, "Go and wake up Ran Ran and tell him that Mr. Xu is here!"


Lu Qing responded and turned to leave. He had just taken two steps when he heard Mr. Xu shout: "Wait!"

Lu Qing turned around and saw Mr. Xu pointing at Xiao Jingxuan and saying, "What are you waking up for? It's the time when the little breast dumpling is growing. If you dare to wake her up, old man, I'm in trouble with you!"

Xiao Jingxuan and Lu Qing: "."

Xu Yan behind him muttered, "Grandpa, that's not what you said when I was little. I got up before the fifth watch!"

When Mr. Xu heard this, he turned around and hit Xu Yan with a big chestnut, "Can you compare with a female doll?" "It's so embarrassing to grow so big and not be as good as a female doll!"

Xu Yan lowered his head, curled his lips and said nothing, acting like a quail.

Thinking of him, Xu Yan was also called a genius since he was a child. Suddenly, he
Alas, the world is unpredictable!
It's all because he accidentally missed it yesterday.

"Mr. Xu, if that's the case, then go to the front hall and wait for a while!" Xiao Jingxuan made an invitation gesture, then turned to Lu Qing and said: "Go and make tea!"


Several people went to the front hall, and just as they sat down, Liu Xian Cheng came with a big belly.

Xiao Jingxuan glanced at him lightly and said nothing!
"Master Xiao, why didn't you call out that little girl of yours? Why did you ask Mr. Xu to wait?" Liu Xian Cheng opened his mouth and asked.

But who would have thought that as soon as he finished speaking, he heard Mr. Xu retort, "What's the matter? Old man, I can wait as long as I want. What does it have to do with you? Your family lives by the sea? Are you so lenient?"

"I" Liu County Cheng choked.

Xiao Jingxuan glanced at him indifferently and said in a deep voice: "What? The spring plowing has just passed, is Liu Xiancheng free to do anything?"

When Liu County Cheng heard this, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, and he said with a smile on his face, "It's not yours to worry about, I will do my job well on my own!"

"Then please sort out the paperwork and tax collection status of the past two years. I would like to review it."

"Yes!" Liu County Cheng stood up and said, "I'll take my leave!"

As soon as Liu Xian Cheng left, Mr. Xu said: "You boy, after so many years, you still look so cold! No wonder this official keeps going back after so many years!"

"But your boy did give birth to a good daughter!"

Thinking of yesterday's small breast dumplings, Mr. Xu laughed and said, "That little girl looks quite similar to you!"

Xiao Jingxuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled lightly, "To be honest, Ran Ran is not my daughter, she was just rescued accidentally two days ago!"


Mr. Xu stood up in shock, "Isn't she your kid's daughter?"


Xiao Jingxuan told the truth, "Two photographers followed her two days ago and were rescued by Lu Qing. After she saw me, she kept calling me daddy."

"She has no father or mother. She said she grew up with her master. I'm already asking Lu Qing to find her master!"

Mr. Xu curled his lips and looked at Xiao Jingxuan with disdain, "There's no need to look for it, you can't find it even if you look for Po Tian!"

Xiao Jingxuan was confused, "Mr. Xu knows Ran Ran's master?"

Old Xu: "."

"You haven't even found out who her master is, so you're looking for her?" The wrinkles on Mr. Xu's old face showed disdain for Xiao Jingxuan.

Xiao Jingxuan didn't know why, "You can always find it if you look for it. Ranran is still so young, and his master will never leave her alone."

Mr. Xu waved his hand, "Don't waste your efforts. Just take good care of such a precious little egg. If you don't want to raise it, leave it to me, the old man!"

"Old man, I will treat her as an ancestor!"

Xiao Jingxuan: "."

Xu Yan: "."

"Grandpa, who is that little girl's master? Is he worthy of you? Don't embarrass my Xu family!" Xu Yan said.

(End of this chapter)

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