Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 151 The flood washed the Dragon King Temple

Chapter 151 The flood washed the Dragon King Temple

"Mrs. Jade!"

Min Shenxing and Xu Yan bowed politely to Mrs. Yu at the same time.

Madam Yu also nodded politely.

"Qing'er, do you all know each other?"

At this time, Mrs. Yuda's biological father Li Quanluo seemed a little stunned and spoke out, with a little surprise and embarrassment in his tone.

The sixth master of the Li family, who was standing next to Li Quan, glanced at Butler Li, and the corners of his mouth could not stop twitching.

If we had known each other earlier, why would we have put in so much effort?

And he made such a fuss!

"Yes." Mrs. Yu nodded, her face was clear and her attitude was not enthusiastic, but her behavior was dignified and polite, and she said in a neutral tone: "Dad, Uncle Six! This little girl's name is Ran Ran. The daughter of Mr. Xiao, the newly appointed magistrate of Yonglin!"

"My daughter told you that at the Wu family equestrian meet, the horse suddenly went crazy! It was Ran Ran and her mother, Mrs. Xiao, who chased me out and protected me!"

Hearing this, Li Quan showed surprise and gratitude to Xiao Naituanzi, "Little girl, it turns out that you and your mother saved my daughter's life. Thank you!"

"Hehe, you're welcome~ Aunt Qing is also very nice to Ranran!" Xiao Naituanzi said.

Mrs. Yu gently touched the head of Xiao Naituanzi and continued to introduce them: "This young master is the son of the third master of the Min family in Yonglin. This older master is the grandson of Mr. Xu of Huichun Hall, and he is praised by many people." Little miracle doctor!”


In fact, they already knew each other's identity yesterday, but they didn't expect that they would know Madam Yu!
At this time, after listening to Mrs. Yu’s introduction, she couldn’t hide her embarrassment.

Xu Yan looked at Mr. Li Liu and followed Mrs. Yu's words and bowed to him.

I thought, with Mrs. Yu here, it would be easier to talk about this matter!

"Uncle Laifu, did my fifth uncle invite little miracle doctor Xu to see him?"

At this moment, Mrs. Yu asked abruptly, her tone still vaguely worried.

When she was young, she often came to play in her ancestral home, and her relationship with Mr. Li was quite close.

The reason he came here with his father this time was because he was going back to Yonglin and wanted to say goodbye!


Butler Li didn't know how to explain the current situation, so he smiled awkwardly and said, "Miss Qingyi, why don't we go in first and then talk!"

"Yes, yes, yes, let's go in first and then we'll talk after we come in!" Mr. Li Liu smiled and invited everyone into the house with the housekeeper.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Yu nodded, bent down and held the little breast dumpling in her arms, turned to look at Xu Yan and Min Shenxing, "You two gentlemen, please come to the room!"

Xu Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he looked at Mr. Li Liu, who was not even seen in person yesterday but was very attentive to them today.

It seems that there is really something fishy behind this matter!
After the host and guest entered, everyone sat down, and the little girl got some tea. After a while, Mr. Li and Mr. Li walked in calmly!

Everyone stood up to salute.

Mr. Li had changed his clothes at this time and looked completely different from yesterday!

Even the aura on his body changed accordingly, making people feel that he was beyond his reach.

When Min Shenxing saw him, his heart couldn't help but become a little tight!
He was obviously still the same person, but he always felt that after changing his clothes, he also changed into a different person!
Grandpa Li yesterday was kind, amiable and kind!

Today, Mr. Li is serious, solemn, and unattainable!
Mr. Li's eyes swept over everyone's faces one by one. When he saw Xiaonuituanzi and Mrs. Yu sitting together, and their relationship was somewhat close, his face couldn't help but twitch.

In just a moment, Mr. Li guessed everything about this matter.

This flood is going to wash away the Dragon King Temple!

When he glanced at Min Shenxing's body, the corner of his mouth twitched again, and he said with a tigerish face: "Boy from the Min family, you talked a lot yesterday, why don't you dare to fart now?"

Min Shenxing: "..."

If he had known that the old man was Mr. Li, he would not have dared to say so many words!
"Grandpa Li, I didn't know it was you yesterday, but I was a little presumptuous. Please forgive me!" Min Shenxing became serious and stood up to apologize to Mr. Li. "snort!"

Mr. Li snorted coldly!
"Grandpa Li, my brother Min is timid. You scared him with your stern face!" At this time, Xiao Nai Tuanzi suddenly said.

Hearing the soft and glutinous voice of Xiao Nai Tuanzi, Li Lao Yile joked: "You are quite brave, little girl! Why aren't you afraid of me?"

"Grandpa Li is just a paper tiger, Ran Ran is not afraid of him!" Xiao Naituanzi said with his neck raised high.

Everyone: "..."

Sure enough, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and the tigers dare to pluck their hair at will!
Mr. Li was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

"You little girl, you are the first person who dares to say that my old man is a paper tiger to my face!"

"Okay, okay, okay! Not bad!"

The little girl puffed up her little face, and smiled like a little kitten who had stolen fish. Her eyes were full of pride, "Who makes grandpa expect Ranran to drink!"

As soon as he said this, Mr. Li laughed again... He pointed at the little breast dumplings, his old eyes widened, and he said with a smile: "Little girl, you pinched someone by seven inches, you are really smart!"

The little breast dumpling replied with a sweet voice, "That's because Grandpa Li was willing to let Ran Ran squeeze it, so Ran Ran got it!"


"Come, come! Come!"

Mr. Li looked at Xiaonuituanzi curiously and waved to her, "Sit next to grandpa!"

Hearing this, the little girl jumped down from the stool next to Madam Yu, then ran towards Mr. Li and sat down next to him obediently.

As soon as he sat down, Xiao Naituanzi asked: "Grandpa Li, where is my brother Zhou Yuan?"


Mr. Li looked at Mr. Li Liu and asked, "Old Liu, where are you?"

"Fifth Uncle... Don't worry, this man is still in my house, and he has food and drink to provide. There is nothing wrong with him at all!" Mr. Li Liu said hurriedly.


Li Laoqing hummed, and then glared at him and Li Quan fiercely, "Explain to others! Why did you arrest someone else!"


Mr. Li Liu responded and immediately gave Li Quan a wink.

Li Quan sighed, glanced at Mrs. Yu, and then explained the whole story.

After saying that, he sincerely apologized to Xu Yan, "Don't worry, Mr. Xu, we haven't touched even a hair on your people! We just want to find the middle-grade alchemist!"

Madam Yu: "..."

She also didn't expect that the person her father arrested was actually Xu Yan's person.

And the middle-grade elixir was sent for auction by Xu Yan!

No wonder her father and Uncle Six looked a little strange when they were at the door. No wonder Xu Yan appeared here!

"Mr. Xu, I'm so sorry! My father did this all for me, for my poor child!" Madam Yu stood up, her eyes a little red, and her tone was almost pleading, "My son is in pain because of his leg, and he doesn't want to live. Several times, If we want to commit suicide, we have no other options, so we came up with this plan!"

"I just think that if the doctor can't cure it, maybe the alchemist will be able to do something about it!"

"So, can you tell us the whereabouts of this alchemist? Save my son's life?"

After saying that, Mrs. Yu bowed deeply to Xu Yan!

Xu Yan glanced at Xiao Naituanzi subconsciously.

He didn't expect that things would be like this!
The Li family arrested Zhou Yuan in order to find an alchemist to treat Young Master Yu!
(End of this chapter)

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