Chapter 153 Mr. Li’s purpose!

"Brother, I think it's better than this. Let's invite all the famous doctors from Jianglin. With these people watching, you'll feel more at ease, right?"

At this time, Mr. Li Liu mentioned something.

"Please, please, I believe this little girl!" Mr. Li shouted dissatisfied. At this time, he was just like a little old man having a bad temper.

"Fifth Uncle, I'm worried about your safety when I do this!" Li Quan echoed and advised.

In fact, he wanted to verify how capable this little guy was!

If the old master's mental illness can be cured, perhaps his grandson's little girl can also be cured.

"Little girl, what do you think?"

Mr. Li left this decision to Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

"Okay, okay!" Xiaonuituanzi didn't have the slightest objection, but looked very interested.

Isn't it just that a few more people are watching?
She doesn’t mind either!

"Ran Ran!"

Xu Yan was a little unhappy when he heard this. In his opinion, this was a sign of distrust in Xiaotai Tuanzi.

When the little girl heard Xu Yan's voice, she gave him a sweet smile. Such a heartless look made Xu Yan shake his head inwardly.

This little girl was bullied and still smiled and asked for money.

Mr. Li looked at Xu Yan and nodded inwardly.

This guy really cares about the little girl!

However, in order to reassure the boss and the sixth child, Mr. Li still ordered: "Laifu, please ask someone to invite those doctors over!"

"Yes." Butler Li nodded in response.

When he went out, Mr. Li glanced at him faintly. Butler Li nodded slightly and went out.
While waiting, everyone in the living room was quiet except for the voices of Xiao Naituanzi and Mr. Li chatting and laughing.

When Mr. Li saw Xiaonuituanzi, he could make Mr. Li laugh with just a few words, and he felt a lot more happy about her.

This little mouth is so sweet, no wonder the old man was full of praises for her and felt happy.

Ever since he was diagnosed with heart disease, the old man hasn't smiled like this for a long time.

About half an hour later, Butler Li ushered in more than a dozen doctors one after another.

Look at the age of these doctors, the minimum is forty, the older ones are upwards of sixty.

Each of them is carrying a medicine box, some are calm, some are elegant, some are arrogant, some are immortal... In short, they all dress up in different ways, but they all match the image of a doctor.

Before coming, Butler Li had already told them that Xiao Naituanzi was going to treat Mr. Li's heart disease.

Therefore, as soon as these people came in, their eyes all fell on Xiaotai Tuanzi, some were looking at her, some were disdainful, some were surprised, some were curious... everything.

"Little girl, Butler Li said that you want to treat Mr. Li's heart disease? Do you know what heart disease is?" As soon as he came in, someone couldn't help but said it first.

The tone was clearly filled with disdain and contempt.

The little girl blinked and listened to the man's words. She puffed up her cheeks and asked without answering: "Uncle, do you know how many types of bad breath disease there are? Which type do you belong to?"

After saying that, Xiaonuituanzi looked at the doctor with burning eyes, waiting for his answer.

She could tell that this uncle was clearly questioning her and didn't believe her!
Master said, there is no need for her to be polite to people who are rude to her!


The doctor was immediately choked by Xiao Nai Dumpling. Just as he was about to reply, he heard Xiao Nai Dumpling's voice ringing again.

"Uncle doctor, this bad breath syndrome is not necessarily caused by a problem in your mouth. It may also be caused by a problem in your five internal organs, your stomach~"

"It's no use just clearing up the anger, you have to pay attention to your diet and digestion!" After saying that, Xiaotai Dumpling didn't forget to show her a sweet and innocent smile.

Upon hearing this, the doctor's face suddenly turned red and turned the color of pig liver.

At the same time, I was also a little scared inside. How on earth could this little girl see his illness from such a distance?

In the past two days, he really got angry, and his mouth was blistered. He took some medicine to reduce the heat, but his mouth still smelled bad and bitter!
In order to conceal himself, he also deliberately put some medicine in his mouth to freshen his breath.

Along the way, none of the other doctors noticed this problem at all.

Unexpectedly, this little girl pointed out with bloodshed!
Others thought her words just now were sarcastic, but only he knew that this little girl was indeed not simple.

At least...he couldn't find out the cause of his illness just by looking at him from such a distance.

Immediately, he stopped talking.


Xu Yan, Min Shenxing and Mrs. Yu couldn't help laughing when they heard Xiao Naituanzi's words.

Xu Yan, in particular, was obviously relieved!
It seems that he is worrying too much!

This little girl was bullied, and she was not the kind of person to sit on the ground and cry.

The other doctors didn't know why, but they couldn't help but frowned, thinking that Xiaonuituanzi was mocking the doctor who just spoke, and they all felt unhappy.

However, the doctor himself said nothing, and it was hard for them to help him.


Mr. Li put his hand to his lips and coughed softly. He looked like he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. He tried hard to maintain his image and said loudly: "I invite you all to come. I'm not here to listen to your debate about what is right." Heartbroken!"

"Everyone, please sit down!"

After hearing this, all the doctors sat down one by one.

At this time, Mr. Li continued: "You have all seen my father before, and you all know my father's condition! Before coming here, the housekeeper must have told you the purpose of coming here, right? "


All the doctors nodded in unison.

But someone immediately raised a question, "Master Li, a young girl can cure diseases? How many words does she know? Is she familiar with the medical encyclopedia? Do you know what medicinal materials are?"


Mr. Li glanced at the little breast dumplings and pretended to hesitate.

"Doctor Wang, I believe in Ranran's medical skills. You are not here to question her!"

At this time, Mr. Li said calmly, and his tone was full of protection for Xiao Naituanzi.

After saying that, he gave Mr. Li a cold look.

Mr. Li felt a chill in his heart, and immediately nodded, raising his chin slightly, but did not say anything.

"Mr. Li, this little girl is as cute as Yuxue. She's so soft and waxy that it makes people happy to see her! You can keep her by your side for fun, but don't let her take care of you. Life is a joke!" At this time, another doctor said.

"Yes, yes!" Other doctors agreed!
"Mr. Li, you must think twice! How can a three- or four-year-old baby who is still drinking milk at home know medical skills?"

"That's right, don't lie about your medical skills just because you know a few medicinal herbs!"

"No! I have been practicing medicine for decades, but I don't dare to say that I can cure a disease like heart disease. A little baby... I am not afraid of choking myself if I say such big words!"

"Some people have grown older for nothing! But their medical skills have remained the same for decades! If they don't improve themselves, they think everyone is like them! They are blind, stuck in their ways, and arrogant. No wonder their medical skills are no longer good!"

Xu Yan really couldn't stand hearing these people's slander about Xiaotiao Tuanzi, so he stood up and mocked her mercilessly.

(End of this chapter)

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