Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 150 Taiyi Divine Needle, meeting an acquaintance

Chapter 150 Taiyi Divine Needle, meeting an acquaintance


Xu Yan choked, swallowed, calmed down his mind, and then asked Xi Xi Ai Ai: "This acupuncture technique has been lost for a long time. I have only heard of it, but never seen it! Suddenly I heard that someone could use this acupuncture technique.’s inevitable to be a little excited!”

"So this is ah!"

The little breasted dumpling cooed, puffed up his little face, and said, "Master gave it to me!"

Xu Yan nodded.

Should have thought of it earlier!
Who is Master Liao Kong?There seems to be nothing strange about knowing the Taiyi Divine Needle!

As soon as Xu Yang was thinking this, he heard Xiao Naituanzi's milky voice saying: "The second master only has half of the acupuncture manual for this acupuncture method, and the other half is his own creation! The second master said that my acupuncture method is better than the original one." !”


Hearing this, Xu Yan almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Little girl, does she know what she is going to say?

Homemade acupuncture?

Some people never come up with any acupuncture techniques in their entire lives. How old is this little girl?Inventing your own acupuncture method?
The most important thing is that she said it so lightly and calmly!
As if to say, the weather is very good today!

Min Shenxing couldn't help laughing when he saw Xu Yan's shocked and speechless expression.

He didn't understand what the Taiyi Divine Needle was and what the Yi Divine Needle was, but looking at Xu Yan, he knew how different the Taiyi Divine Needle's acupuncture method was!

"Look at your surprised look, hanging around our Ran Ran, you have to get used to this!" Min Shenxing teased.

Xu Yan: "..."


This little girl is a freak!

Ordinary children are still scratching at the ground at the age of four, but they can make elixirs and practice medicine!

Is this something a normal child can do?

We are all human beings, so why are there so many differences between them?
In the past, he had always felt that he was extremely talented since he was a child, was arrogant and conceited, and did not take others seriously.

After getting to know Xiao Nai Tuanzi, I truly realized what it means that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are mountains beyond the mountains.

In front of a real master, Xu Yan is just a scumbag!

"Brother Xu, is the Taiyi Divine Needle very powerful? Do you want to learn it? Ran Ran can teach you!"

"But...can you teach me?" Min Shenxing was so excited that he began to speak incoherently, "But...but I...I am an outsider!"

"How can able to pass on your unique skills to an outsider?"


The little girl looked at Xu Yan in confusion, blinked her big confused and innocent eyes and asked in confusion: "Is there a distinction between insiders and outsiders when studying medicine?"

"But the second master said that when practicing medicine, it depends on whether it is an expert or a layman!"

"Those who know how to heal are experts, those who don't know how to heal are laymen!"

"Brother Xu knows medical skills, so you are an expert! Aren't you?"

"Uh..." Xu Yan nodded blankly.

"Oh, Master also said that after Ran Ran learns a skill, she must accumulate virtue and do good deeds!"

"This one person can save only a limited number of people in one day. But with ten people, there are many people that can be saved in one day~"

"Master also said that medical skills can save people, but they can also harm people! Ranran's medical skills can be passed on to good people who can do good things in the future~ Brother Xu and Grandpa Xu are good people!"

The little girl with small breasts spoke vividly, but her innocent appearance seemed to be engraved in Xu Yan's mind.His family's medical skills are passed down from ancestors, and many of their treatment methods are not passed down to outsiders. But now compared with Xiao Nai Tuanzi, their structure and thinking are too narrow.

Xiao Naituanzi and Master Lokong have a great love, which is called helping the world!And they can only be regarded as saving people!

Xu Yan stretched out his hand and rubbed Xiaotuanzi's head, with a faint smile on his lips, "You said this, you have to teach me well, and you are not allowed to cheat!"

"Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded heavily, and even took the initiative to stretch out his little finger to hook up with Xu Yan!

Xu Yan looked at her innocent and bright smile, and couldn't help but secretly swear in his heart that he, Xu Yan, would protect this little sister for the rest of his life and prevent her from being harmed in the slightest!

Xu Yan felt much more relaxed after knowing that Mr. Li would investigate this matter and that Zhou Yuan was out of the way!
I had a playful dinner with Xiao Nai Tuanzi and Min Shenxing, and then took her and Min Shenxing to visit the unique night market in Jianglin.

After buying her a lot of gadgets and some outfits, she returned to the inn.

The next day, just after breakfast, someone came from the Li family.

"Mr. Min, Mr. Xu, and Miss Ran Ran, our master has invited us!"

The person who came was none other than the housekeeper who was standing next to Mr. Li's family when they were at the beach yesterday - Li Laifu.

"Let's go and play!"

The little breasted dumpling looked relaxed and without the slightest worry in his heart, he jumped up and down and walked in the front.

Xu Yan and Min Shenxing seemed a little cautious and uneasy.

After all, in their hearts, the Li family can be regarded as the local emperors of Jianglin!They are going to see the emperor!

Seeing Xiao Naituanzi's heartless and ignorant appearance, the Li family's housekeeper also smiled with a smile on his face.

Such a cute little dumpling, no wonder the owner of the house is so curious about it.

"The head of the family knows that Miss Ranran likes to eat meat, so she had fresh food prepared early in the morning!" Butler Li said with a smile after getting on the carriage.


As soon as the little breasted dumpling heard that he was eating, he smacked his mouth and started drooling from his mouth.

"Yes!" Butler Li nodded, "They are all fresh things from the sea. The owner of the house said that Miss Ranran must have never eaten them! They have prepared a lot! Then you can eat as much as you like!"

"That's great!" Xiaonuituanzi showed his characteristics as a snack food to the fullest and said excitedly: "Then I have to thank Grandpa Li very much!"

Listening to Xiao Naituanzi's polite and sensible words, the housekeeper couldn't help but feel a little softer in his heart.

Not long after, the carriage slowly stopped at the entrance of the Li family's ancestral house.

The Li family's ancestral house does not seem to occupy a large area, but it is very grandly renovated, giving people a solemn and steady feeling.

It is said that the Li family has strict family rules. Except for the direct lineage, the other children of the family owner will move out of the ancestral home and separate themselves once they reach adulthood.

As soon as he jumped off the carriage, Xiaonuituanzi saw a familiar face - the eldest lady of the Yu family!

"Aunt Qing!"

The little breasted dumpling called her from a distance, then ran towards her happily and hugged her legs!
"Ran Ran?"

Mrs. Yu was stunned, looking at Xiaonuituanzi in surprise, and asked: "Why are you here? Who did you come to Jiang Lin with? Your mother?"

After saying that, he looked towards the carriage not far away.

When he saw Butler Li bringing Min Shenxing and Xu Yan down, he was a little confused about the situation.

"Mom is not here!" Xiao Naituanzi pointed to Xu Yan and Min Shenxing who were following behind, and said, "Ran Ran came with Brother Min and Brother Xu!"

"Come with them?"

Mrs. Yu also knows Xu Yan and Min Shenxing, but she is not very familiar with them!
She knew that Min Shenxing was now Ran Ran's bodyguard, but this little miracle doctor...

(End of this chapter)

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