Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 152 The truth about Zhou Yuan’s arrest

Chapter 152 The truth about Zhou Yuan’s arrest
"Mrs. Yu, please get up first!" Xu Yan flattered her, looking a little embarrassed.

In fact, Master Jade's leg disease was something he had seen when he and his grandfather first returned to Yonglin.

That Young Master Jade just accidentally broke his leg, but he didn't know who connected his leg crookedly, causing his leg to become weak and unable to walk like a normal person.

After his grandfather saw it, he said that the leg bones needed to be broken again and the broken bones rejoined!
But a hundred days later, it seemed that there was no problem with the jade master's legs, but he was still unable to walk as before!Not only that, this person's legs will also hurt, and when the pain starts, it can kill someone!

Over the years, in the past few years, his grandfather would visit him every once in a while to study whether there were any treatment methods for him.

But in the past two years, Master Yu was kicked out of the door.

Regarding Young Master Yu's legs, he knew that the old man actually still had great regrets in his heart!
He didn't expect that after so many years, the Li family would be connected to Huichun Hall again in this way.

After thinking about it, Xu Yan said apologetically: "Mrs. Yu, I'm really sorry! That elixir was just asked by an alchemist to help me auction it! Now I can't tell you his whereabouts!"

He still felt pity for Mrs. Yu!

It is said that when she gave birth to those two children, she suffered a lot of sins, but it was unimaginable that one of the last two children died in infancy, and the other was about to die in infancy!

Mrs. Yu smiled bitterly when she heard this, and her tears fell uncontrollably. There was endless loneliness and pain in her eyes.

"Madam Yu, after returning to Yonglin, why not let Ran Ran show it to your young master!" Xu Yan looked at Ran Ran and said.

"Ran Ran?"

Mrs. Yu's eyes were red and she looked towards Xiao Naituanzi in confusion.

The little girl gave Mrs. Yu a sweet smile and said in a sweet voice: "Aunt Qing, Ranran can also treat people!"

Mrs. Yu pursed her lower lip slightly and said nothing.

That day at the Wu Family Racecourse, even though I knew Ran Ran was extraordinary, I saw that she was very experienced in handling the injuries and sprains on Jin Ling's hands.

But despite this, she did not consider Ran Ran to learn medical skills.

A little girl who is less than five years old, no matter how good her medical skills are, can she be better than Mr. Xu, who has been practicing medicine for decades?
Her child could no longer withstand the blow of hope turning into disappointment!
Seeing that Mrs. Yu didn't seem to believe it and was a little worried, Xu Yan said directly: "Ran Ran studied under Master Kong, and her medical skills are higher than mine and grandpa's! To tell you the truth, my old man once asked me to worship Ran Ran as my doctor. Master! It’s just that Ran Ran didn’t agree!”

Everyone: "..."

Everyone sitting here has heard about Mr. Xu's reputation and temperament.

Do you want your grandson to become a disciple of a little girl?

If there isn't something wrong with her brain, I'm afraid this little girl really has extraordinary abilities!
Mrs. Yu was shocked when she heard this, her voice was trembling and she was doubtful, "Mr. Xu, this is not a joke!?"

"Don't worry, Mrs. Yu. Although I usually look a little out of character and unconvincing! But in terms of medical skills, I will never joke about such things!" Xu Yan said seriously.

After speaking, she laughed at herself, "Mrs. Yu has been in Yonglin all year round, so she must be familiar with me. I have been gifted since I was a child, and I have always been proud of my medical studies! I think no one is as talented as me. ! I have always looked down upon ordinary illnesses and doctors!"

"This little girl, I had a little conflict with her the first time we met!"

"The third wife of the Xu family gave birth to a baby on the street. If this little girl hadn't come to the rescue, she would have been dead! At that time, even my grandfather shook his head and said there was no cure! But now, not only did the third lady of the Xu family give birth to twins, , people are still alive and well."

"I have to admit that this little girl's medical skills are better than ours!" "In addition, Mrs. Yu can also go to the county government office to see Xiao Fourth Uncle, that is, Ran Ran's fourth uncle, Xiao Jingzhe, the iron-blooded strategist of the Xiao family army back then! After his leg was disabled, many people felt sorry for him, but these days, he has gradually recovered under Ran Ran's treatment."

"There are many more examples like this! Not to mention, Mr. Li should have learned Ran Ran's medical skills yesterday, right?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes turned to Mr. Li with curiosity.

Did the little baby even see a doctor for his old boss?
After hearing what Xu Yan said, Mr. Li showed more appreciation for him and said loudly: "If this little girl can really make me drink in the future, my old man will believe in her medical skills!"

Everyone: "..."


Upon hearing this, Mr. Li immediately became serious and said, "You can't make fun of your body!"

"Go! Go! Go!"

When Mr. Li saw Mr. Li's expression, he immediately felt unhappy, "I tell you! I have tolerated you for a long time! You hid all my wine and didn't let me drink it! I tell you, this is unfilial!"

"I'm doing this for your own good too!"

"Bah! Damn it! It's for my own good!" Mr. Li didn't want any image anymore, and he swore directly, "You only fucking say one thing all day long that it's for my own good, and people stare at me every day. Just like staring at the prisoner! Is this for me?"

"Without alcohol, life is more miserable than death!"

Mr. Li: "..."

Isn't there nothing he can do?Do you want him to watch his own father die?
"Little girl, just treat me! As long as I can drink, I will be satisfied if I only have one day to live!" Li Lao said.

"Grandpa Li, don't worry, grandpa can live a long life!" Xiao Naituanzi smiled and said, "Grandpa Li has a kind nature and has accumulated a lot of merits. Good people will be rewarded! "


When Mr. Li heard this, he couldn't help laughing again.

This little girl's mouth really knows how to talk.


Mr. Li looked at such a little glutinous rice dumpling and still couldn't believe her medical skills!
She was afraid that if she were not careful, the old man would lose his life.

"Master Li, let Ran Ran be treated by Mr. Li! I will guarantee my life. Ran Ran will never have any problems!" Xu Yan stood up and said firmly.

"That's right! I believe in Ran Ran too! If Xu Yan's life is not enough, just add mine!" Min Shenxing also stood up and promised.

Mr. Li glanced at the two men faintly and snorted coldly: "What's the point of taking your lives! If something goes wrong, you two can't even get your lives back!"

Xu Yan & Min Shenxing: "..."

"Okay, old man, I have the final say in my own affairs. If something happens to me, I'll admit it, old man! Just remember to give me a sip of wine before you die!"

Mr. Li stood up and made the final decision!
(End of this chapter)

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