Chapter 154 Xu Yan gets angry

"You! Who are you? You're just talking nonsense here at such a young age!"

All these doctors looked extremely ugly.

Among these people, any one of them could be Xu Yan's father if he stood up at that age!It's strange that he can bear such ridicule by a junior!

"Junior Xu Yan, Yonglin Huichun Hall, the grandson of Xu Zhongxiang! This junior is not talented. He has been familiar with medical books since he was five years old, knows hundreds of medicinal materials, and can treat people by himself at the age of ten!"

Xu Yan put one hand behind his back and the other on his waist. His back was straight, and his words were full of pride.

"Although I am not as young as you, I have been practicing medicine for ten years! In terms of medical skills, I think I am no worse than you! In terms of experience, I think I have quite a lot!"

"Some people practice medicine at the age of five and can accumulate 20 years of experience at the age of 15. Some people practice medicine at the age of 30 and can accumulate ten years of experience at the age of 40!"

"What? Are you here today trying to judge your medical skills based on your age? In that case, I'm not very talented, but I still want to discuss it with you!"

After Xu Yan finished speaking, the doctors all closed their mouths one by one.

Huichun Hall, Xu Zhongxiang, and Mr. Xu’s reputation are all familiar to the doctors present!That was the miracle doctor who was personally appointed by the ancestor emperor back then.

They had also heard of Xu Yan, whose name had been spread in the capital back then.

It is said that he started practicing medicine independently at the age of ten, but when he was seven or eight years old, he was already seeing patients under Mr. Xu's nose.

If such people really want to argue, they may not be able to pass it off.


At this time, Mr. Li coughed slightly again and said with a little embarrassment: "Everyone, my father is the backbone of the Li family, and his safety is naturally the most important thing to us."

"Even though this little girl Ran Ran is young, she is highly praised by the little miracle doctor Xu. There is no doubt that her medical skills are good!"

When Xu Yan heard what Mr. Li said, his brows furrowed again.
A sentence he admired!
Isn't it just implying that he doesn't actually believe Ran Ran, but it's just because of his promise?
Before he could speak, Mr. Li smiled kindly and continued: "We invite you all here today just... just in case!"

Xu Yan: "..."

"Xu little miracle doctor, this is your fault! I admire your medical skills! We won't judge! But this little your medical skills are, you cannot alone have the final say! "

"That's right!" Others nodded in agreement.

"What is Mr. Li's identity? How can he just let others treat his illness casually? Who will be responsible if something goes wrong?"

"No! Doctor Xu, this real gold is not afraid of fire. Whether this little girl can cure Mr. Li's heart disease, we will know after careful consideration!"

"That's right! Treating diseases and rescuing people is not about wearing clothes and eating. You can't mess around! Mr. Li has concerns, so let's try it again!"


Hearing what these people said, Xu Yan's heart surged with anger. He looked straight at Master Li and said in a deep voice, "Master Li, what do you think?"

When Mr. Li saw Xu Yan's appearance, he clearly understood his purpose.

But things have already been done, and he... "What are the considerations? My old man believes in this little girl!" Mr. Li said with some resentment.

After saying that, he glared at Mr. Li fiercely.

The old man knew what his son was thinking.

"Ran Ran, let's go! We won't stay here anymore!"

Mr. Li said, pulling the little breast dumplings to leave!


Seeing this, Mr. Li quickly stopped him!
He said in a deep voice: "What these doctors said is absolutely correct! They are just comparing their medical skills with each other, so what does it matter?"

"I bother!"

Mr. Li spat directly at his eldest son, "What kind of competition in medical skills!?"

"If I don't expose you, you'll just pretend to be stupid for me, right?"

"When is it not okay to compete in medical skills? Is it at this time?"

"You are clearly doubting, questioning and disbelieving Ran Ran!"

"I'm telling you, anyone who has the ability and temperament can't stand you! You are clearly humiliating me!"

Mr. Li moved his lower lip, lowered his head and said, "Dad, you often teach your son to think twice before doing anything, and to investigate everything before making a judgment!"

"It's about your life, how can I only believe someone else's words?"

"It would be fine if the person standing in front of us is a famous doctor! But...but she is just a little baby!"

"Why is such a small baby still wetting the bed when others are still doing it? Do you want your son to believe that she can cure diseases and save people?"


Mr. Li was instantly choked by Mr. Li!
"Mr. Li, since Mr. Li doesn't believe us, let's leave first. Excuse me!"

At this time, Xu Yan came over, took Xiaotuanzi's hand with a serious expression, bent down and picked her up, and walked out of the door.

He promised that he had been proud since he was a child!

People always ask them to come to their homes for healing, and they never rush to heal others!

Since you don’t believe them, it’s okay not to treat them!

He could understand calling so many people over to watch for fear of an accident!
But to ask these people to come here to question Ranran's medical skills and to consider her is to humiliate her!
He promised that he would never let such a thing happen!
no way!

(End of this chapter)

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