Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 15: My butt hurts when I mention this name!

Chapter 15: My butt hurts when I mention this name!
"Master Lokong!" Mr. Xu replied.

When he mentioned this name, Mr. Xu's face was full of reverence, and then he looked at Xu Yan with disgust, "Do you know who Master Kong is? He is a leading figure in our medical field."

Xu Yan has also been a doctor since he was a child, how could he not know this name!

At home, he has a copy of the acupuncture manual left by Master Kong Kong. Although it is a hand-copied version, his grandfather treasures it very much!

One time he was playful and accidentally dropped a book on the floor, and his butt was almost smashed!

Therefore, whenever he mentioned this name, he felt a pain in his butt!
"Grandpa, isn't this Master Kong over a hundred years old? Is he still alive?" Xu Yan asked uncertainly.

"You brat, you're itchy again, aren't you? What nonsense are you talking about!" Xu Laoyang was about to hit him.

Xu Yan jumped away and hid next to Xiao Jingxuan, he was so scared!
Xiao Jingxuan was also shocked by Mr. Xu's words. Although he did not study medicine, he had heard of the name "Master Liao Kong".

"Mr. Xu, is it possible that I made a mistake?"

Mr. Xu snorted coldly, "What? Don't you believe it? When that girl comes later, you can ask it yourself!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Ran Ran jumping in beside Lu Qing. Seeing Mr. Xu and Xu Yan rolling their eyes, she waved her chubby little hand towards Mr. Xu, " Hello grandpa! See you again!"

"Good, good, good."

When Mr. Xu saw Ran Ran, the wrinkles on his face blossomed with joy. He stood up and walked towards her.

"Little baby, have you slept well? Come, grandpa will help you take a look!"

Mr. Xu squatted in front of Ran Ran, looking as flattering as possible, and his expression as exaggerated as possible.

"Okay wow."

Ranran stretched out her little hand to let him feel his pulse, and her smile didn't nearly dazzle his old eyes.

Mr. Xu clasped her wrist with two fingers, and after a short while, he let it go. He said in surprise: "How come you, a little kid, are so strong inside!?"

Ranran bared her teeth and gave him a big smile, "Master taught me this!"

With that said, Ran Ran reached out and grabbed Mr. Xu's long white beard and pulled it.


Mr. Xu gasped in pain.

"Ran Ran!"

Xiao Jingxuan was startled and hurriedly called her.

Ran Ran turned her head and looked at Xiao Jingxuan innocently and confusedly with her big eyes open.

Xiao Jingxuan reprimanded in a low voice, "Don't be rude!"

Ran Ran pouted her little mouth and looked at Mr. Xu, looking a little pitiful.

When Mr. Xu saw it, he immediately glared at Xiao Jingxuan, "Why are you so fierce? If you scare the little girl and old man, I won't be done with you!"

After saying that, the expression on his face instantly changed to a loving one, and he grabbed Ranran's chubby little hand and moved it towards his white beard, "Come on, little baby likes grandpa's beard, pull it as you like!"

Everyone: "."

"Grandpa doesn't have eyebrows!" Xiaonuituanzi pouted and said, "My master does!"

When Mr. Xu heard this, he laughed and said, "If the little girl likes it, old man, how about I grow long eyebrows?"

"Well" Xiaonuituanzi thought for a moment and shook his head, "No! It's ugly!"

After saying that, Xiaonuituanzi took two steps back and looked up at Xiao Jingxuan, "Dad, have you had breakfast? Ranran is hungry!"

"This" Xiao Jingxuan looked at Mr. Xu and hesitated for a moment. Then he saw Mr. Xu standing up and said without blushing, "Old man, I'm hungry too, I want to eat too!"

Xu Yan's face was covered with black lines. The three bowls of noodles he had before coming here were really enough to feed the dog!
In order to please a small-breasted baby, this is a rhythm that doesn't even require moral integrity. "Ahem!" Xiao Jingxuan coughed lightly and looked at Lu Qing and ordered, "Lu Qing, bring the breakfast to the flower hall and invite Mr. Xu and Mr. Xu to have a meal together!"

"Yes, sir!" Lu Qing responded before retreating.

Breakfast was quickly placed on the table, and Xiao Jingxuan made a polite gesture of invitation, "Mr. Xu, please!"

Mr. Xu was not polite and sat down generously.

But he didn't take a few bites and kept bringing tea, water and steamed buns to Ran Ran.

Xu Yan stood behind him, his eyes almost rolling.

A well-respected old man, he forced himself to look like a useless "slave".

The corners of Xiao Jingxuan and Lu Qing's mouths couldn't stop twitching.

The small breast dumplings look like they should be taken for granted.

"Ran Ran, are you really Master Kong Kong's disciple?" Lu Qing couldn't help but ask.

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Jingxuan and Xu Yan both looked at Ran Ran.

"Hmm..." Ran Ran stuffed the bun into her mouth, her little face bulging like a squirrel, and she said vaguely, "The great monk seems to be called this."

"What about Master Kong? Where is he now?" Xu Yan asked.

He thought happily in his heart that he was quite talented in medicine. If he could become Master Kong's teacher, wouldn't his grandfather support him in the future?

Xu Yan couldn't help but laugh when he thought of the scene of being confessed by the old man.

"It's on the mountain!" Ran Ran replied casually.

When Xiao Jingxuan heard this, his eyebrows knitted together, and a hint of displeasure emerged in his heart.

How could Master Kong let a little baby go down the mountain alone! ?

What should I do if I encounter danger?
"So you went down the mountain alone?" Lu Qing asked uncertainly.

"Yes, yes!"

The small-breasted dumpling’s little head was little by little, and her eyebrows were creasing with a smile. She looked at everyone as if she was begging for praise, “Isn’t Ranran awesome!”


Mr. Xu was the first to agree and gave a thumbs up to Xiao Naituanzi, "You are young and have strong internal energy. There are not many people who can match you. Anyone who dares to bully you is asking for trouble!"

Ran Ran smiled, her plump little face filled with pride.

"My master said so too!"

After saying that, Ran Ran turned to look at Xiao Jingxuan again, and said in a sweet voice, "Master is so awesome. He said that Ran Ran would find her relatives after coming down the mountain. I found my father on the first day when I came down from the mountain~"

When Xiao Jingxuan heard this, he pursed his lips slightly and couldn't bear to tell her that he was not her father!
Mr. Xu snorted at Xiao Jingxuan with a sour tone, "Why can't such a thing as a daughter from heaven happen to my old man?"

Xu Yan curled his lips and couldn't help but hit him, "You don't even think about how old you are, and you still miss your daughter? The old rooster lays eggs, so shameless!"

"Bang!" Mr. Xu slapped the table, "Who are you talking about? The old man at least gave birth to your father's unlucky bastard. You are twenty years old and haven't even touched a woman's hand, right? ?”

"Who said that!" Xu Yan choked, his handsome face flushed but he was very unconvinced, "Isn't it the woman's hand? Who hasn't touched it yet?"

"What did you say!"

Mr. Xu stood up in disbelief, and with lightning speed, he pinched Xu Yan's ears, "You brat, tell me the truth, did you go out and cause trouble?"


(End of this chapter)

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